The miraculous of al-Quran has been surrounded by the attention of scholars, as it is the one that has astonished the rhetoricians with its eloquence. So , they paid attention to every part of it and hugely they studied it with accuracy in respect to its Surah ad Ayahs. It is considered the most important source from which Arab scholars and early grammarians drew, given their unanimity that it is the highest degree of eloquence and the best record of the common literary language.
Among these sciences is the science of Grammar, and without Qur’an, this science would not have emerged, which later had control over every science of Arabic science and literature. As Arab scholars’ interest in parsing began, so, they began to put signs of parsing, that were in form of dots placed on or under the letters, and then it became later known as grammar and as the Arabs’ sense of syntax and their respect for it urged them to exact the last words in the Holy Qur’an with dots when writing it. The grammarians’ practice for this led them to uncover signs of parsing.
The parsing is considered one of the most important elements in the Arabic language, rather it is one of most prominent features. “It came in ancient history that the Babylonian language endowed with parsing signs , as the Arabic language spent more than two thousand years is still alive in government records, and the first thing it lost was the signs of parsing . We cannot deny pre-Islamic poems whose most prominent elements were signs of parsing. So the scholars turned to parsing and dealt with it based on rules.
After getting mixing with encyclopedias, people became having a language of communication having no signs of parring , which prompted the scholars of Arabic to adhere to the rules of Arabic grammar, including signs of parsing and not to violate them. Here we find Sheikh Abd al-Qaher - in this regard he says: I know that the system is nothing unless putting your words in the system “the science of grammar” based on laws and principles, knowing the methods and never deviate from such rules and preserve the drawings that have been drawn for you, so do not deviate from anything of them. Al-Jahidh indicated prevailing melody among people and urged the novelists to hear talks of eloquent scholars, because - as he says - there is no speech on earth that is more pleasant or more elegant, or more closely connected to sound intellects, nor is the tongue more slender, nor is it more evaluative to elucidate than the listening to the talks of eloquent scholars.