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The jurisprudence of Imam Yahya bin Moin through his history

Jurisprudential rulings were not once restricted to anyone. Even if some prominent imams were famous in one science, this does not mean that some of them were not very knowledgeable and well versed in another science, but he did not know much about it, given his fame in the first science in which he emerged. It prevailed over him until he became known only through him, and there are a large number of these people, and among them is our imam, the great critic Yahya bin Ma’in, may God be pleased with him. Many people, and even scholars, know about him except that he is the only imam in jarh and ta’deel, and on his words and the words of his strike are relied upon. In terms of the authenticity and weakness of the hadith, he is in this field the most famous and knowledgeable of fire, and in this field he is the first in it. The insult has meaning, as his words in this art are like cold water to the thirsty person

And the cool Katsim in the days of spring.

This is what is known about the Imam of al-Jarh wal-Ta'deel. As for him being a great jurist and scholar who is diligent, this is what most people do not know. However, he had his own ijtihad, even if they were not as numerous as is the case for the imams of ijtihad and fatwas in terms of number, but he had them. Opinions on a number of jurisprudential issues, and if this indicates anything, it indicates that he worked diligently within a limited scope, given that most of his attention was directed to knowledge.

The first one in which he excelled and emerged was wounding and modification.

This came to my mind and came to my mind to conduct a jurisprudential study of his opinions, after I learned that his book, known as the History of Ibn Ma’in, contains some jurisprudential opinions. This was when I read the book Explanation of the Causes of Al-Tirmidhi. The investigator mentioned in his talk about the most important books in knowing the causes, And Al-Jarh and Al-Ta'deel, so he mentioned that in this book there are some jurisprudential opinions that express the opinion of the jurists of the people of Kufa, then he quoted some of those without mentioning that he was a jurist, so I returned to the history of Ibn Ma'in with a narration.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
(Novels) Idiom , evolution and properties in the light of critic Shugaa Muslim Al-Aani

A critics ,Shugaa Muslim Al-Aany, has specific critical principles in his branch
classifications for the type of the novel that is linked with its sources and what is adopted
of critical approaches and curriculums. The novel by its type as a literary one has
occupied Al-Any's critical importance very much ,he has divided it historically according
to its historical development ,the impact of dr.Abd Al-Muhassen Tha Badr's divisions on
Al-Any cannot hidden.
In his speech about the origin of novel and story art generally , Al-Any becomes
between the acknowledgement of the affect of Al-Mgma in rising of this art and denied its
affect at last. He has classified the novel also as a stylistic classification:(an impression

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Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development

Baqubah city has grown extremely rapidly. The rate of growth exceeds the growth of services that must grow side by side with the growth of population. There are natural features that affect the growth of Baqubah city such as Dieyala river, Alssariya river, in addition to agricultural areas .All these natural features affect the growth of Baqubah city in the running form being seen . In this research the remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques are used for monitoring urban expansion and forecasting the probable axes to the growth of the city, and found that the probability of Baqubah growth to east is preferred due to Baqubah growth to the east would never interfere with natural features. Also in this res

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Dentistry
The effect of osseodensification on implant stability and bone density: A prospective observational study

Background: The aims of this study were to evaluate the effect of implant site preparation in low-density bone using osseodensification method in terms of implant stability changes during the osseous healing period and peri-implant bone density using CBCT. Material and methods: This prospective observational clinical study included 24 patients who received 46 dental implants that were installed in low-density bone using the osseodensification method. CBCT was used to measure the bone density pre- and postoperatively and implant stability was measured using Periotest® immediately after implant insertion and then after 6 weeks and 12 weeks postoperatively. The data were analyzed using paired t-test and the probability value <0.05 was conside

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
An Investigation into Thermal Performance of Mist Water System and The Related Consumption Energy

Experimental tests were conducted to investigate the thermal performance (cooling effect) of water mist system consisting of 5μm volume median diameter droplets in reducing the heat gain entering a room through the roof and the west wall by reducing the outside surface temperature due to the evaporative cooling effect during the hot dry summer of Baghdad/Iraq. The test period
was Fifty one days during the months May, June, and July 2012. The single test day consists of 16 test hours starting from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. The results showed a reduction range of 1.71 to 15.5℃ of the roof outside surface temperature and 21.3 to 76.6% reduction in the daily heat flux entering the room through the roof compared with the case of not using w

