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The Scientific Efforts of Ahmed Mustafa Al-Maraghi

This conducted research,  (The Scientific Efforts of Ahmed Mustafa Al-Maraghi) deals with Al-Maraghi's life, birth, upbringing, characteristics, title, family and religion secter, as well as his general biography. And his relationship with scholars, his learning and teaching, and the introduction of the Muhammed Abdo School and the College of Dar Al Uloom, and finally the discussion  of his scientific, social and political poin of view, as an interpreter of twentieths century, was  appointed as the president of Al-Azhar and Ifta during the days of the royal era, and he studied at the College of Dar Al-Uloom


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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Urban agriculture as one of the ecological applications of the regenerative city

Recently, several concepts and expressions have emerged that have often preoccupied the world . around the concept of environment and sustainability. This is due to the negative and irresponsible impact of man and his innovations in various industrial and technological fieldsthat have damaged the natural environment. Architecture and cities at the broader level are some of the man made components that caused these negative impacts and in the same time affected by them. What distinguishes architectural and urban projects is the consumption of large . quantities of natural resources and production larger amounts of waste and pollution, along the life of these projects. At the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-fir

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 20 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Globalization and the identity of the mental image structure of urban spaces

This research discusses the subject of identity in the urban environment as it attempts to answer a number of questions that come with the concept of identity. The first of these questions: What is identity? Can a definition or conceptual framework be developed for identity? What about individual, collective, cultural, ethnic, political and regional identity? Is there a definition of identity in the urban environment in particular? If there is a definition of identity, what about social mobility responsible for social change? How can we see identity through this kinetics? Can we assume that identity in the urban environment has a variable structure or is of variable shape with a more stable structure? Can we determine the spatial-tempora

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Applications Aspects of the Diffusion of Slow Electrons in the Ionospheric Gases

The paper presents the results of precise of the calculations of the diffusion of slow electrons in ionospheric gases, such as, (Argon – Hydrogen mixture, pure Nitrogen and Argon – Helium – Nitrogen) in the presence of a uniform electric field and temperature 300 Kelvin. Such calculations lead to the value Townsend's energy coefficient (KT) as a function of E/P (electric field strength/gas pressure), electric field (E), electric drift velocity (Vd), momentum transfer collision frequency ( ), energy exchange collision frequency ( ) and characteristic energy (D/?). The following physical quantities are deduced as function s E/P: mean free path of the electrons at unit pressure, mean energy lost by an electron per collision, mean velocit

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Dominant Values of Universities students in the light of some variables

Current research strives to achieve the following aims:

  1. Develop a scale for dominant values of Tikrit university students.
  2. Measuring the dominant of Tikrit university students.
  3. Identifying the significant differences among dominant values of Tikrit university students according to(sex, specialty, time).
  4. Measuring the dominant values of each one of the six fields of the scale.
  5. Identifying the differences in dominant values of each field according to the sex variables.

The current research has limi

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Investigation of the Projector Properties of the Magnetic lenses Using Analytical Function

 A computational investigation has been carried out to describe synthesis optimization procedure of magnetic lenses. The research is concentrated on the determination of the inverse design of the symmetrical double polepiece magnetic lenses whose magnetic field distribution is already defined. Magnetic lenses field model well known in electron optics have been used as the axial magnetic field distribution. This field has been studied when the halfwidth is variable and the maximum magnetic flux density is kept constant. The importance of this research lies in the possibility of using the present synthesis optimization procedure for finding the polepieces design of symmetrical double polepiece magnetic lenses which have the best proje

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Laminated Layers on the Flutter Speed of Composite Wing

The paper presents an investigation to the flutter speed of composite wing for different ply orientation. Structurally the composite wing was idealized as a composite beam load carrying structure. Theodorsen’s expression was used to get the 2- dimension unsteady lifting force and pitching moment in the limit of incompressible flow and subsonic speed which were integrated over the wing span. A free vibration analysis was first carried out to get the natural frequencies and mode shapes .The velocity-damping (V-g) method was used to calculate the flutter speed and the flutter frequency. A wing of unmanned aerial vehicle was manufactured from woven glass and polyester resin where the flutter speed was calculated experimentally by the wind

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"The role of quality costs in reducing the cost of industrial" products

Abstract :-

The aim of the research is to explain the role of quality costs their  importance and their classification, and to clarify the most important tools that help to reduce costs.

In order to achieve the objective of the research and test hypotheses adopted the descriptive approach, as well as the adoption of the analytical approach in the study of applied data has been relied upon in providing data on the financial and production reports of the research sample company, the data were used to study and analyze financial and productivity reports . A number of conclusions have been reached the most important being the following

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 05 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of solar cells distribution on the Performance of solar panel

Three different distribution modules of silicon solar cells in a panel are used in this study . Each module consists of five identical circular silicon solar cells of radius (5cm) and then the total panel areas are identical. The five solar cells are arranged in the panel in different shapes: circular, triangular and rectangular .The efficiency for these three panel distribution are measured indoor and outdoor. The results show that the efficiency is a function of the cells distribution.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Textual jurisprudence and jurisprudence of the science of the text: Linguistic study

The modern textual study researched the textuality of the texts and specified for that seven well-known standards, relying in all of that on the main elements of the text (the speaker, the text, and the recipient). This study was to investigate the textuality of philology, and the jurisprudence of the science of the text.


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Publication Date
Sun Dec 09 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of the Ecosystem Services of the Central Marsh in Southern Iraq

Ecosystems provide humans with services that include benefits from food, fresh water, climate regulation, and socio-economic assets. The Mesopotamian marshlands are among the largest wetlands in the Middle East and they provide various benefits. However, ecosystem services of the Marshlands are consistently undervalued in national economic analysis and decision making. This study focusses on the Central Marshes, the first National Park in Iraq, and is the first attempt at valuing a series of ecosystem services from a valuable natural ecosystem in Iraq. We adopted the Toolkit for Ecosystem Services Site-Based Assessment (TESSA) for the determination of biophysical and economic values of services at the site level. Data on key ecosystem se

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