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The saying of Al-Azhar in the fatwas with it from the words of Imam Zafar (may God have mercy on him) by Imam Pirizadeh Al-Hanafi (d. 1099 AH)
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It is no secret to anyone that studying and investigating books of jurisprudence, despite their suffering, is a pleasure that cannot be compared to pleasure, and it has benefits and importance that cannot be limited and summed up, and it has great fruits that researchers and students of knowledge reap, as well as enriching libraries with jurisprudential material, after dusting them and taking them out to the light of libraries to be seen. Researchers and scholars, generation after generation, so that this nation can benefit from this pioneering intellectual and scientific product that was written for us by our first ancestors of working scholars who enriched human civilization with this scientific material, which has become a beacon guiding the people of the earth and its countries. In the titles of the manuscripts in the libraries to choose a manuscript for investigation and study, my view fell on the title of this manuscript and marked (Al-Azhar’s saying in the fatwa with it from the sayings of Imam Zafar) by Imam Piri Zadeh, d. 1099 AH.. which will enrich the Arab Islamic library.



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Publication Date
Wed Jan 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effect of Using Waks Strategy Upon Acquisition The Psychological Concepts And Mind Habits for Students of College of Education
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  The aim of research is to identify the effect of using Waks strategy upon acquiring the psychological concepts and mind habits for students in the college of education. An experimental design with a partial adjustment of two experimental and control groups as well as a posttest were employed. The researcher divided the study sample into two groups: group one consisted of (38) students to represent the experimental group that was taught according to the waks strategy, and group two consisted of (35) students to represent the control group that was taught according to the traditional method. The sample was chosen based on some variables namely (Intelligence, Prior knowledge). The researcher has designed the research tools as th

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 18 2014
Journal Name
Geological Quarterly
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes and elemental composition and origin of organic matter from the Euphrates, Injana and Dibdibba formations in Iraq: discrimination between marine and terrestrial environments
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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The economic policy trends in Iraq beyond 2003
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Gaining economic policy of exceptional importance in severe unilateral Iraqi economy such as the economy, as oil revenues constitute the center of gravity in the internal and external balances, Economic policy have seen in Iraq beyond 2003 in absentia economic strategic vision and failure in the application of policies to achieve economic development, as there was a disconnect and lack of integration and coordination between macro policies of monetary policy and fiscal policy, especially as if they were floating two policies are not linked by a link

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-mamoon College
Subject Review: Toxic leadership in the workplace environment
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حضيت القيادة باهتمام كبير من قبل الباحثين ودورها الإيجابي في التأثير على الموظفين ونجاح المنظمات، في الآونة الأخير بدأت الدراسات تركز على الجانب المظلم للقيادة وتأثيرها على التابعين وبيئة العمل، وقد تم تحديد القيادة السامة بأنها أخطر الأساليب القيادية التي تتسبب بتكاليف مادية ومعنوية على المنظمات بمختلف جوانبها، ان القيادة السامة تأثر على دوافع المرؤوسين وقدرتهم على انجاز المهام، ورغبتهم في الاستمرار في

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 20 2018
Journal Name
The stylistic change in Kandinsky and Mondrian paintings
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The current rasearch which is entitled " The stylistic change in Kandinsky and Mondrian paintings – A Comparative Analytic study-" deals with the nature of change concept, its mechanisms and its constructive disciplines. The research has four chapters: The first chapter deals with the methodological Framework represented by the problem of the research which is concerned with the stylistic change and its role in activating formative disciplines.                                   The research aims at, finding out the stylistic change in Kandinsky and Mondrian Paintings.&

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of Cultural Dimensions of Multicultural Project Teams - Fielder search in the Diyala bridge area project
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This search that addressed with (( The Impact of Cultural Dimensions in multicultural Project Teams )) tagged is important variables in the project environment that rare has been adverted in Arabic studies .  The search problem is reflected in missing of awareness towards a cultural dimensions of the Diyala bridge area project team and their impact in project communications ، as well as weak project management interest in adopting a clear and scientific approach in the management and organization of project communications in order to reach the objective of the study ، was used questionnaire that built depending on previous global studies and has been adapted to accommodate Iraqi business e

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The public's reliance on satellite channels to get information about human rights issues
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The research aimed to study the role that the media play in shaping the public knowledge of human rights issues among the people of Kirkuk, which will be the focus of the study. The research was conducted by applying a survey panel to a random sample of the city's audience. The research dealt with the theoretical aspect of a theory that relied on the media, and the loans provided by the theory, on the basis of which the research was conducted and the research problem was determined based on a major question: What is the role that the mass media play in developing the knowledge of members of the public on human rights and the relationship between the intensity of view in that, as well as the identification of the effect of two variables G

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Satellite TV sites among the Iraqi public's sources about the demonstrations Field study in Baghdad 2020
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This research is based on the idea of showing the extent to which the public relies on satellite channels as sources for news of the demonstrations in Iraq .This was the essence of the problem for which the researcher set several goals, including knowing the public’s confidence in the news of these satellite channels and comparing them with others. The researcher chose an available intended sample of (117) respondents in Baghdad - Karkh and Rusafa by adopting the survey method and applying a questionnaire form and the theory of media dependence for the period from 15/11/2019 to 1/1/2021 . By using statistical methods, the researcher reached many results, the most important of which are: Satellite channels are a source for 79% of the pu

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Sciences Journal Of Physical Education
The relationship of explosive power and mechanical moments of rotation of the torso and the aiming arm Advanced Discus Throwers
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The discus throwing event is one of the complex events in athletics, and it is characterized by a performance method that depends on the principle of mechanical moments and requires high explosive capabilities of the thrower in addition to some physical specifications,which depends effectively and effectively on the biomechanical aspects in generating large moments during rotation. The importance of the research is highlighted by the interest in athletics, especially the effectiveness of the discus throw and the continuation of its development process, the importance of kinetic analysis in revealing the most important weaknesses and strengths of shooters, and the importance of explosive power And the moments generated in the rotation of the

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Psychosocial Rehabilitation
A comparative study of the mechanical and electrical activities of the heart according to the energy systems of advanced players
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The study aims to identify the mechanical and electrical activities of the heart according to the energy systems of advanced players and to detect the differences between the energy systems in terms of the mechanical and electrical activities of the heart for advanced players. It was clear from the results of the significance of the differences between the three groups according to the energy systems of the advanced players in all research variables that (the non-oxygenic system "Lactic"), which represents the advanced players in the arches (800 m, 1500 m) was the first in most tests of mechanical and electrical activities of the heart, which is (Margaria-Kalamen, Wingate, systolic muscle strength of the heart FC, Stroke Volume SV

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