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AYĀT AL-HUJJAH FĪ SŪRAT AL-ANĀM RIWĀIAH WA DERĀIAH ( a model in three verses from Surat Al-An’am 108-110)
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The current research discusses the jurisprudence of the argumentative meaning in the Qur’an, and it is one of the general methods of responses in the Qur’an, as well as the argumentative approach to the recitations of the readers and directing their meanings. I have chosen a model for three verses from Surat Al-An’am, in which there are seven frequent recitations and seven odd ones, on a topic related to theology and faith; It forms the centerpiece of the argument verses in Surat Al-An'am; It contains the jurisprudence of dealing with infidels and dissenters, turning away and forbidding insulting what they claim besides God in the event of corruption, and God Almighty’s decree and wisdom in the occurrence of unbelief with what he celebrates in the tongues, hearts and eyes of the deniers. We need in every age such kind of methods of the Qur’an, especially this era. The importance of this model emerges in the alternation of the two methods of declaring and indoctrination of the argument, and that is the statement of the divine approach in dealing with violators and responding to them as well. And it is a comma in the verses of argument in the entire surah, and after them he said easily: “The word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and justice.” I took the balancing approach to the sayings, the meanings of the recitations and their guidance; and exclude for what may be problems.

The most prominent findings: Proving one of the evidences for the source of the divine Qur’an; Because there is no one in the methods of human argument who decides the argument and teaches it at the same time with such strength and understanding in all respects, this is only in the Qur’an, and the statement of part of the Qur’an’s approach in the method of argument is a report we received. The frequent collection with odd in this abundance is evidence of the circumstances of the descent. I recommended writing a scientific thesis to trace Surat Al-An’am as a whole in this type of method of the Qur’an as a report, rooting and criticism of what contradicted from the methods of human beings in argument; As well as writing in rooting the science of argument and the controversy of the Qur’an from the Qur’an itself and tracing its applications.

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 01 2014
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Impact Dynamic Plasticity for CK45
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This paper represents a study of the effect of the soil type, the drilling parameters and the drilling tool properties on the dynamic vibrational behavior of the drilling rig and its assessment in the drilling system. So first, an experimental drilling rig was designed and constructed to embrace the numerical work.

The experimental work included implementation of the drill-string in different types of soil with different properties according to the difference in the grains size, at different rotational speeds (RPM), and different weights on bit (WOB) (Thrust force), in a way that allows establishing the charts that correlate the vibration acceleration, the rate of penetration (ROP), and the power

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
<i>Insilico</i> and <i>in vitro</i> Approach for Design, Synthesis, and Anti-proliferative Activity of Novel Derivatives of 5-(4-Aminophenyl)-4-Substituted Phenyl-2, 4-Dihydro-3<i>H</i>-1, 2, 4-Triazole-3-Thione
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
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Chemical Methodologies
Investigations on TiO<inf>2</inf>-NiO@In<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> Nanocomposite Thin Films (NCTFs) for Gas Sensing: Synthesis, Physical Characterization, and Detection of NO<inf>2</inf> and H<inf>2</inf>S Gas Sensors
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Academic Science Journal
Biochemical Hypolipidemic Action of Some Herbs and Medicinal Plants
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This review highlighted the biochemical hypolipidemic action of some herbs and medical plants and could submit a good survery regarding intended plants and herbs as well promote and indicate the biochemical functions and importance of natural plants in medicince as a biochemical alternatives with no reverse or side effects. The present study have highlighted the biochemical hypolipidemic action of some herbs and medical plants: Daudelion Taraxacum officinale, Basil Ocimum sanctum L., dill Anethum graveolens , Celery Apium gravedense. , Fenugreek Trigonella Foenum-graccum , Grapes Vitis vinifera , olive tree Olea europea L., Green tea Comellia sinenis , Blue berry Vaccinium angnstifolium juice and Clove Eugenia caryophyllus.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 08 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Prevalence of common skin diseases among outpatients clinic of Baghdad hospital
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Abstract. Healthy skin is an important layer that gives appearance and self-confidence. The skin is affected by internal and external factors that surrounding the body. The problem of skin diseases is considered as one of the widespread diseases. The occurrence of these diseases varies from place to place depending on the nature of climate, the culture of the people, and their economic condition. A cross-sectional study of skin diseases was conducted at the dermatology centre for outpatient clinic of Baghdad hospital. The study is based on 7555 patients of all ages who are attended to this hospital in order to determine the prevalence of skin diseases. The study shows that the most prevalence skin diseases were infectious diseases with

