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Grammarians’ opinions on stopping and tilting in Al-Kanz by Al-Wasiti
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Praise be to God, and may blessings and peace be upon our master and Prophet Muhammad and those who follow him, and may God be pleased with him

Taha is my guardian and whoever follows their path until the Day of Judgment. And after... The book (The Treasure in the Ten Recitations), written by Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Abd al-Wasiti, who died in the year 710 AH, is considered one of the important books in recitations: because it included the universal custom that it contained in the books Al-Taysir by Al-Dani and Al-Irshad by Al-Falanisi, as the first of them was specialized.

Satisfy the second with the ten readings

May God bless my time, through His grace and generosity, to achieve this treasure and to publish it in the year 2004 AD at the Al-Masry Press in Palmyra, in parts. Each part is approximately four hundred pages. The first part included my study of this book, in which I presented the author’s life and a description of the book’s manuscript, along with a study of the linguistic and grammatical issues included in some of the readings contained in it. . Upon reviewing this study, I saw that I did not touch upon the phenomena of pausing and tilting in the proverbs, and they are worthy of attention and study in their own research. So, this research was in which I introduced the definition of them in the mediation of the author of the blocks, with a balance between him and the linguists and grammarians. This is the mainstay of this research. As for the representation of these two phenomena, I did not expand or do more of it, but rather stopped at some of the evidence, which gives a picture of what the people of the language and grammarians said about it. It is no secret to every student of Minya that pausing and tilting in recitations are important and closely related to grammar and Arabic sounds.

In my work, I did not intend to investigate all the cases of pauses and slanting in the book Al-Kinza, for fear of prolonging it and deviating from the prescribed volume of academic research, and avoiding repetition in the introduction of consonant letters. Likewise, I did not divide the research into chapters and sections, as is the custom among scholars and researchers, because that is not possible. Rather, I divided it into subtitled paragraphs, under which some

Its molecules and evidence.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Seeing the believers of their Lord in the situation and in heaven: fi mawqif wa fī aj- janna Lil -mam al-'allamah Burhanu al-din al-Kurani
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Research Summary

This research is an attempt to explain the Qur’anic verses of the vision in the practical divine vision on the Day of Resurrection, and the legal texts narrated from the Companions regarding the vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, regarding the vision of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, regarding the vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, regarding the vision of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace He was greeted with regard to vision, and he explained the two sayings of Ibn Abbas and Aisha on the same subject, including an area of ​​conflict between them.

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Mass stopping power of alpha particles in liquid water and some gases
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The interaction of charged particles with the chemical elements involved in the synthesis of human tissues is one of the modern techniques in radiation therapy. One of these charged particles are alpha particles, where recent studies have confirmed their ability to generate radiation in a highly toxic localized manner because of its high ionization and short its range. In this work, We focused our study on the interaction of alpha particles with liquid water; since the water represents over 80% of the most-soft tissues, as well as, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen ,because they are key chemical elements involved in the synthesis of most human tissues. The mass stopping powers of alpha particle with HଶO , COଶ, Oଶ, Hଶ and Nଶhave

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The paradise in surat al-rahman and its preparation
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Our life is a test and the eternal life in the afterlife. So we must work well in our life even win paradise, must always remember the death and there is a life after this death and we will be responsible for everything we've done in our life. God did not create us vain but for reward, punishment, for this we must have to well prepare for this great day and we have to think about what to do in order to win the paradise.
Keywords: paradise, surat al-rahman, preparation.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Wisdom In AL –Farazdak s Poetry
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Wisdom in the era before Islam is soo famous and so mature And Wisdom in the age of Islam {the holy quran and AI Hadeeth AI shareef }is dealt with by different meanings that agree with the contexts in which it occurs its contacs One of meanings is wisesaying that occuars in the Halal and Haram .As to the wisdom of the Amawy age ,it was some times absent since it was not dealt with by the great Poets of that age .In the Poetry of AL-FARAZDAK , Wisdom was little and it expressed religious and phsycological meanings because wisdom is amessage that has along –rang .

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Imam Al-Mubarakpuri's Jurisprudential Choices (d.1353 AH) in the Borders from his book "Tuhfat Al-Ahwadi" with the explanation of "Jami' Al-Tirmidhi / a comparative jurisprudential study
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Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the Master of Messengers and his family and companions.

The study of the jurisprudential opinions of scholars, their choices, or their weightings, sheds light on the approach they followed in their choices, and reveals the originality of the scholar or his influence on those who preceded him from among the scholars.

And the commentators of the noble hadith of the Prophet have their important contributions in this aspect, as they undertake the task of explaining the noble hadith, the second source of legislation

Contemporary commentators have their share in the service of the honorable hadith, and the statement of their choices and preferences, and am

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
What is the contract of cultivating the land of the waqf in Islamic jurisprudence and the Algerian Awqaf law
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What is the contract of cultivating the land of the waqf in Islamic jurisprudence and the Algerian Awqaf law

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 27 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The image of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the independent Iraqi press: An analytical study of the Al—Zaman, Al-Dustour, and Al-Mada newspapers
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Through this descriptive study of the image of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the independent Iraqi press, the researcher relies on surveys, content analysis, and observation tools. The research community selected was the Iraqi independent press, represented by the Al-Zaman, Al-Dustour, and Al-Mada newspapers. The researcher adopts the comprehensive inventory method for newspaper issues produced between October 2019 and January 2020.

The results of this study show that Iran's interference in Iraq's internal affairs was one of the most prominent components of the picture that independent Iraqi newspapers seek to paint about the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Detection of Physical and Chemical Parameters Using Water Indices (NDWI, MNDWI, NDMI, WRI, and AWEI) for Al-Abbasia River in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf Governorate Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) Techniques
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The purpose of this study was to find out the connection between the water parameters that were examined in the laboratory and the water index acquired from the examination of the satellite image of the study area. This was accomplished by analysing the Landsat-8 satellite picture results as well as the geographic information system (GIS). The primary goal of this study is to develop a model for the chemical and physical characteristics of the Al-Abbasia River in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf Governorate. The water parameters employed in this investigation are as follows: (PH, EC, TDS, TSS, Na, Mg, K, SO4, Cl, and NO3). To collect the samples, ten sampling locations were identified, and the satellite image was obtained on the

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Argumentative Communication in RawdatAl-MuhebbenwaNozhattAl-Mushtaqeen’s Book by Ibn Al-Qayyem: The Foundations and Mechanisms of its Functioning: مريم إبراهيم علي غبان
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This research seeks to unravel the components of the argumentative discourse in the Book ofʻRawdat al-MuhebbeenwaNozhatt al-Mushtaqeenʼ - The Garden of Lovers and the Promenade of Longing People – by Ibn Al-Qayyem Al-Jawziyah. This is because this book has a moderate discourse with a sound Islamic thought that is characterized by its sustainability, popularity, realism, and interaction with the successive developments of the new age. This reflects the intellectual maturity the composing process has reached in the philosophy of love and its educational bases in every place and time. To explore the componets, properties, and the working mechanisms of an argumentative discourse in Ibn Qayyem’s book, the present work has been conducted

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The speech of the "Al Qeyam Al Fatimy " in the requirements of the generalized sayings
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The space occupied by the dialogic imperative in the language is a very wide range, as it is present in most of the speeches received by the recipient, and this is not limited to dialogues. That the literary discourse is a dialogical and fulfillment imperative, as the implication is related to the implicit connotations, as if the implication covers the indirect actions of the speech act theory.

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