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The concept of the phenomenon of nuns: an analytical ideological study
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ملخص البحث باللغة الإنجليزية

The concept of the phenomenon of nuns: an analytical ideological study

Dr. Samia bint Yassin Al-Badri

Department of Islamic Doctrine & Contemporary Ideologies

College of Shariʿah & Islamic Studies

Qassim University


The study of concepts is one of the main pillars of doctrinal studies, in order to understand the formation of the concept, and to understand its contexts in religious sources, in order to be systematically criticized; So, this research came with the title:

The concept of the phenomenon of nuns, an analytical doctrinal study

The study concluded with results, including: The concept of the phenomenon of nuns is a human heresy, invented through religious and spiritual experience, in its individual or collective form, to treat the soul to reach spiritual perfection by torturing the body and soul. It also continues to pass through continuous evolutional stages, which manifests in several forms, most of which are now extinct except the form of serving others. the soft Christianization -.

Keywords: Nuns, concept, religion, soft Christianity, religious psychology, social psychology, the humanistic phenomenon.


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Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Among the hadiths of righteous deeds mentioned in the expiation of sins -An analytical study-
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The almighty Al-Bari imposed on Muslims easy and accessible worshipers for every individual who is eligible to commission, so whoever performed it rightfully, God rewarded it with the best reward. From the Muslim, the Almighty made the Almighty to the types of acts of worship and acts of righteousness as a reason for the remission of sins that were advanced and late, so I chose a topic (from the hadiths of righteous deeds mentioned in the atonement of sins) as a research drawn from the master’s thesis called (the hadiths of the atoners of sins that were presented and delayed - An analytical study- ), And collect in this research kinds of acts of righteousness that bring the mercy of God Almighty to His servants and be a reason for the

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
The Role of Contemporary Interactive Art Works Economically and Culturally "An Analytical Study"
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The aim of the research is to identify the economic and cultural role of contemporary interactive artworks from the public's point of view, with knowledge of the most important obstacles and proposals to improve the level of design and spread of interactive artworks. The descriptive approach was used, and the researcher used a questionnaire tool that was distributed to the audience for the events of Noor Al Riyadh (2021) and the size of the participating sample was (194) individuals from all spectrums of society. It was found through the results of the existence of public approval of the economic role of contemporary interactive artworks, as they contribute to supporting the national economy. It attracts the public to attend various paid

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Begging Phenomenon Between the Destitution Plight and the Material Greedy - A Field Study in the City of Baghdad
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Begging is an ancient social phenomenon since the Man's creation. It was simple at its beginning to get a living and the family needed, but presently, this simple social phenomenon converted to a big phenomenon which controlled by competent groups away from the values and principles. Their doings are far from humanity representing by the cutting of a hand or a foot and facial distortion or removed eye as a way of attracting people's emotions to get material and incorporeal helps; these doings became a trade which is exchanged by slave traders. Furthermore, different illegal and greedy methods were followed as a way of blackmailing others; contrariwise other cases of begging are doing by a people who real poor and needy. In this case, the

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Pragmatic Presupposition: An ExtraLinguisitic Concept
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Presupposition, which indicates a prior assumption, is a vital notion in both semantic and pragmatic disciplines. It refers to assumptions implicitly made by interlocutors, which are necessary for the correct interpretation of an utterance. Although there is a general agreement that presupposition is a universal property of Language, there are various propositions concerning its nature. However, this research work proposes that presupposition is a contextual term, thus, is more pragmatic than semantic in its nature.Although Semantics and Pragmatics are two distinct disciplines, they are interrelated and complementary to each other, since meaning proper involves both, and since there is no clear borderline between the two disciplines. How

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 16 2019
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
News frames for the phenomenon of terrorism in international satellite channels directed in Arabic An analytical study of the main news bulletins in the Russian channel today 1/2/31/5/2018
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International satellite channels in Arabic are targeted to the region with their news bulletins and their innovative programs, attracting the interest of the Arab viewers in their news articles and programs with new ideas and methods as well as high technology in the production and synthesis of videos. Therefore, they work on framing the above, And the media policy that governs, so focused the problem of the study to try to answer the question of the President is how to frame the international satellite channels in Arabic to the phenomenon of terrorism? What are the aspects that are working to highlight and aspects that try to hide? The study adopted the survey methodology for the main news bulletins in the Russian channel today for the

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Similar judgments in the sacred heavenly books (Quran and the Bible): An analytical study
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The research tagged with (similar rulings in the holy heavenly books - the Holy Qur’an and the Bible) highlights that there are a number of rulings in the heavenly books that are similar to each other in terms of content, meaning and significance and did not change from one prophet to another because they relate to the basic interests on which social relations are built. Documenting ties, preserving rights, preventing abuse, etc. These are among the divine purposes in clarifying rulings in order to reach their goals and achieve their goals. Therefore, by combining these rulings, many problems and incidents that are the subject of disagreement and doubt between the two religions can be achieved and addressed. Those who want reform, righ

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The phenomenon of military governments in the Arab countries
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The modern nation state, by virtue of its institutional nature, is divided into political and non-political institutions according to their respective jurisdictions. It is natural for non-political institutions to perform their functions under the control of the political establishment, for two reasons: first, Second: Ensuring the achievement of cooperation, harmony and integration between these different institutions in serving the stability of the society and its continuity and achieving its supreme objectives. The location of the military establishment is part of the non-political institutions of the state, since it carries out a non-political function that is based on defending the homeland against any threats that may threaten its s

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 23 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The concept of justice and its relationship to the law
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Any person, regardless of his location in the air, whether he was kidnapped or trained, and then he performs a certain work, believes that his work is in vain, and by God, his deeds. I wonder if those who hold him in the first place will be safe in good form. He said that the essence of justice in the story is the story:

These are given the meaning we have fought in the fact that each group of. He went beyond creating a group of blocs, sects, and parties. If justice indicated one meaning, these relationships between people and peace would diminish. In fact, justice has only one concept, but there are several associations with it in the field of divorced one of these synonyms. However, the variation in racist drums in the encounte

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
An analytical study of the reality of chemical industries in Iraq for the period (1995-2007)
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Is the chemical industries of great importance for the economy of any country, through what is borne by these industries is an important part of the changes contained in the industrial output of transfer and, moreover, that these industries are overlaps and intricacies of sector-wide with the rest of the manufacturing sectors, with agriculture and services , through the offering of these industries produce Production requirements intervention such as chemical fertilizer used in the production of agricultural crops, in addition to the various areas for the use of phosphorus in the food industry, to the extent that it is difficult to find material Food preparation is not included i

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Structural and contextual dimensions For the connection of static T feminization An analytical study
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After looking at the books of the first two grammarians, may God have mercy on them and reward them for what they have provided us with the rules of service to the Book of God and service to Arabic, we must highlight some of the things that the grammarians wanted to clarify, which did not come out of what they proved, but we are working on the statement of the issuance of the passport Provisions from the syntactic industry, and whether it is intended to prove a rule is not very added to the statement of speech, and we know that language, any language was the function of understanding; therefore they said: (speech is a useful word that indicates the benefit improves silence on them), and this concept between Grammatical controls and conte

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