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Recent Research And Review
Electrical Discharges Characterization of Planar Sputtering System
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Abstract: A home-made dc sputtering is characterized by cathode potential of 250-2500 V and sputtering gas pressures of (3.5×10-2 – 1.5) mbar. This paper studies in experiment the breakdown of argon, nitrogen, and oxygen in a uniform dc electric field at different discharge gaps and cathode potentials. Paschen curves for Argon, Nitrogen, and oxygen are obtained by measuring the breakdown voltage of gas within a stainless steel vacuum chamber with two planar, stainless steel electrodes. The Paschen curves in Ar, N2, and O2 gases show that the breakdown voltage between two electrodes is a function of pd (The product of the pressure inside the chamber and distance between the electrodes). Current-voltage characteristics visualization of the

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 26 2021
Journal Name
Modern Sport
The Effect Of Plank Exercises On The Lipid Component And The Rate Of Metabolism (Bmr) Among Students Of The Higher Institute For Security And Administrative Development
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The introduction of the research on the science of training and the physiology of sports was addressed from important sciences, where the physical effort drew the attention of scientists since the past centuries when they studied how the body performs its functions when performing physical exertion and observe the changes that occur in it and write down and study especially the positive effects of the practice of daily sports The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of plank exercises on the lipid component and the metabolic rate (bmr) of the female students of the Higher Institute for Security and Management Development. As for the third chapter, the two researchers used the experimental method on a sample of the female s

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Human Face Recognition Using Wavelet Network
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            This paper presents a study of wavelet self-organizing maps (WSOM) for face recognition. The WSOM is a feed forward network that estimates optimized wavelet based for the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) on the basis of the distribution of the input data, where wavelet basis transforms are used as activation function.



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Publication Date
Fri Nov 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Gas Sensing of (SnO2)1-x(ZnO)x Composite Associating with Electrical Properties
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Semiconductor-based gas sensors were prepared, that use n-type tin oxide (SnO2) and  tin oxide: zinc oxide composite (SnO2)1-x(ZnO)x at different x ratios using pulse laser deposition at room temperature. The prepared thin films were examined to reach the optimum conditions for gas sensing applications, namely X-ray diffraction, Hall effect measurements, and direct current conductivity. It was found that the optimum crystallinity and maximum electron density, corresponding to the minimum charge carrier mobility, appeared at 10% ZnO ratio. This ratio appeared has the optimum NO2 gas sensitivity for 5% gas concentration at 300 °C working temperat

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Growth and Characterization of Vacuum Annealing AgCuInSe2 Thin Film
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  The influence of annealing on quaternary compound Ag0.9Cu0.1InSe2 (ACIS) thin film is considered a striking semiconductor for second-generation solar cells. The film deposited by thermal evaporation with a thickness of about 700 nm at R.T and vacuum annealing at temperatures (373,473) K for 1 hour. It was deposited in a vacuum of 4.5*10-5 Torr on a glass substrate. From XRD and AFM analysis, it is evident that Ag0.9Cu0.1InSe2 films are polycrystalline in nature, having ideal stoichiometric composition. Structural analysis indicated that annealing the films following the deposition resulted in the increasing polycrystalline phase with the preferred orientation along (112) direction. , increasing crystallite size and average grain size

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