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AYĀT AL-HUJJAH FĪ SŪRAT AL-ANĀM RIWĀIAH WA DERĀIAH ( a model in three verses from Surat Al-An’am 108-110)
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The current research discusses the jurisprudence of the argumentative meaning in the Qur’an, and it is one of the general methods of responses in the Qur’an, as well as the argumentative approach to the recitations of the readers and directing their meanings. I have chosen a model for three verses from Surat Al-An’am, in which there are seven frequent recitations and seven odd ones, on a topic related to theology and faith; It forms the centerpiece of the argument verses in Surat Al-An'am; It contains the jurisprudence of dealing with infidels and dissenters, turning away and forbidding insulting what they claim besides God in the event of corruption, and God Almighty’s decree and wisdom in the occurrence of unbelief with what he celebrates in the tongues, hearts and eyes of the deniers. We need in every age such kind of methods of the Qur’an, especially this era. The importance of this model emerges in the alternation of the two methods of declaring and indoctrination of the argument, and that is the statement of the divine approach in dealing with violators and responding to them as well. And it is a comma in the verses of argument in the entire surah, and after them he said easily: “The word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and justice.” I took the balancing approach to the sayings, the meanings of the recitations and their guidance; and exclude for what may be problems.

The most prominent findings: Proving one of the evidences for the source of the divine Qur’an; Because there is no one in the methods of human argument who decides the argument and teaches it at the same time with such strength and understanding in all respects, this is only in the Qur’an, and the statement of part of the Qur’an’s approach in the method of argument is a report we received. The frequent collection with odd in this abundance is evidence of the circumstances of the descent. I recommended writing a scientific thesis to trace Surat Al-An’am as a whole in this type of method of the Qur’an as a report, rooting and criticism of what contradicted from the methods of human beings in argument; As well as writing in rooting the science of argument and the controversy of the Qur’an from the Qur’an itself and tracing its applications.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 04 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Computing
User Authentication Approach using a Combination of Unigraph and Digraph Keystroke Features
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In Computer-based applications, there is a need for simple, low-cost devices for user authentication. Biometric authentication methods namely keystroke dynamics are being increasingly used to strengthen the commonly knowledge based method (example a password) effectively and cheaply for many types of applications. Due to the semi-independent nature of the typing behavior it is difficult to masquerade, making it useful as a biometric. In this paper, C4.5 approach is used to classify user as authenticated user or impostor by combining unigraph features (namely Dwell time (DT) and flight time (FT)) and digraph features (namely Up-Up Time (UUT) and Down-Down Time (DDT)). The results show that DT enhances the performance of digraph features by i

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Impact of COVID-19 on Healthy Related Issues, A structured Review
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Coronavirus: (COVID-19) is a recently discovered viral disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus.

The majority of patients with corona-virus infections will have a mild-moderate respiratory disease that recovers without special care. Most often, the elderly, and others with chronic medical conditions such as asthma, coronary disease, respiratory illness, and malignancy are seriously ill.

    COVID-19 is spread mostly by salivary droplets or nasal secretions when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

    COVID-19 causes severe acute respiratory illness (SARS-COV-2). The first incidence was recorded in Wuhan, China, in 2019.  Since then it spreads leading to a pandemic.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
A Simple Method for Studying Crushability and Grindability of Rocks and Minerals
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
A Study of Crystallographic and DC Electrical Characteristics of PPy/Ag Nanocomposites
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ABSTRACT: Polypyrrole and polypyrrole / silver nanocomposites were fabricated by in-situ polymerization employing Ammonium Persulphate as an oxidizing agent. Nanocomposites were synthesized by combining polypyrrole and silver nanoparticles in various weight percentages (0.1%, 0.5%, 3%, 5% and 7% wt.). Crystallographic data were collected using X-ray diffraction.  PPy particles were found to have an orthorhombic symmetry. In contrast, PPy/Ag nanocomposites were reported to have monoclinic structure. The crystallite size was determined by XRD using Scherrer equation and considered to be within 49 nm range. DC conductivity of pelletized samples was evaluated in the temperature range of 323.15k to 453.15k. The conductiv

