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The efforts of scholars in the science of readings in the fifth century AH (450 AH - 500 AH).
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The sciences related to the Book of God are many, and the benefits of every science in it are abundant, and among those sciences is the science of readings, which is for the sake of science and the most honorable, due to its strong attachment to the Book of God Almighty. From this care, and aims to show the attention of scholars to the science of readings in general and the scholars of the fifth century in particular, as the literature on it abounded until it became the principal for those who came after them.

The research consists of an introduction that includes the objectives of the research, the reasons for choosing it, previous studies, research questions, and research terms, then a preface dealing with the importance of the science of readings and the wisdom of them, and two chapters, the first: the history of authorship in the science of readings, and it includes two topics: The first: the emergence of authorship in the science of readings And the second: the most important publications in the science of readings until the beginning of the fifth century AH, and the second chapter: the most important published works in the science of readings in the fifth century AH from the year 450 to 500 AH.

I took the descriptive analytical method in the research, and God is the guardian of success.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The talent and its relation with some changes for the Kindergarten children
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The current research aims to distinguish the talent for the kindergarten
children and its relation with some changes . The research included ( 170 )
child (male , female ) from the kindergarten children on the year 2009 – 2010
the researcher had used PRED meter to achieve the goals of this research
after being sure from the honesty and the prove and the ( person ) connection
coefficient had been used to discover the relation between the talent and the
changes which had been mentioned in the research . The result proved that
the children had talents the toys and the educational scientifically scholarship
finally the researcher had presented some recommendations and suggestions
for other studies .<

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Determination the optimum orbit for low Earth satellites by changing the eccentricity
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Abstract<p>The main objective of this paper is to determine an acceptable value of eccentricity for the satellites in a Low Earth Orbit LEO that are affected by drag perturbation only. The method of converting the orbital elements into state vectors was presented. Perturbed equation of motion was numerically integrated using 4<sup>th</sup> order Runge-Kutta’s method and the perturbation in orbital elements for different altitudes and eccentricities were tested and analysed during 84.23 days. The results indicated to the value of semi major axis and eccentricity at altitude 200 km and eccentricity 0.001are more stable. As well, at altitude 600 km and eccentricity 0.01, but at 800 km a</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
The rationing system effect on seepage from the cement-treated gypsum canals
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Abstract<p>The shortage of irrigation water requires specific measures. One of these measures is the application of the rationing system (a period of irrigation followed by a period of drought). This system could have an effect on the behavior and properties of irrigation canals. So, studying rationing system on the irrigation canals is important both in civil engineering and water resources engineering, especially if these channels constructed with gypsum soil. This study includes the calculation of seepage velocity and water content in each cycle (10 days wetting and 10 days of drying). The model is built for this research contains four samples, two samples for untreated soil one of them expos</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Safety And Security Engineering
The Safer City: A New Planning Perspective for the Traditional City Development
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The European Union and the Extremist Right Phenomenon: Brexit as a Model
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The European Unit has never been affected by a serious phenomena as the phenomena of the advancing of the far right parties. Though these parties vary in their impact in their original countries, they agree on one important issue which is the deconstruction of the European unit and limiting its supernational powers. These increasing popular parties aim at more national independence in decision making away from the decisions taken by Brussels. Moreover, they criticize the financial and administrative corruption accompanied many of the rescuing procedures directed for example towards countries like Greece and Spain during the international economic crisis. This failure nourishes many of the negative feelings against the European unit which

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
the university education and human development
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We notice that the issue of development is one of the most important issues in ourepoch especially in our country which classify within back ward countries.

When we talk here about the development we don’t mean only the development of capitals or the development of products.but the most important thing is the development of mind .if we notice the experience of  developits economy and it didn’t reach to the wanted aim.because these sides .  The highness of the meutal rate of the nation is the standard of of the nation is the standard of the sentific and cultural advance for this nation .And that is what we have noticed in human societies ingenerall .

We noticed that

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Agricultural Crops and Ecological Series of Crops Placement
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The accumulation of toxic elements in vegetables and melons grown in agriculture, Brassica rapa - turnip, Solanum lycopersicum - tomato, Citrullus lanatus - watermelon, Capsicum annuum - bell pepper, Daucus carota - carrots, Cucurbita pepo - pumpkin, Cucumis melo - melon, and also Prunus armeniaca - apricot from fruit trees were analyzed. The excess of maximum allowable concentrations in agricultural crops of the element As by 1.65-1.75, Cd - 1.6-2.3, Cr -1.2-2.35, Cu -1.6-3.3, Ni - 1.16-3.53, Pb - 1.54-3.08, Al - 1.36-3.5, Sb - 2.0-33, Se - 1.1-3.3 times was established. The maximum allowable concentration of mercury in vegetables and melons was equal to 0.02 mg/kg,

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2010
Journal Name
مجلة الانبار للعلوم الزراعية
Effect of injected with gibberllic acid ga3 and addition of vitamin d3 to the diet on some productive parameters of aged laying hens
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This experiment was conducted to examine the effects of injected gibberellic acid GA3 in subcutaneous of hens neck and supplemental vitamin D3 to control basal diet on productive performance and egg shell thickness ,relative weight of egg shell of aged laying hens. Two hundred and seventy Lohmann Brown laying hens at 73 weeks of age were randomly assigned to three treatments groups. Each treatment consist of three replicates (30 hens / replicate). The treatments were : T1 control were injected subcutaneous with 0.2 ml / kg of body weight of ethanol: sesame oil solution, T2 and T3 were injected subcutaneous with 0.2 ml / kg of body weight of ethanol: sesame oil solution which contained 400 μg GA3/ kg of body weight /week during 8 weeks (tre

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of exercising occupational hypocrisy on organizational strategic success: An Empirical study on university of kufa faculty of administration and economic
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This research aims to identify the relationship between occupational hypocrisy and organizational strategic success, It was done by analyzing the correlations and influence between variables,  applied to a random sample of university professors at the University of Kufa faculty of administration and economic.

 The main tool for data collection is the survey were questionnaires were distributed randomly to the professors , and (43) questionnaires were returned, and test its validity by using (SEM) (Structural Equation Modeling), Hypothesis has been tested by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS v. 18), The research found a set of conclusions:(The occupational hypocrisy has

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 19 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluation the Procedure for Recognition of Income Tax to Reduce Tax Evasion: بحث تطبيقي في الهيئة العامة للضرائب
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  Tax state institution regards as one of the largest state institutions implementing the tax rules issuing be legislative body and achieving the goals of tax (financial, economic, social and political). So, the tax management should pay attention to the procedures enabling it to achieve those rules starting from the procedures of tax restrict and ending by tax allocation where the process of assessment the taxation must relaxing on modern methods. The problem of the study raising from that in spite of there is a low  obliging the taxable person (registered or not) to submit a declaration about his income and the achieved profit to be the base of taxation˒ where the other ways  are secondary ways helping in rejection of t

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