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 24 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Laser energy effect on the properties of ZnS thin films prepared by PLD technique

Zinc sulfide (ZnS) thin films were deposited on glass substrates using pulsed laser deposition technique. The laser used is the Q-switched Nd: YAG laser with 1064nm wavelength and 1Hz pulse repetition rate and varying laser energy 700mJ-1000mJ with 25 pulse. The substrate temperature was kept constant at 100°C. The structural, morphological and optical properties of ZnS thin films were characterized with X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscope (AFM) and UV-VIS spectrophotometer.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Nuclear structure study of some tin isotopes using the self-consistent mean field method

Hartree-Fock calculations for even-even Tin isotopes using
Skyrme density dependent effective nucleon-nucleon interaction are
discussed systematically. Skyrme interaction and the general formula
for the mean energy of a spherical nucleus are described. The charge
and matter densities with their corresponding rms radii and the
nuclear skin for Sn isotopes are studied and compared with the
experimental data. The potential energy curves obtained with
inclusion of the pairing force between the like nucleons in Hartree-
Fock-Bogoliubov approach are also discussed.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Compound fractures of the hand metacarpals and phalanges treated by using mini-external fixator

Background: A review of articles of method in treating compound phalangeal fractures by using mini-external fixator, elaborating the anatomy, mechanics, modalities of treatment, and complications of these types of fractures. Also, it compares between different studies regarding the functional results and final outcome. External fixation of phalangeal fractures is a good method for osteo synthesis in certain situations. The simplicity of the surgical procedure and the minimal disruption of the normal bone architecture also make it appealing. Objectives: Evaluating the functional results of the use of mini-external fixator for the treatment of compound fractures of phalangeal bones of the hand. Method: Our study consists of 15 patients, 12 we

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 02 2023
Journal Name
8th Engineering And 2nd International Conference For College Of Engineering – University Of Baghdad: Coec8-2021 Proceedings
Using WO3/AlPO4 as a solid catalyst for the transesterification of waste edible oils

AlPO4 catalysts supported with WO3 were prepared by impregnating the catalysts with ammonium metatungstate. The catalysts were checked by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), AFM, and SEM; also, the catalysts analysis was done by X-Ray (EDX). Finally, the N2 adsorption-desorption was used to measure the pore volume and surface area of the catalyst. The prepared catalyst has a surface area of 185.83 m2/g, pore volume of 0.645 cm3/g at a calcination temperature of 500°C for 3 hrs, and particle size of AlPO4 with an average of 35.36 nm. Transesterification of edible oil using WO3/AlPO4 was performed, it was observed that WO3/AlPO4 catalysts give high conversion of edible oil, and this is attributed to the high surface area, smaller particle size, and the

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Fire Flame Influence on the Behavior of reinforced Concrete Beams Affected by Repeated Load

The influence and hazard of fire flame are one of the most important parameters that affecting the durability and strength of structural members. This research studied the influence of fire flame on the behavior of reinforced concrete beams affected by repeated load. Nine self- compacted reinforced concrete beams were castellated, all have the same geometric layout (0.15x0.15x1.00) m, reinforcement details and compressive strength (50 Mpa). To estimate the effect of fire flame disaster, four temperatures were adopted (200, 300, 400 and 500) oC and two method of cooling were used (graduated and sudden). In the first cooling method, graduated, the tested beams were leaved to cool in air while in the second method, sudden, water splash was use

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology &amp; Applied Science Research
Numerical Modeling of a Pile Group Subjected to Seismic Loading Using the Hypoplasticity Model

Various simple and complicated models have been utilized to simulate the stress-strain behavior of the soil. These models are used in Finite Element Modeling (FEM) for geotechnical engineering applications and analysis of dynamic soil-structure interaction problems. These models either can't adequately describe some features, such as the strain-softening of dense sand, or they require several parameters that are difficult to gather by conventional laboratory testing. Furthermore, soils are not completely linearly elastic and perfectly plastic for the whole range of loads. Soil behavior is quite difficult to comprehend and exhibits a variety of behaviors under various circumstances. As a result, a more realistic constitutive model is

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