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Variation in general formulas in the strength of its foundation and the reasons for the discrepancy
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A legal discourse in the Qur’an and Sunnah is almost devoid of the use of one of the general formulas, and due to its frequent rotation in the tongue of the legislator, the formulas may overlap their members in apparently contradictory provisions, which makes the individual from the general members appear to the beholder to be covered by two contradictory provisions, and this research came to present what might happen to him The legal text interpreter of weighting between the two opposing texts is the strength of the generality that is established by the generality formula, so the two strongest formulas in the inclusion of its members outweigh the weaker of them and precede them, and the research decided that the formulas vary in the strength of the generality that it establishes. Decided by other formulas, then progressed in deduction if there is no way to combine them, and after deciding the aforementioned discrepancy in the strength of establishing the generality and the inclusion of individuals and its impact, the research turned to explaining the reasons for the differences in the formulas of generality in the strength of its foundation. The formula is in the comprehensiveness report, and it is proven that the formula is established linguistically and legally to benefit the public.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The study of the effect of the use of programming in the linear programming model (applied study)
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The parametric programming considered as type of sensitivity analysis. In this research concerning to study the effect of the variations on linear programming model (objective function coefficients and right hand side) on the optimal solution. To determine the parameter (θ) value (-5≤ θ ≤5).Whereas the result، the objective function equal  zero and the decision variables are non basic، when the parameter (θ = -5).The objective function value increases when the parameter (θ= 5) and the decision variables are basic، with the except of X24, X34.Whenever the parameter value increase, the objectiv

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 19 2016
Journal Name
Kufa Journal For Veterinary Medical Sciences
Pre and postnatal morphological developments for the skull bones in guinea pig (Cavia cutleri)
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Study the Effect of Ultraviolet on the Compression and Hardness Property for Hybrid Material
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The study was carried out by reinforcing the resin matrix material

which was (Epoxy- Ep828) by useing Kevlar fibers and glass fibers type (E-gl ass) both or them in the form of woven roving and poly propylene tlbcrs  in  the form chopped  strand  mats.  wi th (30%)  volume  fraction. Some mechan i cal  properties of the were prepared composite specimens U ltraviolet   radiation  were  stuied   after   being  subjected  to  different weathering conditi ons i ncluded. Compression and hardness testing were carried out using Briel! method so as to compare between composite behavior i n the environments previously mentioned .


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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Creative accounting practices for supply contracts and the role of internal audit in reducing them: An exploratory study on a sample of industrial companies in Iraq
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                The internal control is the tool through which it is possible to verify and ensure the implementation of tasks in accordance with the established plans and programs and to evaluate the level of performance that is implemented within the different companies.

A guarantee from the supplier with the absence of a specialized technical committee that follows up the stages of implementing the contract and disbursing all amounts of financial dues to the supplier before completing the implementation of the contract and overlooking the non-implementation of some clauses of the contract by the committee in charge of

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Hadiths about fasting at the beginning of the months, in compilation and criticism
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This research included the hadiths in which the urge to fast the month of the month, or the beginning of the month, and followed the inductive approach to collecting hadiths, and the critical approach in their studies, and in the weighting of the right from the faces contained in it, and one of the most important results of the research is the agreement of the words of the people On the whiteness, whether it is a little or a lot, the rush of the month will be the first three nights, where the moon white is a little, and they also agreed that the middle three are called the white days, and that the release of the rage on them for the whiteness of its nights, where the moon is complete, and the Prophet has been proven. May God bless him an

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 12 2017
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The aesthetic and communicative " dimensions in t.v photo"
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T.V photo in modern shows has emerged with special characteristics and signs that have developed in cope with the development of medium and technique. This leads to adding a variety of aesthetic dimensions which are capable of attracting audience because of its communicative elements that have an important role in increasing of T.V show Watching. As a result, the research is limited to methodological Framework as the problem. The problem of the research deals with emerging the aesthetic dimensions of T.V photo. The major question is (what are the aesthetic and communicative dimension of T.V Photo?). The research aims at finding out the aesthetic dimensions of T.V photo in modern artworks. The significance of the research on the presented

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Intent in the Holy Quran (meanings and connotations)
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The most honorable of science was what was related to the book of God, the Almighty, the Constitution of this nation and the way of its guidance and method of advancement there is no life except for him and safety only by its application and it is no secret to the competent studies of the importance of the subjective studies in the Koranic studies to address issues of great importance enlighten the path of the nation and revive From here comes the importance of the topic covered by the research, which is "Intent in the Holy Quran meanings and semantics", and this topic features features that made it worthy of writing, including the importance of clarifying theories of Qur'anic character of a systematic nature, such as the theory of inten

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 17 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Human values and principles in the three religions
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The laws of the three religions tend to extend the rules and foundations of coexistence, and this is achieved in achieving the values and principles that these laws have nourished in all societies.

Our research deals with a major problem that has broken out in our societies, namely (disturbing the balance of values and behavioral standard between people), and perhaps one of the greatest causes of the problem is to move away from the correct divine discourse and sound approach, as well as corruption of common sense and the violation of its rules and found principles in the hearts of people.




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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Acoustic significance of the comma in the Qur'an Al-Jinn
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Interval lies at rest in the speech; so as to improve to speak out, which is how Evaln Koran by other speech, called separators; for the secession of Alkalaman then, as the last verse separation between it and its aftermath in the Al-Jinn had a comma significant impact on the statement of the case of gin, as portrayed interval Gin and like the distraught after hearing of the Koran
This Sura carried various types of repetition represent wordy repeat itself and repeat some of the votes as well as the repeated sound of a thousand who remained in Sura breaks Bhaa also repeat the voice of the shredder breaks
Linguistic sounds of Koranic breaks played a significant role in a statement carried by the linguistic meaning of these interludes

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 11 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The effects of stubbornness is understood in the Holy Qur’an
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Stubbornness is of the nature of the mean, we do not see it in the character of a person whose heart God filled with faith, wisdom and knowledge. And stubbornness does not fall into it except hearts that are arrogant, envious and objectionable, hearts that do not admit mistakes, and are not satisfied with the truth. Rather, you see humiliation,humiliation and shortcomings in returning to Him. He loves corruption * Except in humiliation, humiliation and shortcomings, the stubborn fall, even if they are proud when it is said to him, "Beware of God", pride takes him for sin, so his count is Hell, and his misery.


traces of stubbornness    :key wor

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