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term of the first difference between the Imam of the Two Holy Mosques, Imam Taj Al-Din al-Subki and its impact on the doctrine of Al-Shafeiyah
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Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the best prayer and the best prayer, on our master Muhammad, and on his pure God, and his companions and the faithful, and who followed them by charity to the day of religion. This relationship between emphasis, is a sincere, and this harmony, such as the relationship between water, and the green, but it is good, but, with greenery, it is better, and as well as alone, is a beautiful view, but the most beautiful, with the most beautiful. From here he was starting on myself in writing the fundamentalist research of jurisprudence, to show the depth of this interconnection. The doctrine as a new term, then the taj al-Din al-Suobki came after three centuries, and agreed in his terms, and agreed in his term, and a pharynx in the word of his words. Or Noha, however, the Imam Taj al-Din al-Soubki increased this term on the costs of calamity. This term, obtained in his applications on jurisprudential branches a dispute between scholars, including that the judgment of this issue is hated, and from them who sees the first, or otherwise, depending on their consideration to the evidence of that issue. Three Investigations: First: Definition of the term of the first, and as a legitimate judgment, and the second: the first dispute with the issues of worship, and the third: the first in matters of other jurisprudence doors. In conclusion, this is an effortful effort, and I should be successful in my writing of this type of fundamentalist research, the mission, and God ask to forgive us, and forgive us, and I will produce our house, and expand our entrance. It is unjust .


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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Iranian Jews’ Customs and Traditions in The Works of Dorrit Rabinyan (A Study in The Alley of Almond Bushes in Omerijan ): מסורת ומנהגים יהודי אירן ביצירותה של דורית רביניאן " עיון ברומן סמטת השקדות בעומריג'אן "
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The orient culture and heritage has directly influenced ,in a way or another , the literary works which recently have been noted by the oriental  Jews inside and outside of Israel. Several Jewish writers, who came from the orient  (especially from Iran ), have written their works while influenced by traditions and customs of the Iranian society, in which they were born , lived , and raised, and by the writers who were born in that society and then moved to Israel and lived there as a result of the Zionism and its notorious promises to gather Jewish people from all over the world to establish their national home at the expense of the Palestinian   land and people.

       That final

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 31 2024
Journal Name
Mathematical Modelling Of Engineering Problems
Investigating the Effects of Canard Dihedral Angle on the Wing Span Loading in a Forward-Swept Wing Aircraft at Transonic Speeds at Steady State Conditions Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
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Forward-swept wings were researched and introduced to improve maneuverability, control, and fuel efficiency while reducing drag and they are often used alongside canards, to further enhance their characteristics. In this research, the effects of canard dihedral angles on the wing loading of a forward-swept wing in transonic flow conditions were studied, as the wing loading provides a measure of wing’s efficiency (lift/drag). A generic aircraft model from literatures was selected, simulated, and compared to, using CFD software ANSYS/Fluent where the flow equations were solved to calculate the aerodynamic characteristics. The research was carried at two different Mach numbers, 0.6 and 0.9, for five different canard dihedral angles which tra

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees19gr
Calculation and study of internal radiation doses resulting from the ingestion of some radioactive sources
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Ultrasound of the Rotator Cuff: A Comparison of Ultrasonographic and Physical Examination Finding in SeventyCases
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Background : Shoulder pain is a common problem that can pose difficult diagnostic and therapeutic challenges for the family physician It is the third most common musculoskeletal complaint in the general population, and account for 5% of all general practitioners musculoskeletal consults Objective: To determine the diagnostic performance of ultrasonography compared with the physical examination for detection of rotator cuff tears in painful shoulder syndrome. Method: Prospective study was done on seventy patients (48 male, 22 female), age ranged between 30-70 years (mean age 50 years), From February 2007 to July 2011, were subjected to comparative study in Al-Kindy teaching hospital with rotator cuff tears, including physical and ultrasonogr

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Current Research In Microbiology And Biotechnology
Cytogenetic Analysis for the Effect of Alcoholic and Water Extracts of Iraqi Propolis in Mice
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This study was conducted to study the cytogenetic effect of both alcoholic and water extracts of propolis on mice. Three different samples of propolis were collected from three different regions of Iraq (Najaf, Arbil and Baghdad) to be used in this study. The cytotoxic effect of two different doses of each extracted sample was measured by employing cytogenetic analysis which included (mitotic index (MI), chromosomal aberrations (CAs), micronucleus index (MN) and sperm abnormalities). Results showed that significant increase in MI and significant reduction in MN, CAs and sperm abnormalities percentage were seen after treatment with both alcoholic and water extract of the three samples when compared with negative control, and alcoholic extrac

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Surface epidermis of leaf and indumentum for five species of the genus Galium in Iraq
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The current investigation included study of leaf surface epidermis beside indumentum for the species Galium aparine L., G. ceratopodum Boiss, G. setaceum Lam., G. spurium L., and G. tricornatum Dandy, the study showed that paracytic type of stomatal complex is the only type occur in leaf. The indumentum compose of eglandular hairs vary in their apices, length and occurrence of different part of plant body

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2015
Journal Name
Witchcraft and Women’s Spaces; A cultural Materialism Study of John Updike’s The Witches of Eastwick
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Witch stories are part of American popular culture, and this culture is extremely influenced by a continuing reliance on its past. The modern obsession of Americans with witches, whether real or metaphorical, is related to politics especially when it came to issues of gender politics. This article exposes a modern image of the female character seen from a male author point of view. John Updike, influenced by the changes that happened to women within second wave of feminism, attempted to write The Witches of Eastwick (1984). Actually, he presented women who did have a sort of careers. His witches are professional active and dynamic. What do witches stand for in American Culture? Why did Updike choose to write

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
The Study and Analysis Grammatical of verbal sentence a fragment of "Zurita" (Leopoldo alas Clarín)
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This article deals with the study of theories about verbal periphrasis as a grammatical construction; the aim of this point it offers good and valid guidelines to improve the linguistic description. The interest in the subject comes from its importance in the process of language teaching for the students of Spanish and to clarify this type of curriculum of this research we analyzed a literary text. From "Zurita"

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 14 2009
Journal Name
Anbar Journal Of Agricultural Sciences 7 (1)‏
Effect of foliar sprays with Copper and Zinc in the vegetative characters of citrus rootstocks‏
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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Philological Sciences. Scientific Essays Of Higher Education
Principles of phono-grammar in the annex to progressive categorazation of Arabic and Russian roots
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