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Grammarians’ opinions on stopping and tilting in Al-Kanz by Al-Wasiti
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Praise be to God, and may blessings and peace be upon our master and Prophet Muhammad and those who follow him, and may God be pleased with him

Taha is my guardian and whoever follows their path until the Day of Judgment. And after... The book (The Treasure in the Ten Recitations), written by Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Abd al-Wasiti, who died in the year 710 AH, is considered one of the important books in recitations: because it included the universal custom that it contained in the books Al-Taysir by Al-Dani and Al-Irshad by Al-Falanisi, as the first of them was specialized.

Satisfy the second with the ten readings

May God bless my time, through His grace and generosity, to achieve this treasure and to publish it in the year 2004 AD at the Al-Masry Press in Palmyra, in parts. Each part is approximately four hundred pages. The first part included my study of this book, in which I presented the author’s life and a description of the book’s manuscript, along with a study of the linguistic and grammatical issues included in some of the readings contained in it. . Upon reviewing this study, I saw that I did not touch upon the phenomena of pausing and tilting in the proverbs, and they are worthy of attention and study in their own research. So, this research was in which I introduced the definition of them in the mediation of the author of the blocks, with a balance between him and the linguists and grammarians. This is the mainstay of this research. As for the representation of these two phenomena, I did not expand or do more of it, but rather stopped at some of the evidence, which gives a picture of what the people of the language and grammarians said about it. It is no secret to every student of Minya that pausing and tilting in recitations are important and closely related to grammar and Arabic sounds.

In my work, I did not intend to investigate all the cases of pauses and slanting in the book Al-Kinza, for fear of prolonging it and deviating from the prescribed volume of academic research, and avoiding repetition in the introduction of consonant letters. Likewise, I did not divide the research into chapters and sections, as is the custom among scholars and researchers, because that is not possible. Rather, I divided it into subtitled paragraphs, under which some

Its molecules and evidence.

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Nb Addition on Hardness and Wear Resist of Cu-Al-Ni Shape Memory Alloy Fabricated By Powder Metallurgy
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Cu-Al-Ni shape memory alloy specimens has been fabricated using powder metallurgy technique with tube furnace and vacuum sintering environment , three range of Nb powder weight percentage (0.3,0.6,0.9)% has been added. Micro hardness and sliding wear resist has been tested followed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscope (EDX) for micro structure observation. The experimental test for the samples has showed that the increase of Nb powder weight percentage in the master alloy has a significant effect on increasing the hardness and decreasing the wear resist therefore it will enhance the mechanical properties for this alloy.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
US Policy Image Regarding the Middle East Region as Reported by the Iraqi Newspapers (An Analytical Study of the Public Opinion in Editorials: Al-Sabah, Al-Mashriq and Tariq Al-Shaab Papers Over the Period from 1st of July to 30th of September 2013)
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The present study is an attempt to throw light on the nature of the US policy regarding the Middle East region as portrayed by AI-Sabah, Al-Mashriq and Tariq Al-Shaab papers over a period of three months from 1st of July to 30th of September 2013.

In writing this study, a number of goals have been set by the researcher. These goals may include but in no way limited to the nature of the US image as carried by the above three papers, the nature of the topics tackled by them and the nature of the Arab countries which received more and extensive coverage than others.

A qualitative research approach is proposed for the study. This approach has allowed the researcher to arrive at definite answers for the possible questions rais

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Psychological Speech Structure in Nahj Al-Balaghah
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The research is a contemporary stylistic study of the text that expresses the psychological
meanings in Nahj Al-Balaghah.
The research is divided to three chapters.
The first chapter : characteristics of psychological text.
It is about the power to influence the addressee ,that is to say ,the text influence power
connects with vulnerability and emotions inside the addressee spirit and his response to
violent effects shaking his feelings and that is represented in outbreaking of words vitality and
homogeneously. The Imam's wrath , grief , love to rightness , hatred of falsehood and
deviation from Islam arouses the words and emotions through :
1. Reduction in words and expansion in meaning by means of inspiration

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Miraculous character in Fadhil Al-Azzawi's Novels
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this research adopts the study of experimentational fiction in the characters for the writer Fadhil Al-Azzawi ,which appear in the miraculous characters that the writer creates in his enumerative paragraphs , and these characters are featured by there reveling on traditions which is prevalent in the formation of these characters, The research also included theoretical beginning foe experimental fiction and miraculous characters, followed by analysis and examination of these characters in the writer`s texts, finishing by an epilogue for the results of the research , giving the references and resources we depended on writing this research .