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
A Micro Computed Tomography Assessment of New Carrier-Based Root Canal Fillings
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Background: The main aim of the present study is to qualify and quantify voids formation of root canals obturated with GuttaCore (GC) and experimental Hydroxyapatite polyethylene (HA/PE) as new carrier-based root canal fillings by using micro computed tomography scan. Materials and methods: In the present study, eight straight single-rooted human permanent premolar teeth are selected and disinfected, then stored in distilled water. The teeth decoronated leaving a root length of 12mm each. The root canals instrumented by using crown down technique and the apical diameter of the root canal prepared to a size # 30/0.04 for achieving standardized measurements. A 5mL of 17% EDTA used to remove the smear layer followed by 5mL of 2.5% NaOCl and r

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Wireless Communications And Mobile Computing
Developing a real time navigation for the mobile robots at unknown environments
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<p><span>This research deals with the feasibility of a mobile robot to navigate and discover its location at unknown environments, and then constructing maps of these navigated environments for future usage. In this work, we proposed a modified Extended Kalman Filter- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (EKF-SLAM) technique which was implemented for different unknown environments containing a different number of landmarks. Then, the detectable landmarks will play an important role in controlling the overall navigation process and EKF-SLAM technique’s performance. MATLAB simulation results of the EKF-SLAM technique come with better performance as compared with an odometry approach performance in terms of measuring the

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Feminist Discourse Analysis of Writer's Gender Biases about Violence Against Women
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    The present study is concerned with the writer's ideologies towards violence against women. The study focuses on analyzing violence against women in English novel to see the extent the writers are being affected and influenced by their genders. It also focuses on showing to what extent the writer's ideologies are reflected in their works. Gender influences social groups ideologies; therefore, when a writer discusses an issue that concerns the other gender, they will be either subjective or objective depending on the degree of influence, i.e., gender has influenced their thoughts as well as behaviors. A single fact may be presented differently by different writers depending on the range of a

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Industrial Research (ijoir)
Biofuel Production and Its Impact on Global Food Security: A Review Article
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The aim of this study is to shed light on the importance of biofuels as an alternative to conventional energy, in addition to the importance of preserving agricultural crops, which are the main source of this fuel, to maintain food security, especially in developing countries. The increase in global oil prices, in addition to the fear of global warming, are among the main factors that draw the world’s attention to searching for alternative sources of traditional energy, which are sustainable on the one hand, and on the other hand reduce carbon emissions. Therefore, the volume of global investment in renewable energy in general, and in liquid biofuels and biomass in particular, has increased. Global fears emerged that the excessive convers

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Controlling the wavelength of a high power diode laser using thermoelectric cooler
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The present work includes a design and characteristics study of a controlling the wavelength of high power diode laser by thermoelectric cooler [TEC] . The work includes the operation of the [TEC] to control the temperature of the diode laser between ( 0- +30) °C by changing the resistance of thermistor. We can control a limited temperature of a diode laser by changing the phase cooling between hot and cold faces of the diode, this process can be attempted by comparator type [LM –311] .The theoretical results give a model for controlling the temperature with, the suitable wavelength.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Psychological Burnout for Teachers of Kindergarten Public and Private (A Contrastive Study)
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The psychological burnout is considered one of dangerous phenomenon’s which appeared in the 70s of the 20th century and suffered by most of the society classes. It is a term which the wide uses and various meaning like emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion and chronic weak exhaustion. The presented research aims t identify the psychological burnout as for the Kindergarten teacher and the differences significance according to the variations (Kindergarten type: private or govern mental). The research sample contains 400 female teachers divided to 170 governmental Kindergarten teachers and 230 private Kindergarten teachers. The researcher prepared a measurement method to measure the psychological burnout for those teachers after

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