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Inner Music in the Book of Young Branches in the Advantages of the Seven Hundred Poets of Ibn Sa`id Al-Andalusi
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Everyone agrees on the importance of internal music, as it is the greatest pillar in poetry music. Because it differs in internal music, and we seek in this research to shed light on the internal music in the book The Young Branches of Ibn Saeed Al-Andalusi, in terms of the poets' choice of words and styles that make up the internal music

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Difficulties toward third level students in the department of Arabic language for both Education for Women College and Ibn Rushd/University of Baghdad for the studying of Arabic language curriculum: Difficulties toward third level students in the department of Arabic language for both Education for Women College and Ibn Rushd/University of Baghdad for the studying of Arabic language curriculum
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The curriculum is amodern science which reflects the social philosophy and
what it needs . It searches for amothod that limits the knowledge that the
indiridual gets in the society and the sorts of the culture that suits the enrironment
in which they live. It also clears for them their history and their great in heritance.
It has a great in flunce in their mental growth ,and it teacher the students new
roles in the thin king ,and training then on what they have learned . According to
there points the problem concentrats on the mostimpotant difficulties which facer
thestudents in studing Arabic langnage text-books
In spite of the great care that the text taker but it is full of subjects and studies

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Characteristics of the folkloric shapes in the works of the potters Sajida al-Mashayikhi and Siham al-Saudi (acomparative study): وفاء حرب عبد اللطيف
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The research deals with the formal characteristics of folklore in contemporary Iraqi ceramics as a comparative study between the two potters Siham Al-Saudi and Sajida Al-Mashayikhi.
The research consists of four chapters. The first chapter is concerned with the research problem, the importance, the objectives, and the limits of the research, while the aim of the research answers the following question: The method and mechanisms of employing the traditional elements and vocabulary in the products of the potters “Seham Al-Saudi and Sajida Al-Mashaikhi”.
The second chapter came in the theoretical framework of the investigations and includes: The first topic: The second topic the movement in shaping contemporary Iraqi ceramics, whi

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Show fate to the people of Badr By Ibrahim ibn Hasan al-Kurani (1025-1101 AH): Study, investigate and comment
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It is the grace of God and his grace that he accepts repentance for his slaves, forgives their bad deeds in return for their misfortune, or offers them a good deed, but pardons many of them for free. Therefore, it is not long for God Almighty to forgive His mercy for many of His slaves and bring them to Paradise with no punishment or punishment, even if they have committed some sins, because of the multitude of their favorable navigational disadvantages, or even without gratitude thanks to him and him. With all this, some have overlooked the old and new on these things and amazed at the hadeeth ((God may have seen the people of the full moon and said do what you want, I have forgiven you)). Therefore, the scholars tried to answer some of

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The meaning of the triple verb more with one letter in Diwan al-Shafi'i
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The Diwan of Imam Al-Shafi’i acquires great importance, as Al-Shafi’i is an authority in the language, and when I saw that no one had preceded me in exploring its depths, I took my tool and turned my face towards it intending to study the triple verb in it. I stop at these verbs and the student pauses for their morphological forms, looking at the significance of the triple verb more with one letter, two letters, and three letters, and I found that they are many, and such research cannot contain them all, so the choice came to choose the triple verb more with one letter, and the significance of the increase in it, as the increase in The building necessitates an increase in the meaning, and from here the study was limited to the triple

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Employ of Public Relations in Building Awareness of Security against Terrorism A Survey of the Employees of the Directorate General of Public Relations and Media at the Ministry of Interior
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This study aims at identifying the role played by Public Relations in the field of security awareness of the dangers of terrorism. The research is directed to the employees at the Directorate General of Public Relations and Media at the Ministry of Interior. And that on the basis that those who play an important role in the security awareness are the security institutions, primarily the Ministry of Interior, since this Directorate is responsible for all subjects related to the public security using public relations science. It aims at identifying the functions, methods and communication tools used by the Directorate to raise awareness about the dangers of terrorism. In order to achieve the research objectives, the researcher uses the sur

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The vocational Adjustment of workers according to the analysis of job and design ((Local Research in the technology al information and communication office in the parliament))
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The purpose of the present paper is to light on the relationship between jobs design, analysis and its reflections on reinforcing workers' vocational adjustment. The present paper aims to accomplish cognitive and applied goals, top of which, test of functional analysis ability to have effect upon workers' vocational adjustment via job design directly and indirectly owning to the virtual factor practiced by these practices on the sought organization. The problem of the present paper comes with many, the most important is the of how to bolster and back up worker's technical adjustment through good and accurate design for the job.

Based on this problem and goals as to expla

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Publication Date
Thu May 04 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Morphological Description Of Inner Ear In Barbus luteus Heckel (Teleostei: Cyprinidae).
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The morphological description of inner ear in Barbus luteus have been investigated.
The results of the present study revealed that the fish under investigation has a pair of
inner ears which are embedded in two otic capsules of the skull. The inner ear contains two
main structures, the first is the Osseous Labyrinth (OL), and the second is the Membranous
Labyrinth (ML).
Both of (OL) and (ML) consist of three semicircular canal (SCC). These are anterior,
posterior and horizontal semicircular canals (ASCC, PSCC and HSCC).
The (OL) contains three chambers while the (ML) contains saccular structures which
are called otoliths organs represented by utriculus (U), sacculus (S) and lagena (L). Each of
the saccu

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
A book in the science of rhyme for the father of conquest Othman bin Jinni ‹v 392 e›: Investigation and study
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This book in our hands is a 'book in the science of rhymes' written by the linguistic and grammatical world 'Othman bin Jenni' 'T 392 AH', and included in it: the concept of rhyme, its characters, movements, and disadvantages, with mention of its ramifications, defining them by definition, clarification and martyrdom poetry, It is concise in size, but it is a book containing a full science in its content.
The study was divided into two parts, the first: the study, and included a study of the author and the author, I talked first about his life, such as his name and origin, and scientific status, and the words of scientists in it, and so on, and secondly: the name of the book, and his percentage, and the time of its composition, etc. I

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Success rate of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention of Chronic Total Occlusion in Ibn Al-Baitar Hospital for cardiac surgery and Al-Nassyeria cardiac center
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Back ground: Chronic total occlusion (CTO) of coronary arteries remains one of the most challenging lesion subsets in interventional cardiology even with the development of medical devices and operator expertise. Successful revascularization results in improved in angina status ,increased exercise capacity and reduces the need for lat CABG surgery .
Objectives: This study sought to determine the overall procedural success rate of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for CTOs and to examine the relation between variables such as; patients’ characteristics, risk factors, lesion characteristics and procedural success rate.
Methods: In this study ,clinical and coronary angiography data of (80) patients with CTO who underwent PCI

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2016
Journal Name
The aesthetics of design shape of the interior spaces for the syndicate of physicians: ريم باسل نوري
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The research dealt with the topic ' the aesthetics of design shape of interior spaces for the syndicate of physicians' as it reflects visions evolving to the level of tasting and positive interpretation for the space of work to be on a high design level.The research consisting of four chapters as follow; The first chapter examined the problem of the research contracted in the following question: Have the design shapes any role in achieving and showing the aesthetic side for the syndicate of physicians? so the goal of the research was showing the aesthetics of design shape of interior spaces for the syndicate of physicians, The chapter also included the objective spatial and temporal limits of research .Finally the terms were specified. T

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