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term of the first difference between the Imam of the Two Holy Mosques, Imam Taj Al-Din al-Subki and its impact on the doctrine of Al-Shafeiyah
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Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the best prayer and the best prayer, on our master Muhammad, and on his pure God, and his companions and the faithful, and who followed them by charity to the day of religion. This relationship between emphasis, is a sincere, and this harmony, such as the relationship between water, and the green, but it is good, but, with greenery, it is better, and as well as alone, is a beautiful view, but the most beautiful, with the most beautiful. From here he was starting on myself in writing the fundamentalist research of jurisprudence, to show the depth of this interconnection. The doctrine as a new term, then the taj al-Din al-Suobki came after three centuries, and agreed in his terms, and agreed in his term, and a pharynx in the word of his words. Or Noha, however, the Imam Taj al-Din al-Soubki increased this term on the costs of calamity. This term, obtained in his applications on jurisprudential branches a dispute between scholars, including that the judgment of this issue is hated, and from them who sees the first, or otherwise, depending on their consideration to the evidence of that issue. Three Investigations: First: Definition of the term of the first, and as a legitimate judgment, and the second: the first dispute with the issues of worship, and the third: the first in matters of other jurisprudence doors. In conclusion, this is an effortful effort, and I should be successful in my writing of this type of fundamentalist research, the mission, and God ask to forgive us, and forgive us, and I will produce our house, and expand our entrance. It is unjust .


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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Analysis the Results of Laboratory Tests of Gypsum Soil Samples at Salah-Aldeen City by Using the GIS Program
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Abstract<p>This paper has dealing with experimentally works which includes properties of materials and testing program. The testing program includes rotine characterization tests, chemical, and physical tests for samples of gypseous soil. Samples of disturbed and undisturbed soil was obtained of seven different locations of Salah-Aldeen province. The unified classification system was adopted of study region. Except sample 7, soil categorization (as poorly graded sand) was a good graded sand soil. Samples had non plasticity rate (NP). The results of laboratory tests (by using Arc-Map GIS program) were enhanced by spatial interpolation mapping utilizing Inverse Distance Weighted Scheme.</p>
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A novel online coupling of ion selective electrode with the flow injection system for the determination of vitamin B1
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A simple, fast, selective of a new flow injection analysis method coupled with potentiometric detection was used to determine vitamin B1 in pharmaceutical formulations via the prepared new selective membranes. Two electrodes were constructed for the determination of vitamin B1 based on the ion-pair vitamin B1-phosphotungestic acid (B1-PTA) in a poly (vinyl chloride) supported with a plasticized di-butyl phthalate (DBPH) and di-butyl phosphate (DBP). Applications of these ion selective electrodes for the determination of vitamin B1 in the pharmaceutical preparations for batch and flow injection systems were described. The ion selective membrane exhibited a near-Nernstian slope values 56.88 and 58.53 mV / decade, with the linear dy

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Implement some basic health accreditation standards Issued by the Health Care Accreditation Council (HCAC) for auditing the Performance of Hospitals: Applied research at the Education Children Protection Hospital
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The health care provided by health institutions and all kinds suffers from many problems, and since the health services provided are related to human life, it is necessary to shed light on this activity and identify the causes of these problems. This research aims to Definition of health institutions (hospitals) Performance audit of these institutions according to the latest indicators, which are the standards of health accreditation for hospitals, specifically the basic standards issued by the Health Care Accreditation Council (HCAC) to reach the level of performance and Knowledge of Constraints that lead to in an acceptable manner consistent with the approved standards. In theoretical and practical study, a number of conclusions were r

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Two-dimensional Crystallization of Silica nanospheres using Coplanar DC Electric field
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Abstract:Two-dimensional crystal has been achieved and controlled with the aid of DC electric field applied between two electrodes at 5 millimeters separating distance between them. Sol-gel method has been used to prepared nanosilica particle which used in this work as well as TiO2 nanopaowder. The assembly of the silica particles is due to the interaction between the electrical force, the particles dipole, and the interaction between the particles themselves. When a DC voltage is applied, the particles accumulated and crystallized on the surface between the electrodes. The Light diffraction demonstrates that the hexagonal crystal is always oriented with one axis along the direction of the field. The particles disassemble when the field is

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Two-dimensional Crystallization of Silica nanospheres using Coplanar DC Electric field
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Two-dimensional crystal has been achieved and controlled
with the aid of DC electric field applied between two electrodes at 5
millimeters separating distance between them. Sol-gel method has
been used to prepared nanosilica particle which used in this work as
well as TiO2 nanopaowder. The assembly of the silica particles is
due to the interaction between the electrical force, the particles
dipole, and the interaction between the particles themselves. When a
DC voltage is applied, the particles accumulated and crystallized on
the surface between the electrodes. The Light diffraction
demonstrates that the hexagonal crystal is always oriented with one
axis along the direction of the field. The particles disass

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Stylistic Analysis of Two Selected Poems: تحليل اسلوبي لقصيدتين مختارتين
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This paper presents a stylistic analysis of two poems of well-known poets of the English literature, namely; E.E. Cummings and the Irish noble laureate Seamus Heaney.  The researcher's attempt here is to approach Cummings’s poem “maggie and milly and molly and may” and Heaney’s “A Kite for Aibhín from the stylistics’ point of view.  The paper also analyzes the poems using the tools of linguistics with a view to make their meaning explicit.

          It is worth noting that stylistics as a scientific discipline is really beneficial to those who are teaching and studyi

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2004
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
History of a Two-Phase Bubble Condensing in an immiscible Liquid
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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Extravagant in the Koran
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This research deals with a disease of the diseases our Muslim society, which works in the
body operate deadly epidemics in the bodies and of bodies, but it is extravagant; has spread
and rampant in our uncle everything which threatens significant damage in this life and the
afterlife, as well as that it shows that Alasirafla limited to extravagant in wasting money and
with this blessing should not have, and not be used as created him .
Excessive linked to all aspects of life, physical and moral it has many pictures and various
forms, came at the forefront of research and five sections:
The first topic: the meaning of truth and extravagant.
The second topic: Photos extravagant reprehensible contained in the Koran.<

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Unemployment among the youth
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The research talked about one of the important social subject that care public so cities which is .
This subject deals with three subdivisions papers :-
The first one deals with the reasons of unemployment mentioned the definition of it in addition to make a comparison between it and inertia . then talked specially about unemployment that had got in our wounded country become of wars in it .
It had a branch talked about in Islamic society .
The second one deals with the negative results of unemployment specially economic , moral and social with their roles in spreading negative phenomenon in our society as terrorist , stolen … etc …
The third one deals with the ways of reducing unemployment and trying to limit it , tha

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measurement and accounting disclosure of intellectual capital using accounting models in the Iraqi insurance company
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The research aims to shed light on the possibility of measuring the intellectual capital in the Iraqi insurance company using accounting models, as well as disclosing it in the financial statements of the company, where human capital was measured using the present value factor model for discounted future revenues and the intellectual value-added factor model for measuring structural capital It was also disclosed in the financial statements based on the theory of stakeholders. The research problem lies in the fact that the Iraqi insurance company does not carry out the process of measuring and disclosing the intellectual capital while it is considered an important source for the company’s progress in the labor market recently. T

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