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Scientific miracle in the verse walking and eating In Surat Al - Mulk
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The research includes the study of the scientific miracle in the verse: (It is the one who made you the earth humiliation and walked in their positions and eat from the living and to the publication of the human body and in the Qur'an) And mental and spiritual. The research also pointed to the tight link between the miracle of the precedent in the Holy Quran and the miracle of the divine power in the book of the Infinite Universe to give each miracle testimony of delivery and ratification of the other. The research included after the introduction, the first topic included four demands, which included basic concepts: - Definition of scientific miracle and its importance in the Koran, and the significance of the universal verses in the Kor

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Natural radioactivity survey in Al-Jabal Al-Gharbi Mountain Region Libya
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The measurement of natural radioactivity in a given region or country is essential to provide a reference base-line map to follow up a possible variation in future. In order to perform such measurement, the natural radioactivity was measured in different locations. The locations (50 sites) were distributed over Al-Jabal Al-Gharbi Mountain, starting from the city Al-Azeeziah in the eastern part to Wazen on the Tunisian border in the west. The measurements showed obvious variation from one site to another. The levels were fluctuating from (12.8 counts/minute) in Bir-Ayad to (45.7 counts/minute) in Gherian.
In order to investigate the cause for such variation, samples were collected from (27) sites for detailed study. The levels of natur

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Health Educational Program on Nurses' Knowledge toward Children Pneumonia in Al-Amara City Hospitals
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Objective(s): The present study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Health educational program on nurses' knowledge toward children pneumonia at Al-Amara City hospitals..

 Methodology: A quasi –experimental study design two-study group (pretest-posttest 1 and posttest 2) carried out at Alzahrawy Hospital and Child and maternity hospital in Al Amara City to identify the effectiveness of the Health educational program on Nurses Knowledge toward Children pneumonia; the study was conducted between 1 of September 2019 to 1 of April 2020. A Purposive (Non-probability) sample is chosen for the present study. The size of sample is (60) nurses divided into two gr

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 06 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Health Educational Program on Nurses' Knowledge toward children pneumonia in Al-Amara City Hospitals
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Objective(s): The present study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Health educational program on nurses' knowledge toward children pneumonia at Al-Amara City hospitals..


Methods: A quasi –experimental study design two-study group (pretest-posttest 1 and posttest 2) carried out at Alzahrawy Hospital and Child and maternity hospital in Al Amara City to identify the effectiveness of the Health educational program on Nurses Knowledge toward Children pneumonia; the study was conducted between 1 of September 2019 to 1 of April 2020. A Purposive (Non-probability) sample is chosen for the present study. The size of sample is (60) nur

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Employment of Narrative Tradition In the Polemic Poems of Jarir , Al-Farazdaq and Al-Akhtal
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The present study is an attempt to show how the three Umayyad poets ; Jarir , Al-
Farazdaq and Al-Akhtal have consciously and skillfully employed in their poetry som ancient
Arab legends ,historical events and wars as they provide atrue image of the values and
customs of the peoples who lived before them .
Their employed , how ever, takes avarying degrees depending, to alarge extent , an the
vast but personal knowledge of each poet the past tradition , and practices . Jarir ,in many
respects out , stands the first , Al-Farazdaq , the second and Al-Akhtal , the third .

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
Journal Name
Numbers and Its Uses in the Al-Abbass Holy Shrine
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The present research studies numbers and its uses in the Islamic ornament. The study consists of four chapters; the first is dedicated to the problem of the research, the value of the study, and the aim of the study, and its limit. The problem of the study deals with the uses of numbers in Islamic ornament and how these numbers were used for aesthetic purposes. What are the analytical bases that enable us to read the geometrical compositions ornament numerically? The value of the research is the study forms an analytical and visual study of the numbers in the Islamic ornamentation. Additionally, this study is an aesthetic assessment to the philosophy of the number and its uses in Islamic architecture. The study is limited to the ornament

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