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Abu Al-Shammaq, the tramp of spelling
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Research summary

Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the one who was the most eloquent of people in language and the most eloquent of them in eloquence, our Master Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him).

To proceed... There is no doubt that many studies have preceded me in talking about chalk, each according to his own destination and view, and what I do not deny is that I benefited a lot from it, and it provided me with a lot of valuable information, and I liked to be one of those study pens, trying as much as possible To add something new and different in the study, far from similarity and repetition. Especially in the Abbasid study.

The babble in the Abbasid society was directed in general by poets to the caliphs, as well as the people of money, because of the unreasonable class disparity, so the poets complained and wept about their bad condition, but to no avail, so the complaint turned into praise, and also to no avail or indifference, so they finally turned to satire, especially the scathing one, as an expression of what Inside them from the stigma of deprivation and the heat of hatred, expressing this in sarcastic images and terrifying insults.

Just as Urwah ibn al-Ward was the tramp of the pre-Islamic era, Abu al-Shammaqmak was the tramp of the Abbasids, and his name was associated with al-Hajja and al-Salakah, so the al-Saluk al-Hajji al-Abbasid is not mentioned without mentioning Abu al-Shammaqq in their forefront until he was described as the most wretched of the poor. After the summary, the research was divided into an introduction, three chapters, and a conclusion. In the preamble, we talked about the bald linguistically and idiomatically, and everything related to it. As for the first topic, I studied the balm starting from the Jahiliyyah, passing through the Islamic to the Umayyad, and the second topic came our talk about the balm of the Abbasid era and its layers. On the authority of Abi Al-Shammaq, his money and what he owed, and the second came, and it was the satire on the poor tramp Abu Al-Shammaq, then I followed it with a conclusion that talked about the most important results that I reached.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Histological Study of the Digestive Tract of Liza abu (Heckel) 3- Intestine
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 The study includes histological structure of  pyloric caeca , intestine and rectum of Liza abu , the results show that the pyloric caeca are non-branched fingerlings structures numbering (4) and length rate was (0.5) cm , while the intestine of Liza abu was long narrow tube composed of a number of laps , the anterior part of intestine was wider in diameter than the posterior part , the length of intestine was (32) cm , the rectum was straight tube extends from the end of posterior part of intestine to the anus.         The wall of pyloric caeca , intestine and rectum consists of main layers : mucosa , submucosa , muscularis and serosa , lining epithelium of  pyloric caeca , intestin

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Analysis of Regional Development in Abu Ghraib Municipality within the Available Sources
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The judgment enjoys many potential sources. If we look at these sources with analytical view that enable us to identify the potentials of strength in them which is the existence of features that distinct each place from the other one, which can be considered opportunities that provide the designer and the planner the possibility to design and planning which is based on subs taken from the reality of the available data of the location.
At this point outstands the role of development sources as one of the processes of re-configuring the place which appear as a result of a reality that requires setting new goals for the society and to achieve these goals it takes observations dealing with the place policies that should be taken, so this

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 27 2019
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    A total of 54 abu mullet Planiliza abu (Heckel, 1843) were collected from two stations (north and south stations) along the Euphrates River near Samawa City, Al-Muthanna province and were examined during the period from October 2016 till September 2017 for parasites. Six out of 35 examined fishes from the north station (17.1%) and one out of 19 examined fishes (5.3%) from south station were infected with the microcotylid Solostamenides paucitesticulatus Kritsky & Öktener, 2015. The parasite was illustrated and described, and it is considered as a new record for the parasitic fauna of fishes of Iraq.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
The Utilization of Arabic Calligraphy to Inspire Modern Arabic Type Designs: ربا حسن أبو حسنة
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Arabic calligraphy is one of the greatest achievements of Islamic art. The visual form of Arabic calligraphy is the primary means of presenting ideas and messages for expressive communication in Arabic typefaces. Emerging computer technology with calligraphy is essential for effective visual designs; however, traditional typefaces are insufficient in number and quality to fulfill the requirements of the current Saudi industry. Thus, this research investigates the processes followed by graphic designers to create modern Arabic type designs inspired by Arabic calligraphy, and presents the characteristics of Arabic calligraphy. The research implemented a mixed experimental and descriptive method, exploring 10 typefaces designed by professio

