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الإعجاز العلمي في قوله تعالى: ﱡﭐﱥ ﱦ ﱧ ﱨ ﱩ ﱪﱠ محمد أبو الحسين
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ملخـــص البحــــث


   ]        تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى بيان إعجاز القرآن حول قدرة الله عن خلق الإنسان في أحسن صورة و أجمل هيئة، ما لم يخلق أى مخلوق آخر مثله، ونتجت الدراسة أن كتاب الله عز وجل قد أوضح تلك الحقائق العلمية التى ظهرت في زماننا قبل أربعة عشر قرنا، وفي القرآن الكريم آيات كثيرة التى تدل على عظمة الخالق، فمنها الآيات الله الكونية في الأنفس والآفاق؛ آيات الله في خلق الإنسان حيث وضّح كلام الله الباري أن خالق الكون خلق الإنسان في أحسن صورة لم يخلق المخلوقات الأخري مثله، و كثير آيات قرآنية تدل على أن الله‏ تعالى قد كرم الإنسان بخلقه في أجمل تركيب‏,‏ وأعدل هيئة ، وإذا يتدبّر الإنسان عن تركيب جسم الإنسان، والتناسُق بين أعضائه، وكيف أن الله تعالى اختار أن يكون كل عضو في موقعه الذي هو فيه، وشاء جلَّ وعلا أن يضعه في محله الذي يناسبه، ويؤدي وظيفته المناطة به، فإن المؤمن الحقيقي يشكر ربّه ويعترف بأن كلها من قدرة الله.[

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
The Role of the Passive Conditioning in Achieving Thermal Comfort in Temporary Hotel Units: سماح محمد طالب الدويك-سامي أبوطالب-محمد صابر
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This research is based on monitoring the local and environmental technologies in the design of the temporary hotel units (nomadic tents) in the desert in the south of Jordan in order to air condition them in summer and winter, maintaining the Jordanian identity, that they are presented with the form and technologies of the age in order to get to the universality.
The research adopted the descriptive analytical method and the researcher conducted the analysis of SWOT specified for the analysis of the positive and negative aspects in the design of the temporary hotel units and comparing them with the case studies available in the chosen research area "the Jordanian golden triangle", through the elements of the case under study. The res

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
Journal Name
Stability and periphery in Graphic design: دينا محمد عناد
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Graphic design art depends on changeable cognitive systems which their relation and items relying on the accumulation of humane knowledge and thong and the humane look to the venality and his explanation to the relation between him and the venality , then the graphic design art becomes an important item of this accumulation knowledge besides , it is on kind of knowledge kinds . The technological advancement in communication lauds to increasing in communication media and design methods , where the computer and its application in graphic design promotes the design process because of it's capalebities which lead to in creasing in production process , minimizing the cost and time and achieving creative and aesthetic aspect because of it's fe

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Deploying of Animatic in TV Drama: محمد ثائر البياتي
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This research laid the recruitment & use of IT Animatic digital TV drama & inviting ways of working is simple &effective in the level of producing images especially in TV drama, so the entry of this technology has created the concepts of new technology, and simple & effective at the same time with high level of modernity & technical innovation, this research deals with three chapters that includes two topics the animatic modes & the stages of production , & what is the atheistic aspects that is provided by this technology with the researcher reviewing the use of some TV dramatic Production series that was mentioned through this research.Which afterwards the researcher has analyzed a sample that was selected fo

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Iconic Form in Modern Graphic Design: علي محمد شواي غدير
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The graphic field invests the visual space then shows the shape by all means of expression that have a certain meaning. The research is interested in studying the iconic form in the modern graphic design through investing names and flags and the extent of their action in the social life and invest them from one to another looked at from viewpoint of trading and consumption and investing their wide popularity. The study problem is manifested in the following question:
1- Does the iconic form help in ad circulation?
The importance of the research lies in the following:
1- Reading the visual iconic form through deciphering its current symbols. The form combines a concept and a case or a form and meaning.

The theoretical fra

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
أستخدام نظرية الخيارات في أدارة المخاطرة في المصارف الأسلاميه دراسه نظريه- أستطلاعيه في المصرفين الأسلاميين في الأردن
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- المقدمهIntroduction    

الخيارات أحدى الأدوات المالية المشتقة التي تشتق قيمتها من قيمة الموجود الأساسي
Underlying Asset، وقد يكون الموجود الأساسي سهما عاديا أو مؤشر أسهم أو عقد مستقبلية سلع أو عقد مستقبلية على أوراق المديونية . وبالرغم من أن الدلائل تشير إلى أن التعامل بالخيارات يعود إلى أوائل القرن السادس العشر الميلادي آلا انه ونتيجة للعديد من الابتكارات ال

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
Journal Name
Time Aesthetics in the Documentary Film: حسام الدين محمد عبد المنعم
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The research dealt with the study of the element of time in the cinematic language and the role it plays in creating the aesthetic meanings in the documentary film by means of the various structural constructions with which time is constructed. The research included the introduction and the problem of research, which was represented by the following question: (Did the documentary film adopt the values of time formats in the fiction film or it created for itself special linguistic formulations and models which achieve the aesthetic concept?). It also included the importance of research, the need for it and its goal in addition to clarifying the limits of research.The theoretical framework included three sections the first of which is the

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Evaluating Industrial Products emotionally by Using Emojis: محمد علي حسين القيسي
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Researches in the field of evaluation of industrial products emotionally are internationally new and non-existing in the Arabic speaking countries, which is considered the crux of the problem in the current research, in addition to the need of the designers and design students to know how to measure the emotional responses for the industrial product in order to get benefit from them in their designs. The research objective is to get a tool that uses emojis in measuring the emotional responses for the products. The researcher designed an emotional verbal wheel and emojis wheel. The sample of the research consisted of (7) chairs different in design and use, and the respondents were (89) students. The most important results are:
1- Desi

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
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Art and trash Structural transformation in aesthetic taste: بلاسم محمد جسام
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Garbage is the waste of neglected human beings. The despised thing turns into art. We accept its existence as one of the new aesthetics that have been extended in the joints of modern life. Works of debris and waste find their place in exhibitions, museums and urban spaces of cities. It is one of the major tremors in the transformation of aesthetic taste on the level of art history.In light of these ideas, we are faced with the problem of interpreting the phenomenon and its identity, because the remnants of garbage for each people have historical characteristics and a kind of anthropology that refers to the culture of human use of the materials and their waste and the identity of their belonging. In Iraq, the garbage has its ecological a

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Using typographic patterns in commercial advertising design: عصام إبراهيم محمد الكبيسي
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Typographic patterns are one of the design elements in commercial advertising for their ability to deliver the message and information to the recipient smoothly and quickly, and it is indicated that there are many different techniques that can use typographic patterns in commercial advertisements, including spacing, spaces between letters, letter height, length, weight, and contrast and this Usage must be studied according to the type of font and how it can be used in advertising campaigns.
Based on the above, the research came to study (employing typographic patterns in commercial advertising design) in which the researcher identified his question for the purpose of reaching a solution to his research problem which is (Is it possible

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
عمر الخيام في رباعياته وطالب الحيدري في معلقاته (دراسة في التناص الفكري)
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