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Hisba system in Islam


Through research it shows that the calculation has an effective role in the maintenance of Islamic law and save. And that the calculation religious function to attach religious matters and it closeness to God, whether calculated or assumed carried out by volunteers. And scientists from the description of the calculation as a social function to attach to morality and kinship and charity to the poor and the dissemination of science. By definition it shows that the injury will not be exposed only to the evils of any phenomenon that do not break and was checking to search for evil, but he must intervene if he saw visible in front of him. And that of the areas that could see the calculation are the field of information and education so that education is the foundation of morality in the evaluation of follow-through and curricula designed to familiarize the media and he may play an important role in spreading the principles of Islam. And that the calculation be censorship on the role of education and the media in order to preserve the intellectual and moral side of the community.

It is problems that crippled the calculation for its pioneering role Kcol a lot of negative (called the creation of the Creator) This understanding prevents the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. Finally, the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice has to be that everyone is doing all of its location and at the very least to deny it in his heart.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 22 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Spectral Properties of Hybrid of Rhodamine (6G) Dyes Doped Epoxy Resin Dissolved in Chloroform

            The research is dealing with the absorption and fluorescence spectra for the hybrid of  an Epoxy Resin doped with organic dye Rhodamine (R6G) of different concentrations (5*10-6, 5*10-5, 1*10-5, 1*10-4, 5*10-4) Mol/ℓ at room temperature. The Quantum efficiency Qfm, the rate of fluorescence emission Kfm (s-1), the non-radiative lifetime τfm (s), fluorescence lifetime τf and the Stokes shift were calculated. Also the energy gap (Eg) for each dye concentration was evaluated. The results showed that the maximum quantum effi

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Family Medicine & Primary Care Review
Assessment of depressive symptoms among students at Al-Kindy College of Medicine in Baghdad

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Information & Communications Technology
Evaluation of DDoS attacks Detection in a New Intrusion Dataset Based on Classification Algorithms

Intrusion detection system is an imperative role in increasing security and decreasing the harm of the computer security system and information system when using of network. It observes different events in a network or system to decide occurring an intrusion or not and it is used to make strategic decision, security purposes and analyzing directions. This paper describes host based intrusion detection system architecture for DDoS attack, which intelligently detects the intrusion periodically and dynamically by evaluating the intruder group respective to the present node with its neighbors. We analyze a dependable dataset named CICIDS 2017 that contains benign and DDoS attack network flows, which meets certifiable criteria and is ope

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 09 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Clinical Samples Using PCR Targeting ETA and gyrB Genes

Pseudomonas aeruginosa has variety of virulence factors that contribute to its pathogenicity. Therefore, rapid detection with high accuracy and specificity is very important in the control of this pathogenic bacterium. To evaluate the accuracy and specificity of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assay, ETA and gyrB genes were targeted to detect pathogenic strains of P. aeruginosa. Seventy swab samples were taken from patients with infected wounds and burns in two hospitals in Erbil and Koya cities in Iraq. The isolates were traditionally identified using phenotypic methods, and DNA was extracted from the positive samples, to apply PCR using the species specific primers targeting ETA, the gene encoding for exotoxin A, and gyrB gene. The res

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Scopus (5)
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Efficacy of Saccharomyces cerevesiae on promoting growth in tomato: Nahida M.Saleh |Adnan A. Issa

This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Saccharomyces cerevesiae as a growth promoting agent in tomato. Soaking the seeds in yeast suspension at 5 g/L for 12h increased germination percentage, root length, root fresh and dry weight, plant height, foliage fresh and dry weight, attained 88.5% ; 8.1 cm ; 84.3 mg ; 7.03 mg ; 10.75 cm ; 839 mg and 37.75 mg compared with 80% ; 5.33 cm ; 39 mg ; 4.8 mg ; 7.35 cm ; 608 mg and 25.5 mg in seedlings grown from non treated seeds respectively. Similar results were obtained with seedling from seeds soaked in S. cerevesiae filtrate for 12 hrs. with values of 77.5% ; 6.875 cm ; 91.5 mg ; 7.5 mg ; 9.5 cm ; 777 mg and 40.35 mg compared to 66% ; 5.8 cm ; 57.7 mg ; 5.03 mg ; 5.9 cm ; 493 mg

