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Judgment of the judge with his knowledge


The summery of my research marked by the judges judgment with his knowledge, I dealt with the definition of the judiciary, linguistically and idiomatically, and the importance and ligitimcy of the judiciary, as the judiciary is one of the most importunt pillars of lslam,inwhich justice as it proves the truth to its owners.


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Publication Date
Wed Aug 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study The Structural And Electrical Properties Of CdTe:In Thin Films

 Indium doped CdTe polycrystalline films of thickness equals to 300nm were grown on corning glass substrates at temperature equals to 423K by thermal co-evaporation technique. The structural and electrical properties for these films were studied as a function of heat treatment (323,373,423)K. The x-ray analysis showed that all samples are polycrystalline and have the cubic zincblende structure with preferential orientation in the [111] direction, no diffraction peaks corresponding to metallic Cd, Te or other compounds were observed. It was found that the electrical resistivity drops and the carrier concentration increases when the CdTe film doped with 1.5% indium and treated at different annealing temperatures.

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The radiological effects of dust storms in Baghdad- Ramadi area

Twelve storm dust samples were collected from three cities in Iraq. The samples were collected in the same time during big storms which hit Iraq in summer, 2012 and 2013.  The deposited dust on 4 by 4 nylon sheet on surfaces of selected buildings in cities of Baghdad, Fallujah and Al-Ramadi were collected. Each sample was put in sealed Marinilli beaker and kept for 4 weeks to reach the equilibrium state between radium and its short half-life daughters. Gamma spectrometry system based on HPGe was used for analysis of natural and artificial radionuclides in the dust. The activities of natural radionuclides were found to be ranged between 13-19 Bq/kg, 9-14 Bq/kg and 200-240 Bq/kg for Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40 respectively, while Cs-137 w

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 02 2022
Journal Name
The International Conference On Science In Engineering And Technology (icosiet) 2020 (virtually)
The Possible Application of Intelligent Systems in Traditional Courtyard House.

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 23 2020
Journal Name
Biomed Research International
A Computational Model of the Brain Cortex and Its Synchronization

Obtaining the computational models for the functioning of the brain gives us a chance to understand the brain functionality thoroughly. This would help the development of better treatments for neurological illnesses and disorders. We created a cortical model using Python language using the Brian simulator. The Brian simulator is specialized in simulating the neuronal connections and synaptic interconnections. The dynamic connection model has multiple parameters in order to ensure an accurate simulation (Bowman, 2016). We concentrated on the connection weights and studied their effect on the interactivity and connectivity of the cortical neurons in the same cortical layer and across multiple layers. As synchronization helps us to mea

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Robust Estimation OF The Partial Regression Model Using Wavelet Thresholding

            Semi-parametric regression models have been studied in a variety of applications and scientific fields due to their high flexibility in dealing with data that has problems, as they are characterized by the ease of interpretation of the parameter part while retaining the flexibility of the non-parametric part. The response variable or explanatory variables can have outliers, and the OLS approach have the sensitivity to outliers. To address this issue, robust (resistance) methods were used, which are less sensitive in the presence of outlier values in the data. This study aims to estimate the partial regression model using the robust estimation method with the wavel

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Merger strategy on human resources management practices

The current research aims to test the impact of the strategy of merger (as an explanatory variable) in human resources management practices (as a response variable), and the importance of the subject being an important topic that mimics the Iraqi environment, where has seen many mergers that have not been addressed by former researchers in the field. In addition, the future prospects carry many mergers, and the problem of research was the lack of understanding among departments in how to manage the integration and deal with it, on the basis of scientific which reflected negatively on the practices of human resources management, and the research was based on two main hypotheses Six sub-hypotheses emerge to explore the correlation

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study the spectroscopy of samarium encapsulated in silica Xerogel matrices

The sol-gel preparation technique of transparent silica monoliths containing up to 0.5 M of samarium have been described. The sol-gel processing parameters are: acid catalyzed hydrolysis and controlled drying. The prepared monoliths are analyzed by X-ray diffraction, pycnometer measurements, Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy and optical spectroscopy. The oscillator strengths of the Sm3+ ions in the silica monoliths are calculated. The results show a linear concentration dependence of some Sm3+ transitions in UV/Vis absorption spectra and formation of Sm3+ clusters inside the pores structure of silica monoliths at high Sm3+ concentration

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Electronic diagnostics system for the analysis of laser beam profile

In this work the analysis of laser beam profile system ,using a two dimensional CCD (Charge Coupled Device) arrays, is established. The system is capable of producing video graphics that give a two dimensional image of laser beam. The video graphics system creates color distribution that represent the intensity distribution of the laser beam or the energy profile of the beam. The software used is capable of analyzing and displaying the profile in four different methods that is , color code intensity contouring , intensity shareholding, intensity cross section along two dimension x-y, and three dimensional plot of the beam intensity given in the same display.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 20 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Solve the problem of assignment by using multi-Objective programming

he assignment model represents a mathematical model that aims at expressing an important problem facing enterprises and companies in the public and private sectors, which are characterized by ensuring their activities, in order to take the appropriate decision to get the best allocation of tasks for machines or jobs or workers on the machines that he owns in order to increase profits or reduce costs and time As this model is called multi-objective assignment because it takes into account the factors of time and cost together and hence we have two goals for the assignment problem, so it is not possible to solve by the usual methods and has been resorted to the use of multiple programming The objectives were to solve the problem of

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 14 2024
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The safety and efficacy of miniaturized percutaneous nephrolithotomy in children

To assess the use of miniaturized percutaneous nephrolithotomy (mini-PCNL) for renal stones in children, as well as its safety and efficacy. Seventy-seven patients with more than 15 mm renal stones whose age was less than 15 years were enrolled in this prospective case-controlled study at Al-Ramadi Teaching Hospital, Ar Razi Private Hospital, and Ghazi Al-Hariri Hospital for Surgical Specialties, Anbar and Baghdad, Iraq. The study was conducted from January 2020 to January 2024. The group mentioned above served as group A, and it was compared to the control group (group B), which consisted of 70 adult patients aged 18–60 years. Patients in both groups underwent mini-PCNL. Gender, stone size and location, time of operation, stone-free rate

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