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القول المبين في تحرير مسئلة التكوين للشيخ إبراهيم الكوراني: (دراسة وتحقيق)
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ملخـــص البحــــث


   تعد مسألة الصفات من بواكير المباحث الكلامية التي حظيت باهتمام كبير لدى المتكلمين، إذ شغلت حيزا كبيرا من مصنفاتهم الكلامية. حتى أن بعض الباحثين يرون أن سبب تسمية علم الكلام بهذا الاسم يرجع إلى أن أهم مشكلات هذا العلم هي مسألة الكلام الإلهي الذي هو صفة من صفاته تعالى، مما يعكس أهمية هذه المسألة في علم الكلام. وكان الجعد بن درهم (ت118هـ) من أوائل من أثار قضية الصفات الإلهية في الفكر الإسلامي وصرح بخلق القرآن. ثم ظهر بعده جهم بن صفوان (ت128هـ) فأخذ هذه الفكرة وطورها رافضا إطلاق كثير من الصفات على الله تعالى

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
الإعجاز القرآني: دراسة علمية معاصرة
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ملخص البحث

بينت في البحث ماهية الإعجاز القرآني, وتعريف الإعجاز والقرآن,
ومفهوم مصطلح الإعجاز القرآني, ودلائل الإعجاز, ودلائل نبوة محمد صلى
الله عليه وآله وسلم , والقدر المعجز من القرآن, ووجوه إعجاز القرآن,
وأنواع الإعجاز القرآني, ومجموعة من الآيات الكونية

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 17 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
(دراسة تحليلية): ( A field study )
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The research aimed to identify the effects of the modern of technology on translating the media term from English language to Arabic. and try to identify the use of the impact of foreign media terminologies on the Arabic media term, and to know the effect of the translation process on Arabic media terminologies.

This research is considered an analytical study by using survey study for 111 items and the results for the study as following:

1.High percentage of the (use of foreign terms work to low the level of production) was (68.13%) and average 3.55

2.The percentage of (The multiplicity of translation of the foreign term into Arabic effects on the opinions and cognitive ideas of the Arab researcher and affects the

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2004
Journal Name
فسيفساء قبة الصخرة دراسة تحليلية
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فسيفساء قبة الصخرة دراسة تحليلية

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2023
Journal Name
Expressions of probability in Spanish language and their translation into Arabic (Empirical study)تعابير الاحتمالية في اللغة الاسبانية و ترجمتها الى اللغة العربية: دراسة تطبيقية
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The probability is considered one of the grammatical cases in all languages of the world. Expressions of probability in Spanish language are expressed by various structures, expressions and some verb tenses. By this study explains the grammatical cases, the verbal periphrases, the impersonal expressions, the future tenses (simple and perfect) and the conditional mode of probability in Spanish language .We have explains these cases in detail with examples that have extracted from various spanish grammar books .The specific objective of this study is to know the resources and constructions of probability in Spanish language and their translation in Arabic language.

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
Journal Name
Geopolitical dimensions of the cinematic image in the films of the Palestinian cause: إبراهيم نعمة محمود - فاضل محمود خضير
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For more than seven decades, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has not ended, and every one claims his right to the land, waters, airspace and wealth of Palestine. This conflict was reflected in the political, military, social and cultural aspects, and the cinema had a prominent role in conveying messages to the world about this conflict. On the geopolitical dimensions and their impact on the cinematic image in the films of the Palestinian cause), the researchers divided the research into four frameworks that came as follows: (methodological framework) and included the research problem, its importance, research objectives, research limits and sealing the chapter by defining the terms. And (theoretical framework): it was divided into two s

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Creativity in the Draping on the mannequin of Young Girls Victorian Fashion between 1860-1890: نجلاء إبراهيم بن حمدان
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The history of civilizations in the past centuries is a rich source for creativity and inspiration in all areas of art and design, especially in the field of fashion design. Many designers draw their designs from previous eras; which is the aim of this research as we propose designing fashion the mannequin for the category of young girls aged between (10-18). The costumes were inspired by Victorian women's costumes during the time period (1860-1890) and were subdivided into three time periods (1860-1870), (1870-1880), (1880-1890) forming three designs for each time period , analyzing the nine designs to achieve the creative , functional and aesthetic aspects that are appropriate for the age group (research sample). The importance of the

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
العربية Atheism A study in the most important foundations of atheism, and the most prominent suspicions of its advocates: دراسة في أهمّ مرتكزاته، وأبرز شبهات دُعاته
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Atheism is one of the most dangerous absurd doctrines that have swept the world in the modern era. Its strength lies in the bodies that stand behind it and adopt its ideologies which are accompanied by the tremendous media momentum of the theses of its supporters based on scientific and non-scientific levels. And since the denial of the existence of the Creator is the main focus and central point which the atheists based their view towards the universe, life and man, this humble research came to discuss the claim of the existence of the world by pure chance, and try to explain this scientifically through the theory of natural selection and survival of the fittest developed by the English biologist Charles Darwin. The resea

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
احكام الحلف بالطلاق: دراسة فقهية مقارنة
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ملخـــص البحــــث



    من أهم مسائل الطلاق التي كثر حولها الخلاف: (الحلف بالطلاق وتعليقه بشرط )، لذا عمدت في هذه الصفحات اليسيرة ان اتناول بالبحث والدّراسة مسألة تُعَدُّ من المعضلات، وهي (ما يترتّب على الحلف بالطَّلاق إذا حنث الحالف). وقد فشا وكَثُرَ في الأزمنة المتأخرة الحلف بالطَّلاق في المجتمعات المسلمة، مما دفعني للكتابة فيه ببحث وسميته :

(    أحـكام الحلف با

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Law/al-nahrain University
سمو الحقوق الدستورية المتفرعة (دراسة مقارنة)
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 23 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Active Role of Admin strative Skills in Reinforcing Strategic Entrepreneur Ship Through Organizational Flexibility: دراسة استطلاعية لأراء عينة من الإدارات العليا والوسطى في المصارف العراقية الخاصة / بغداد
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The study has tackled three important variables on the strategic and organizational level, that are : (Administrative skill, strategic Entrepreneurship  and organizational flexibility). Through the statistical analysis is, the research hers have sought to identify the relation among them. The study has been applied on a sample of (44) private banks in Iraq. A questionnaire, which has been designed according to a number of international standards, has been used. It's made of (29) items that cover the three variables to test their hypotheses. A number of statistical tools have been used A number of conclusion have been reached and recommendations have also been suggested.

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