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The heart between the scientific and legal concept
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summary of the research

The heart is the pine-shaped flesh on the left side of the chest. The moral gentleness in this flesh is called the home of perception, reason and understanding, as well as the place of desires and passions, so it turns between one desire and another between good and evil. As for its parts, it consists of four main parts called chambers, two rooms on the right As for the two chambers below, it is called the ventricle, the heart works regularly and accurately to pump blood and distribute it to all parts of the body and vital organs. And the Holy Quran divided the types of heart into two main types of healthy hearts, which are types (healthy, hidden, living....)

And the second type is sick hearts, which are on the types of (blind, divine, hard....) The heart is the origin of emotional actions and translates what is sent by the senses from impressions, feelings and emotions into actual facts.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Scientific values in the chemistry curriculum For the sixth grade scientific
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The goal of current research to know the according of scientific values in the curriculum of chemistry sixth - grade science To achieve this goal wasa to build aalistaofa scientifica values toa be included in the curriculum of chemistry sixth - grade science after seeing a group of literature and previous studies, the list presented to a group of arbitrators and specialists in educational and psychological sciences and methods of teaching science, and curricula and teaching methods , Arbitrators and specialists have expressed their views and comments on the tool, and that the list was formed in final form (9) values Head of scientific includes ( 35) sub - value, then the researcher analyzed the chemistry curriculum for sixth grade Scient

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 18 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The current study is designed to achieve the goal of early detection of heart disease because it is the main risk of death. Some biomarkers were measured as well as the percentage of the effect of certain risk factors in people with myocardial infarction and heart failure. The study included 40 serum samples from people with heart disease. The effectiveness of the creatine kinase (CK-MB), as well as its temporal and albumin effects, as well as sodium ions in people with myocardial infarction and heart failure, were compared with the control group. as shown below:

-The first group consisted of 25 blood samples from people with myocardial infarction and 15 serum samples from people with heart failure. Blood

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Concept of Real Religiosity in Graham Greene’s The Heart of the Matter
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Religion in its general and simplified form is defined as a set of values or moral laws, which include provisions that people should follow to organize their affairs and ratify that they are provisions sent from the divine. 

      The concept of religion is not limited to the narrower sense represented by the performance of the virtual rituals of worship and religious fashions, etc., but also includes all the moral and spiritual values, conduct and good dealing that reflect the true essence of religion, which boils down to a set of values – such as sincerity, honesty and dedication to work, merciful dealing and compassion, etc. All religions agree on the moral content of religion. The Prophet of Is

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Feeding Problems in Children with Congenital Heart Diseases in Nasiriya Heart Center
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Objective: To identify feeding problems of children with congenital heart disease.
Methodology: Non probability (purposive) sample of (65) were selected of 225 children who visit Al Nasiriya
heart center during the period of conducting the pilot study, previously diagnosed with congenital heart
Results: The study results indicated that children with congenital heart disease have feeding difficulties, low
birth weight , repeated diarrhea , more than half of the sample taking medication for heart disease which cause
repeated vomiting, difficulty taking liquids and refusal of feeding or eating.(64.6%) of study sample suffered
from wasting. (78.5%) suffered from stunting. Almost half of the study sample suffered

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Imported inflation ... concept, transmission channels, effects, and processors Iraq Case study for the period (1990-2015)
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This research aims to explain the effect of the imported inflation (which moves through the raise of global prices to Iraqi economy) over local prices, besides, the recognition the most important channels of imported inflation moving, its causes, effects, ways and policies that reduce the negative effects. To achieve the research aim, the deductive approach was adopted through using descriptive method to describe and determine phenomenon. The most important conclusion is that the research found out that there are two channels to transmission imported inflation in world. The first channel is the direct channel (prices) and the second channel is the indirect (income). The most important recommendation is to create sovereign fund (O

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Information Technology
Google Scholar and The scientific originality of the professor
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The aim of the research is try to answer the questions about the importance of the participation of scientists in the scientific researcher Google Scholar for the professor and the university, and the extent of participation of Iraqi universities, and the rank of the University of Qadisiyah, and the number of participants and teachers of this engine, The research came out with several conclusions, the most important of which is that (21%) of university professors are involved in the google engine and most of the participants did not carry their full research through the site

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Organizational reputation: A descriptive study of concept development and measurement techniques
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The study aimed to monitor the concept of reputation in the previous literature, its relationship to mental image and identity, and to reveal recent trends in its measurement Techniques.

    The study relied on a descriptive approach using library survey and comparative analysis, and the study reached following conclusions:

     Despite the beginning of the first signs of reputation In the fifties of the last century, however, Defining and standardizing the concept with clear and specific dimensions began in the 1990s and the beginning of the third millennium. The concept of reputation refers to the stakeholders’ overall evaluation of organizations, which reflects their perceptions of

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Females' Journey into Finding the Self in Beth Henley’s Crimes of the Heart
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Writing as a female playwright in theatre gives a deeper depiction of woman’s real- self. Beth Henley has succeeded in providing a new realist vision of women’s abilities to face their inevitable tragic fates and how to conquer their despair. In Crimes of the Heart, the playwright uses certain method to present the development of the heroines’ characters through blending the tragic events with a comic frame. In fact, Henley focuses on the simple humorous activities more that the importance of the tragic event to present her vision of how to survive and face the crisis of life.

Crimes of the Heart is a play that is concerned about three sisters whose lives are headed in distinctly different directions; howe

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Impact of the Constructive Scientific Stations Strategy on Achievement and Mind Habits for The Fourth Scientific students in biology
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The study aimed at ideutifying the impact of scieutific skills in strategy and liabits of mind amony stueuts in tenth grade . The study demanded to choose a sampie that coutaiun (42) student of the fourth grade of the secondary school who were dirided into tow groups , the first is experimental studied according to scieutific skill strategy , and the other controlling , studied according to the  usualway . An achievement test  has been taken that adopted  staudard for mind skills as research tools that are applid after ascertaining  sincerity proved at the end of the experiment .The study has reached to the conclusion that there are statistically significant differnces in farour of the experiment group in both

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Association between periodontitis and acquired coronary heart disease
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Background: The association between oral microbial infection and systemic disease is not a new concept. A major confounding issue is that oral infections often are only one of the many important factors that can influence systemic diseases .Objective: This study was conducted to evaluate the periodontal health status of patients with acquired coronary heart disease. Type of the study: Cross-sectional study.Methods: The study group consisted of 200 patients with an age range (35-70) years, having coronary heart disease .This study group were compared to a control group of non-coronary heart disease (200 individuals ) matching with age and gender. The oral parameters were examined including the periodontal conditions, assessment of periodo

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