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A stylistic vision of the objection in the Quranic discourse
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The modern stylistic lesson has become more committed to the scientific limits in which it believed, and more confident in itself, and it is no longer just a scientific procedure that helps other curricula and sciences that preceded it.

Based on this, our modest research ((a stylistic vision of the objection in the Quranic discourse)) arose to explore an artistic rhetorical phenomenon that was included in the Holy Quran text. ; Because analysis is a situation that allows us to see a lot and absorb the stranger more clearly.

And since the horizontal arrangement of the linguistic elements in which stylistically undistinguished elements meet with distinct ones, the other trend has emerged that believes that the stylistic distinction in its reality arises through the sudden appearance of the linguistic elements without there being in the context before it any indication of the possibility of its use or expectation.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 31 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
حوار حوار الانبياء في القرآن الكريم-دراسة اسلوبية مقارنة
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اسلوب الحوار في القرآن الكريم اسلوب حياة وفي حقيقة الامر يضم القرآن الكريم بين دفتيه حوارات كثير مابين الله عزوجل وخلقه وما بين الانبياء واقوامهم وما بين الانبياء والطواغيت ومابين المؤمنين والكفار وهكذا ، وبدء الخلق قام على حوار مابين  الله عزوجل وآدم وما بين آدم وابليس وما بيا الله جل وعلا والملائكة .

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 23 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
ظاهرة المفارقة في كتاب بلاغات النساء دراسة بلاغية اسلوبية
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The Arab woman expressed the life of oppression that she suffers from in her masculine environment, as she expressed her linguistic abilities with eloquence and intelligence, as she did not neglect philosophy, wisdom,

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Gender and American Proverbial Discourse
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Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Structural Equation Modeling for Tourist Attraction Factors in Asir Region by Using Factor Analysis in the Light of Vision of kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) 2030
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The research aimed to modeling a structural equation for tourist attraction factors in Asir Region. The research population is the people in the region, and a simple random sample of 332 individuals were selected. The factor analysis as a reliable statistical method in this phenomenon was used to modeling and testing the structural model of tourism, and analyzing the data by using SPSS and AMOS statistical computerized programs. The study reached a number of results, the most important of them are: the tourist attraction factors model consists of five factors which explain 69.3% of the total variance. These are: the provision of tourist services, social and historic factors, mountains, weather and natural parks. And the differenc

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Israeli vision of Iran's nuclear program Under Iranian - US rapprochement
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Israel is one of the countries most interested in Iran's nuclear program file, and the progress of negotiations between Iran and the six countries and will end it, as well as the nature of the relationship between Iran and the United States of America. Is determined by the Israeli vision of the nature of Iran's nuclear program Iran's policy toward Israel orientations, which does not recognize the existence of Israel. Israel, therefore, one of the countries pushing to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear technology. However, those Israeli efforts did not succeed in achieving its objectives, the United States of America and European countries is well aware of the risk of stenosis on Iran, as well as the risks and the consequences of militar

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Discourse Taxonomy of Language Cliched Units in English and Russian: Дискурсивная таксономия языковых клишированных единиц в английском и русском языках
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 The paper exposes a discourse taxonomy of language clichéd units in English and Russian, and presents some definitions of what is a cliché as being a semioticform of perceiving language and discourse. Also, it deals with language clichés as being units of structure reflecting a scheme of stereotypical situations of dialogue, whether among individuals of one culture, or in relation to cross-cultural communication. The paper proposes a taxonomy of units in language clichés in English and Russian by tackling clichés of daily use, such as professional, cultural, artistic, and scientific clichés.


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Publication Date
Thu Jul 29 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Legal vision for international financial institution transactions
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The increasing restrictions imposed on foreign banks operating in developing countries since the 2007/2007 global financial crisis impede improving growth prospects by limiting the flow of financing resources that are desperately needed by companies and the family sector.

        Global banks can have important development benefits، but they are not a panacea, and they also carry risks. Policymakers in developing countries are improving by examining how to maximize the benefits of cross-border banking services while keeping their costs down to a minimum. The 2007-2009 crisis and its ensuing decline in economic activity prompted a widespread reassessment of the benefits and costs of internationa

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
Journal Name
Directive Vision Transformations in Iraqi Political Theatre: محمد عبدالرضا حسين-سهى طه سالم
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  The creative arts in general and the theatre in specific represent man's rushing and carving for freedom, goodness and beauty, and the relation between creativity and freedom has always been fluctuating following the censorship pressures of all types and shapes the political, religious and social. Since the theatre is the closest and more touching creative art to the problems of the society of numerous types and levels and it was and has always been playing an enlightening role in shedding light on what the societies experiencing with crises and problems in all directions. The theatre, thus, derives the essence of existence from life, through topics concerned with what the human being is. It seeks to be the real witness and partne

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Right of the Head of State to Veto Bills : A Comparative Study
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The legislative authority's approval of a project is not enough, as the state president's approval is crucial. If the president doesn’t approve the project within the period determined by the constitutions, it shall be returned to the parliament for further discussion and voting, Either by an ordinary or strict majority, according to the provisions of the constitutions of the countries. To explain the right of objection, we explained, in the First Topic, the definition and distinction, and we explained, in the Second Topic, the legal nature of the right of objection, its kinds, and its constitutional base. In the Third Topic, we discussed the conditions of the right of objection, its procedures, and its effects. Then, the conclusion th

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Mechanisms of Employing Secondary Event in Cinematographic Discourse: ماهر مجيد ابراهيم-شروق مالك حسن
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  The cinematic story depends on many construction techniques that together constitute the story features technically and the secondary events are considered one of these basic techniques that are directly affected by the employment mechanisms inside the cinematic achievement. This subject initiated the two researchers to decide the title of the research: (Mechanisms of Employing Secondary Event in Cinematographic Discourse). The research is divided into an introduction that included the problem details, the aim and defining the terms used. The first section was the act and the event in the cinematic story, which addressed the relation between the act and the event and the nature of the simulation that tries to ascend the human act

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