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Grammarians’ opinions on stopping and tilting in Al-Kanz by Al-Wasiti
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Praise be to God, and may blessings and peace be upon our master and Prophet Muhammad and those who follow him, and may God be pleased with him

Taha is my guardian and whoever follows their path until the Day of Judgment. And after... The book (The Treasure in the Ten Recitations), written by Abu Muhammad Abdullah bin Abd al-Wasiti, who died in the year 710 AH, is considered one of the important books in recitations: because it included the universal custom that it contained in the books Al-Taysir by Al-Dani and Al-Irshad by Al-Falanisi, as the first of them was specialized.

Satisfy the second with the ten readings

May God bless my time, through His grace and generosity, to achieve this treasure and to publish it in the year 2004 AD at the Al-Masry Press in Palmyra, in parts. Each part is approximately four hundred pages. The first part included my study of this book, in which I presented the author’s life and a description of the book’s manuscript, along with a study of the linguistic and grammatical issues included in some of the readings contained in it. . Upon reviewing this study, I saw that I did not touch upon the phenomena of pausing and tilting in the proverbs, and they are worthy of attention and study in their own research. So, this research was in which I introduced the definition of them in the mediation of the author of the blocks, with a balance between him and the linguists and grammarians. This is the mainstay of this research. As for the representation of these two phenomena, I did not expand or do more of it, but rather stopped at some of the evidence, which gives a picture of what the people of the language and grammarians said about it. It is no secret to every student of Minya that pausing and tilting in recitations are important and closely related to grammar and Arabic sounds.

In my work, I did not intend to investigate all the cases of pauses and slanting in the book Al-Kinza, for fear of prolonging it and deviating from the prescribed volume of academic research, and avoiding repetition in the introduction of consonant letters. Likewise, I did not divide the research into chapters and sections, as is the custom among scholars and researchers, because that is not possible. Rather, I divided it into subtitled paragraphs, under which some

Its molecules and evidence.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
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2019 Ieee International Conference On Automatic Control And Intelligent Systems (i2cacis)
Study on Solar Panel Cleaning Robot
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Role of the evaluation process of the staff in determining the training programs Field research in the Office of the Inspector General of the Ministry of Health / Iraq
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         The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the performance evaluation process and the training programs for the employees, to identify the extent of the organization's commitment to perform the performance evaluation process for its employees and to use the results of this process in determining the appropriate training programs. Performance evaluation, functional analysis, evaluation method used, dependent variable (training programs) and its dimensions, type of programs, program objectives, program curriculum, And the application of the field research methodology and the questionnaire, which included 146 individuals to know their views and analyz

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 19 2017
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Aesthetics configuration in the Assyrian winged bull )An analytical study(
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Subjected Find winged bull Assyrian monetary analysis in order to identify the formative relations in terms of percentages, movement and public swab for being aesthetic values ​​upon which the mechanisms of artistic composition, which did not give researchers artistic interest that affects the status of these sculptures and the like of the achievements of the Iraqi civilization in Assyria.

Resulting analysis to a number of the most important results, the percentages approved in the calculation of the parts to do with all when viewed status horizontal with a realistic formulas while in the case of considering frontally clear for Ras stylized proportions and head size larger in length, a ratio confirmed by previous studies, and

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
nternational will in the Security Council Towards the Syrian crisis
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Nations witnessed since its existence a state of wills conflict as a result of the intersection and intertwining of interests, through which it sought to achieve its goals and objectives, and this has often led to direct military conflicts and countless wars, and witnessed the entry into global wars in which humanity lost millions of lives and losses .Despite the great changes in the international arena, especially in recent decades, the conflict of wills has not ceased, although some of its features and forms have changed, and it has become more complicated after the withdrawal of this conflict to international organizations and bodies, including the Security Council. It is mandated under the Charter of the United Nations to wor

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Stock Markets in the Anti-Money Laundering
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لم تعد ظاهرة غسل الأموال ظاهرةً محلیة أو إقلیمیة، فكل دولة معرضة لهذه الظاهرة لانتأثیراتها تستهدف الإنسان أینما كان باستهدافها الأوضاع الاقتصادیة والمالیة والاجتماعیة وحتىالأخلاقیة، سواء على المستوى الوطني أم على المستوي الدولي، فضلاً عن استغلال الاندماج الحاصلفي أسواق المال الدولیة والتطور التقني في الأنظمة المالیة لنقل الأموال المراد غسلها وتحریكها إلى إيمكان في العالم، وهو ما

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Stages of God's creation of man in the Koran stu
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Thanks allah and peace be upon our prophet muhammed and upon his family and his
The name is only called by the Almighty, One of the Names of the Creator Deity
features and slavery. He is the idol who worshiped.
The creator is derived from the creation of a sophisticated and significant from create Aharaz
for crust, and tailor the gown and the end of launch on God's creation of the creature, and this
release was a matter of metaphor One of the names of Allah, God is the creator himself is not
a partner Creator of all things, is the one who created
man from Nothingness began creating Adam peace be upon him and that he has passed the
stages in the process of creation, namely: He created him from du

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effect of brainstorming in linguistically grow of garten child
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The study aimed to identification the effect of brainstorming in linguistically grow of garten child the sample of study is composed from (48)male and female children have been distributed for two groups,one of them is experimental and another is disciplined for every  per of garten and pre education,and they have been awarded in a number of variations. For measuring the subordinate variation(linguistically grow)the researcher prepared ascale for this purpose that consist of two parts:the first part the scale of linguistically grow of garten child(4-5 years)and the second part the scale of linguistically grow of pre education child (5-6 years).Consist of every one from (20)shapes of linguistically grow shapes for garten chil

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Publication Date
Fri May 15 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Rapid Urbanization of the Cities Studying in some Iraqi Cities
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The cities are not yet a temporal status in the process of the human and civilization development. The cities consider as a life pattern, this mean that people cannot live without cities, which surround us. Several phenomena like globalization, revolution of information, technical development, increased of consumption, do not confirmed without the living in cities. The urbanization – in its simple meaning – means transferring from rural community to city community. In other word, it means that socioeconomic changes happened subject to the patterns and conditions of the urban life. Each government depend a certain policy, this policy contains set of plans and programs, that targeting to affect the population factors and the st

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The impact of Jurisprudence Rules in Addressing Contemporary security Challenges
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The impact of Jurisprudence Rules in Addressing Contemporary security Challenges

Islamic jurisprudence is related to various fields of knowledge, as it is a science of great value, great in impact, and among the most prominent features of jurisprudence comes the jurisprudence rules. It regulates the principles of the doctrine for the jurist. Therefore, the main this research focuses on (the impact of jurisprudence rules in addressing contemporary security challenges). It is the relationship between jurisprudence rules and achieving security. Its fruit would be a statement of the distinguished impact of jurisprudence rules on the stability of the country, and its leading role in maintaining, strengthening, and pre

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 27 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Verbal joint in the Holy Quran A descriptive analytical study
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The research paper talks about one of the topics that deals with one of the high-style styles in the Holy Qur’an that carries with it a high and influential style in directing the Qur’anic context, as the verses are singled out with certain words, each of which came out to other meanings, which is what was called in the past “what the wording agreed and the meaning differed Or the so-called “faces and analogues” and the meaning of analogues in the language and the Qur’an; To mention a word in a place and it means a meaning other than the other, and to interpret each word with a meaning other than the other meant by the faces, and accordingly the goal of the research is in the linguistic significance, in order to reveal the tr

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