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Salah Al-Abad In stating the purposes of belief
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Worshipersrighteousness in declaration of purposes of belief

Laith Salman Dawood

Iraqi Sunni Affairs/Department of Religious and Charity Institutions


Praise is to God and Prayers and peace is upon the Messenger of Allah and his family and companions and then:

The research here presents to the question of standing on the purpose of belief and its importance, which corresponds to going into the purposes of the Sharia acts and Worship, which are no less important and perhaps the most important. The health of belief is the only way to correct work and worship. The research first dealt with the definition of the doctrine and its pillars and the agreement in the source of receiving Muslims according to the commandment of the Prophet peace is upon him. Then we spread the word in the second lobe to present the characteristics that distinguished our Islamic faith from others, and then explain the humanitarian need, that is, all of mankind, to adopt the Islamic doctrine in practice.

In the research, we have to present to the purposes of belief and the need to reflect on the great purpose of adopting all the tenets of faith, and to indicate the importance of this purpose in our daily lives and the welfare of societies and the spread of peace and security through the moderation of belief.

Finally, the research explained the serious effects of deviation and extremism and the accidental damage from exaggeration or symptoms of belief and the reflection of all this on human life and the civilization of the earth.

God bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Bahraini Parliamentary Elections and their Impact on the Popular
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الخلاصة Bahraini Parliamentary Elections and their Impact on the Popular Uprising) Bahrain has a distinguished constitutional and parliamentary experience, which distinct it from the other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Its experience in this area is the second after the experience of Kuwait to establish a system of government based on modern constitutional principles. As the government presented the Constitution to the Constituent Assembly elected by people and approved in 09/06/1973. After that, it witnessed the birth of the first parliament elected by the people in 1973, but the experiment did not last long and the parliament dissolved by Prince, and didn’t determine the period of the return of the working with the

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Use Dividend Discount Model , DDM in Stocks Valuation With Framework of Inflation: An Applied Study
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The theme of this Study presents analysis and discuss to the "Share the framework for assessing inflation," a practical study in a sample of joint stock companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange for the years (2009-2013). To determine the extent of the disparity between the nominal value of shares (Nominal Value) before deducting inflation and the real value (Real Value) per share, after deducting inflation in the case of zero growth. The study relied on annual reports of the companies of the research sample of the Iraq Stock Exchange, as well as the Iraqi Securities Commission. Besides the annual reports issued by the Ministry of Planning, as well as annual reports and statistical bulletin issued by the Central Bank of Iraq. It is fra

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Model Estimated Building in Finite Population Sampling
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The population is sets of vocabulary common in character or characters and it’s study subject or research . statistically , this sets is called study population (or abridgement population ) such as set of person or trees of special kind of fruits or animals or product  any country for any commodity through infinite temporal period term ... etc.

The population maybe finite if we can enclose the number of its members such as the students of finite school grade . and maybe infinite if we can not enclose the number of it is members such as stars or aquatic creatures in the sea . when we study any character for population the statistical data is concentrate by two metho

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 06 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Sustainable architecture and rural housing in Iraq
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Old Iraq includes the first experiences in establishing the first residential settlements in the Mesopotamian, and model villages designed and the pulp units in it and their natural matter, that made it perennial, and construction continues until now with it. These experiences were the basis for the emergence of the Iraqi civilization and thus the world and the beginning of writing, trade and the religions of the divine since before history, and then the Sumerian, Babylonian and Assyrian civilizations, and their villages that formed the Fertile Crescent.

There is a lack of knowledge and disregard for the distant and near history of Iraq in the field of rural housing, despite Iraq's leadership in this field, with the aim of the re

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Recent trends in home economics teaching methods
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Interest in the teaching profession is one of the most important steps on the road to education reform to develop the quality of education is not only through the teacher's professional competencies required, interest in the teaching profession in any society stems from fingerprints left by the teacher on his behavior and morals and their minds and their personalities. Today we are going to provide scientific, technical and research is enormous, we need more powerful skills and ways of thinking that must be acquired by the teacher. The current search is gaining importance in terms of:

  1. This is the first of its kind on the researcher's knowledge _ which deals with the modern trends in t

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
Journal Name
Formal-semantic metaphor in print advertising design
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The research problem lay in the existing of this direct relation between the increasing and the big variety of the goods and the producing companies which mean the increase of the competition and the directing techniques of the commercial advertisings, which become spread everywhere and in an age characterized with the great varieties in the tests and the stances which requires the designers to seek designing accomplishments that are characterized with creativeness , seriousness and unsallity through the designer depending in constructing his / her texts and his/ her visual items on reference forms metaphors to achieve his / her designing purposes.
So the researcher through her primary flying study seek the identifying the manner of

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Features tendency cosmic in contemporary Iraqi configuration
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The research current ( features tendency cosmic in contemporary Iraqi configuration) attempt to study the dimensions of the conceptual and philosophical foundations upon which the tendency of cosmic within the period that extended its influence beyond the place where I grew up to be circulated concepts in all parts of the world, it is no doubt that the world is now heading to rapprochement after the tremendous developments in the field of communication technology and reflected heavily on identity concepts, privacy, the concept of nation-states ... etc. to become an individual and a large area of access to other cultures, and all that aroused the interest of contemporary Iraqi artist this interest arising from the desire to keep up with d

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Employment programming fuzzy goal in medical field
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The aim of this study is to use style programming goal and technical programming goal fuzzy to study assessing need annual accurately and correctly depending on the data and information about the quantity the actual use of medicines and medical supplies in all hospitals and health institutions during a certain period where they were taking the company public for the marketing of medicines and medical supplies sample for research. Programming model was built goal to this problem, which included (15) variable decision, (19) constraint and two objectives:

1 - rational exchange of budget allocated for medicines and supplies.
2 - ensure that the needs of patients of medicines and supplies needed to improve

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Society and Manner in Joseph Conrad's Victory
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In his novel entitled Victory. Joseph Conrad asserts himself as a writer for man
as a moral agent in this universe. His characters exhibit the possibilities for isolation
and moral deterioration in modern life. The aim of this research is to investigate some
social issues that touch the core of humanity. In this novel, Conrad's perceptive eyes
has noted so many social issues that need to be tackled. Implicitly and explicitly,
Conrad launches so many controversial issues like : communication and
disengagement or skepticism , conflict between heart and mind ,fate, demonic
identification sense of guilt in man, men , women and homosexuality, the clash
between the civilized and the raw ,the disregarded local people and

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Political pluralism in contemporary Islamic political thought
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The paper deals with the position of the Contemporary Islamic political thought concerning the Islamic of pluralism in party system and the role of political parties in the future Islamic state . this paper focuses on the vision of Mr. mohammad hussain Fadlulah to these topics and his opinion in the legitimacy of alliancy with secular political parties The paper , also discussed his opinion concerning the adaptation of political relations between the Islamic political parties under the rules and lows of secular political system in order to have broad positively the public good

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