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Geochemistry of Sabkhas in Abu Ghraib, Western Baghdad, Iraq
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The study aims to detail the chemistry of Sabkha located in Abu-Graib, western Baghdad to know the content of the rare elements distributed. Sabkhas are found in dry areas with significant evaporation rates. The quantity of dissolved salts rises as water evaporates from the shallow basins, eventually causing salt to crystallize. The creation of the distinctive salt pans and crusts on the top is greatly influenced by this process. The trace elements (Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Sn, Ba, Ta, Tl, Pb, Th, U, I, and Br) beside the major oxides were analyzed using XRF technique. There are no clear significant differences in the distribution of the elements between the two Sabkhas in the village of Kadim Al

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effectiveness Of the Poetic Text Between the Presence and Absence in Abu Firas al_Hamdani Romyate
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Abu Firas al- Hamdani is one of the most prominent abbasid poets Who characterized their poetry with high artistic quality especially in his Romyate which blended the quality of feelings of grief, sorrow, longing and nostalgia that makes sensitive self conflict that stems with time from one hand and with place on the other hand. Because we are dealing with a poet lived west spatial coercive which it has been hurt him within a time conflict swinging between despair and some times patience and hope other times between the present and his painful reality also between the past and the beautiful times.
This researcher is to stand on this Romyat by monitoring effectiveness of the poetic text based on conflict between the presenc

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 02 2001
Journal Name
Comparative Parasitology
Neoechinorhynchus iraqensis sp. n.(Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) from the Freshwater Mullet, Liza abu.
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Neoechinorhynchus iraqensis sp. n.(Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) from the Freshwater Mullet, Liza abu.

Publication Date
Wed Sep 29 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The position of Al-Jassas (D. 370 AH) of the verses of "As-Sifat Al-Khbriya"
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This research aims at know the position of Al-Jassas Al- Hanafi (D. 370 AH) of  "As-Sifat Al- Khbriya", through his interpretation: (the provisions of Qur'an), by studying his interpretation of the verses related to this issue.

The most significant results of this study that Al-Jassas did not consider the words that called: "As-Sifat Al- Khbriya" as adjectives to Allah almighty, but he consider them contained an inappropriate meaning to Allah almighty, thus it must be referred to the perfect arbitrator, so he was believe in opinion of interpretation. and interpretations of Al-Jassas for the related of the Qur'an verses relat

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Using GIS Technique for evaluating water quality of Abu Zarag marsh during the flood season
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Abstract<p>This research deals with the most important heritage in Iraq, which are the Iraqi marshes, especially Abu Zarag marsh in Al-Nasiriyah city south of Iraq. The research is divided into two parts. The first part deals with evaluating the water quality parameters of Abu Zarag marsh for the period from December 2018 to April 2019 which is the flooding season. The parameters are Temperature, pH, Electrical Conductivity, Total Dissolved Solids, Alkalinity, Total Hardness, Turbidity, Dissolved Oxygen, Sulfate, Nitrate. The second part is a comparison between the water quality parameters during the recent period with the same period during the previous years from 2014 to 2019. The results are </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Conference: First International Conference On Water Resources
Modeling BOD of the Effluent from Abu-Ghraib Diary Factory using Artificial Neural Network October 2018
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The proper operation, and control of wastewater treatment plants, is receiving an increasing attention, because of the rising concern about environmental issues. In this research a mathematical model was developed to predict biochemical oxygen demand in the waste water discharged from Abu-Ghraib diary factory in Baghdad using Artificial Neural Network (ANN).In this study the best selection of the input data were selected from the recorded parameters of the wastewater from the factory. The ANN model developed was built up with the following parameters: Chemical oxygen demand, Dissolved oxygen, pH, Total dissolved solids, Total suspended solids, Sulphate, Phosphate, Chloride and Influent flow rate. The results indicated that the constructed A

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