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 23 2018
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Teratogenic Effect of Levetiracetam Drug on the Development of the Kidney in Embryo Rat

      The new antiepileptic drugs, levetiracetam (LEV), are used to treat tonic-clonic seizures and myoclonic seizures in adults and children. Thirty pregnant rats were enrolled, which were divided into two groups A control (10), B treated (20). Group (A) were given distilled water orally for 15 days of pregnancy period. The other group was subdivided into two subgroups B1, B2 (each with 10 rats), which were treated with LEV for 14 days for subgroup (B1) and 15 days for the other subgroup (B2). The drug (350 mg/kg/day) is administered orally. Based on our results there was damage in the kidney due to the toxicity of the drug. The histopathological effects is represented

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Expression of matrix metalloproteinase-2 in the extracellular matrix of osseointegrated and diseased implants

Background: Recently with improvement of dental implantology science, osseointegrated implants show a considerable durability, however; failures are not completely avoidable. Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) expression is disturbed in many pathological conditions such as peri-implantitis and periodontitis. This study was carried out to investigate the tissue expression of MMP-2 in the extracellular matrix of osseointegrated and diseased implants. Subjects and methods: Gingival biopsies were collected from six patients having osseointegrated or working implants and twenty with diseased or non osseointegrated implants and (6) controls having no implants. In situ hybridization technique was used to analyze the changes in immunoreactivity of

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study a bout the Epidemiology of Vulvo Vaginal Candidiasis (Candida spp.) in Baghdad City

This Study was conducted to investigate vaginitis in women who live in Baghdad City. Results Revealed that Candida spp. were the causal agent of 38.5% of symptomatic cases the yeasts Candidaalbicans, C.glabrata, C.tropicalis, C.parapsilosis and C.krusei were isolated with the percentage of 38.1, 9.1, 3.9, 2.6, 1.3 respectively also there were 18% of women in control group carrying Candida spp. The direct smear method were not efficient because the percentage of infection was 17.5% comparing with the culture method the sensitivity of direct smear method was 45.5% The percentage of WBC to Epithelial cells was less than one in 76.6% of women.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Morphological Characterization and Conservation Status for the Herbarium Specimens of Orchidaceae in Kurdistan Iraq

This study was contacted on Orchidaceae, it is a second largest family in flowering plants, comes
after Asteraceae, and approximately has 25,000–30,000 species in 750–800 genera in the world.
This study included 10 genera, Anacamptis (five species), Androrchis (two species),
Cephalanthera (one species), Dactylorhiza (three species), Epipactis (two species),
Himantoglossum (two species), Limodorum (one species), Neotinea (one species), Ophrys (seven
species ), and Orchis (four species). The name abbreviation of authors of plant names follows the
International Plant Name Index (IPNI) ( Images of type collections of most
species were checked on virtual herbaria (https://he

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 11 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Automated Reconstruction and Manual Curation of Amino Acid Biosynthesis Pathways in Sulfolobus solfataricus P2

The efficient sequencing techniques have significantly increased the number of genomes that are now available, including the Crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 genome. The genome-scale metabolic pathways in Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 were predicted by implementing the “Pathway Tools” software using MetaCyc database as reference knowledge base. A Pathway/Genome Data Base (PGDB) specific for Sulfolobus solfataricus P2 was created. A curation approach was carried out regarding all the amino acids biosynthetic pathways. Experimental literatures as well as homology-, orthology- and context-based protein function prediction methods were followed for the curation process. The “PathoLogic”

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