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Hanbali's approach to building long and short travel provisions with issues attached to their provisions
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The problem with research lies in hiding the Hanbali approach in building long and short travel provisions, as well as hiding some provisions relating to short travel that are not provided for by the jurists of Hanbali (in their books).

The research aims to demonstrate the approach and standards on which they based the long and short travel provisions, as well as to reflect the provisions of some of the issues that are silent on long and short travel, with evidence and significance.

The research included a preface and two researches, the researcher in the preface talked about the reality of long and short travel, in the first research on the approach of hanbali in building the provisions of long and short travel, and in the second research on a number of issues related to what al-Hanbala stipulated.

The researcher concluded to find out why the distinction between long and short travel in the provisions at Hanbala, and to extract the criteria on which they built the provisions of long and short travel, which are three criteria that do not depart from the general origins of inference, and reached the legal judgment of four issues related to long and short travel and not provided for by Hanbala.


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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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Walter Lippmann, speaking about man, says : ” Gradually he makes for himself a trustworthy picture inside his head of the world beyond his reach. “. This means that the picture, whether it was good or bad, it doesn’t happen for nothing, but rather for intentional purposes. Some orientalists make their judgements even before getting to the place concerned with the study.

The mental image is one of the most misused terminology, although the world today has become the world of image, it witnessed the disappearance of the theories that used to consider the media as a reflective mirror for society, also it was confirmed that the media creates what varies from reality and sometimes completely different from reality. The image of

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Prosoical Behavior and Its Relationship to Openness to Experience among University Students
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The aim of the present study is to identify the level of prosoical behavior of Baghdad University's students and to recognize the differences between male and female students. Moreover, it also aims to identify the level of openness to experience for these students. A random sample of (123) students has been selected; 77 males and 46 females. Two scales have been used in the study. The Prosocialness scale for adults by Caprara. Et al (2005) has been translated into the Arabic language and relies on four types of actions (Helping, Sharing, Taking care, and feeling Empathetic with others) and the other scale is the Openness to Experience Scale, which is one of the Big Five Inventory by John and Srivastava (1999). The main results showed a

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Social Skills and its Relationship with Self-Regulation of Gifted Students According to the academic Stage and Gender
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This study aimed at investigating the level of social skills and its relationship with self-regulation among gifted students according to the academic stage and gender. The sample consisted of (417) male and female students at King Abdullah II School for Excellence in Salt, Jordan. Two instruments were used to collect the data; A scale of social skills and a scale of self-regulation. The results revealed that the level of social skills was high among gifted students. There were statistically significant differences in the social skills among gifted students according to their academic stage in favor of the secondary stage and according to their gender in favor of female students. There were statistically signific

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Electronic Customer Trust Building Tools On Excellent Performance An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of individuals in the administrative and leadership positions in the Northern Cement Company
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The current study aims to overcome the conflicts facing the company in its way of staying and continuing to maintain its performance excellent in light of the intense competition, which made it seek to find strong ways and links with its customers through electronic communication using electronic platforms, and this put confidence and safety in The place of suspicion and fear of not fulfilling credibility or violating the privacy, so this research comes to answer about the question:  “Can the company achieve an excellent performance by relying on the customer's electronic confidence?”.

The study followed the descriptive and analytical approaches by providing a virtual model and testing the zero hypotheses, which stipulat

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 18 2023
Journal Name
Corporate Reputation Review
The Absorptive Capacity of Knowledge as an Approach for Building Strategic Reliability in the Sponge Organizations/Small Organizations in Kirkuk Governorate as a Model
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Sep 17 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Pending issues between the federal government and the Kurdistan region (Constitutional and legal solutions)
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The federal state is usually based on a number of regions because it is based on the multiplicity of political entities. The federal experiments were based on the existence of two or more regions and each federal system has its own peculiarities. Administrative authority between the federal government and local elected bodies of local people of absolute relative independence does not threaten the entity of the state according to the Constitution and the law and on a regional or reformer basis and exercise its powers within the legal scope prescribed The relationship between the federal authority and the Kurdistan region is the first level of the relationship on the real level, especially since no other region in Iraq has been formed exce

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Female Avenger: Violence, Absurdity, and Black Humour in Roald Dahl's Short stories
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Roald Dhal's is a prominent British short story writer who presented a fictional world full of contradictions and ironies. It is also full of double meanings where things are not what they appear to be and where meaninglessness is a prominent component. Dahl's world is also colored with blackness and grotesqueness; full of comedy that makes you shiver instead of laugh and characters who invite a sneak peek into a different side, a dark side of human nature. Dahl's themes are various and gripping but usually revolve around the triangle that frames his fiction: violence, humour, and absurdity. What seems to be a prominent and recurrent theme that intersects with every element in this triangle is revenge. In one story after another Dahl pre

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
مجلة كلية العلوم الاسلامية
أثر القواعد الفقكية الكبرى في بعض مسائل القضاء
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القواعد الفقهية، باب واسع لإنزال الحكم الشرعي على مستجدات السياسة التي تتزايد يوماً بعد يوم، ومستجدات مسائل القضاء المعقدة، شرط أن تكون القاعدة مستمدة من النصوص الشرعية لفظاً أو دلالة. والأخذ بالقواعد الفقهية في الأحكام التي تخص السياسة الشرعية، أولى بالأخذ من الأحكام الوضعية؛ لأن قواعد الفقه هي خلاصة أحكام توصل إليها فقهاء الأمة بعد الدراسة والتمحيص، وهي مؤهلة وبشكل كبير أن تغطي حاجة أصحاب الولايات الع

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The impact of the major doctrinal rules in Some Judicial Matters
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Jurisprudential rules, a broad section to lower the legitimacy of the ruling on the developments of politics, which is increasing day by day, and developments of complex judicial issues, provided that the rule derived from the texts of the legitimate or verbal significance.
      And the introduction of jurisprudence rules in the provisions concerning the legitimate policy, the first to take from the provisions of the situation; because the rules of jurisprudence is a summary of the provisions reached by the scholars of the nation after study and scrutiny, which is qualified and largely to cover the need of the owners of public mandates.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 06 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Using of costs based on activity that focused on performance in Reduce Costs and their reflection to improve competitive advantage: An applied research in wasitTextile and Knitting factory
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The research aims mainly to the role of the statement style costs on the basis of activity based on performance (PFABC) to reduce production cost and improve the competitive advantage of economic units and industrial under the modern business environment dominated by a lot of developments and changes rapidly, which necessitates taking them and criticize them to ensure survival and continuity.  The research problem is the inability of traditional cost methods of providing useful information to the departments of units to take many administrative decisions, particularly decisions related to the product and calculating the costs of the quality of the sound and the availability of the need and the ability to replace methods capa

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