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term of the first difference between the Imam of the Two Holy Mosques, Imam Taj Al-Din al-Subki and its impact on the doctrine of Al-Shafeiyah
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Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the best prayer and the best prayer, on our master Muhammad, and on his pure God, and his companions and the faithful, and who followed them by charity to the day of religion. This relationship between emphasis, is a sincere, and this harmony, such as the relationship between water, and the green, but it is good, but, with greenery, it is better, and as well as alone, is a beautiful view, but the most beautiful, with the most beautiful. From here he was starting on myself in writing the fundamentalist research of jurisprudence, to show the depth of this interconnection. The doctrine as a new term, then the taj al-Din al-Suobki came after three centuries, and agreed in his terms, and agreed in his term, and a pharynx in the word of his words. Or Noha, however, the Imam Taj al-Din al-Soubki increased this term on the costs of calamity. This term, obtained in his applications on jurisprudential branches a dispute between scholars, including that the judgment of this issue is hated, and from them who sees the first, or otherwise, depending on their consideration to the evidence of that issue. Three Investigations: First: Definition of the term of the first, and as a legitimate judgment, and the second: the first dispute with the issues of worship, and the third: the first in matters of other jurisprudence doors. In conclusion, this is an effortful effort, and I should be successful in my writing of this type of fundamentalist research, the mission, and God ask to forgive us, and forgive us, and I will produce our house, and expand our entrance. It is unjust .


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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Revista Iberoamericana De Psicologia Del Ejercicio Y El Deportethis Link Is Disabled.,
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Determinants of Total Factor Productivity Growth: an Analytical Study of a Cross Section of Countries for the Period (2003-2016)
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            This study tests the effect of a large number of independent variables that control the growth of the total productivity, which amounted to 112 variables, gathered from what is mentioned in the specialized theoretical and applied literature. The data for these variables were taken from global reports of sound international organizations and reliable databases covering the period 1991-2016. The data of the dependent variable, the growth of the total factor productivity, were taken from the database of the world development indicators. The study covered 61 countries for which data were available. The study included three regression models to explain

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 11 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Experimental and Quantum Chemical Studies on the Corrosion Inhibition of Mild Steel By 2-((Thiophen-2-Ylmethylene) Amino)Benzenethio in 1M HCl
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The impact of a Schiff base namely 2-((thiophen-2-ylmethylene)amino)benzenethiol  to corrode mild steel in 1 M HCl  resolved was evaluated using different weight loss technique and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).different weight measurements to expand that the 2-((thiophen-2-ylmethylene) amino) benzenethiol  inhibits  the corrosion of mild steel through adsorbing  of  top for mild steel and block the active locality. The inhibitive impacts of 2-((thiophen-2-ylmethylene)amino)benzenethiol  increase with increasing concentration and decrease with increasing temperature. SEM to checking revealed that the alloy surface was quite unaffected and formed protective film on its surface. The investigated

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
A laboratory assessment on the effect of powder from Foeniculum vulgare and Eruca sativa against saw-toothed grain beetle Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.)
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Publication Date
Thu Aug 31 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effect of Cyclic Bending Loads on Crack Growth in Pipes for Inclined and Transverse Cracks with or Without Internal Pulsing Pressure
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In the present research a new test rig has been proposed to be suitable for different cyclic loads such as cyclic bending, cyclic torsion, proportional and non proportional loads. In this work the efforts were concentrated on the cyclic bending loads concerning cracked pipes with or without internal pulsing pressure to study crack propagation in small bore pipes (up to 1'') for transverse or inclined cracks. The rig simulates the real service conditions under different stresses by means the least dangerous case will be suggested, so the experiments were considered for copper pipe, and the results have been tabulated and drawn to demonstrate the crack growth behavior as well as to justify the outcomes practically, consequently the durabil

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparative sensitivity of two freshwater snail Melanopsis nodosa and Bulinus truncatus to 2, 4-D pesticide
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The molluscicidal effects of herbicide 2, 4-D were studied against tow species of freshwater snail Bulinus truncatus and Melanopsis nodosa by short term experiments. Calculated values of lethal concentrations (LC50 and LC100) were maid to two spices for different period of time 24hr, 48hr, 72hr and 96hr. The study had showed that the herbicide 2, 4-D was toxic against the tow species. The toxicity of the herbicide was low or unknown in low concentrations in the first period of exposure 24and 48hr to two spices but it increase gradually with increase period of exposure. The spice of B.truncatus was more tolerant than the M.nodosa. All the individual of M nodosa was death while in B.truncatus the complete death was not appear until finish the

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Ieee Xplore
A Hybrid Modified Lightweight Algorithm Combined of Two Cryptography Algorithms PRESENT and Salsa20 Using Chaotic System
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Cryptography algorithms play a critical role in information technology against various attacks witnessed in the digital era. Many studies and algorithms are done to achieve security issues for information systems. The high complexity of computational operations characterizes the traditional cryptography algorithms. On the other hand, lightweight algorithms are the way to solve most of the security issues that encounter applying traditional cryptography in constrained devices. However, a symmetric cipher is widely applied for ensuring the security of data communication in constraint devices. In this study, we proposed a hybrid algorithm based on two cryptography algorithms PRESENT and Salsa20. Also, a 2D logistic map of a chaotic system is a

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 25 2022
Journal Name
American Scientific Research Journal For Engineering, Technology, And Sciences
Design and Fabrication of an Electromechanical Tester to Perform Two-dimensional Tensile Testing for Flexible Materials
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There are many diseases that affect the arteries, especially those related to their elasticity and stiffness, and they can be guessed by estimating and calculating the modulus of elasticity. Hence, the accurate calculation of the elastic modulus leads to an accurate assessment of these diseases, especially in their early stages, which can contribute to the treatment of these diseases early. Most of the calculations used the one-dimensional (1D) modulus of elasticity. From a mechanical point of view, the stresses to which the artery is subjected are not one-dimensional, but three-dimensional. Therefore, estimating at least a two-dimensional (2D) modulus of elasticity will necessarily be more accurate. To the knowledge of researchers, there i

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Electric Power Systems Research
Analytical and measurement-based wideband two-port modeling of DC-DC converters for electromagnetic transient studies
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Power-electronic converters are essential elements for the effective interconnection of renewable energy sources to the power grid, as well as to include energy storage units, vehicle charging stations, microgrids, etc. Converter models that provide an accurate representation of their wideband operation and interconnection with other active and passive grid components and systems are necessary for reliable steady state and transient analyses during normal or abnormal grid operating conditions. This paper introduces two Laplace domain-based approaches to model buck and boost DC-DC converters for electromagnetic transient studies. The first approach is an analytical one, where the converter is represented by a two-port admittance model via mo

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparing Bayes Estimators With others , for scale parameter and Reliability function of two parameters Frechet distribution
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