نظم المعلومات الاستراتيجية
تكنولوجيا المعلومات
عصر المعرفة
الذكاء الاستراتيجي
شركات الاتصالات
اقليم كوردستان.
Strategic information systems (SIS)
information technology (IT)
the era of knowledge
Strategic Intelligence (SI)
telecommunications companies
mobile sector
Kurdistan Region.
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Purpose: The research attempts to Stand on the reality of the effective application of of strategic information systems in telecommunications companies in the Kurdistan Region, and what is the amount of the impact of such systems on promoting of Strategic Intelligence.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The Applied method has been used, In order to achieve the objectives of the research has been the development of a questionnaire prepared for this purpose and then distributed to (11) Company of Iraqi communications operating in Kurdistan Region companies, it has been used questionnaire to collect data in order to develop
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