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Reading in the thought of Imam Ali The philosophy of dialogue and the unity of the nation,
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This study is taken from the doctoral thesis that I prepared in the year 2000 at the University of Bordeaux in France under the title “ Ali bin Abi Talib Imam and Calif “. This thesis was prepared as a continuation of what the French orientalism Louis Massignon wrote about Islam and his student Henry Corbin, who introduced Europeans to Shiism. This study represents the philosophy of dialogue and the unity of the Islamic Emma as one of the most important methods used by Imam Ali.

Imam Ali established the most beautiful, creative, and most complete rules of human dialogue that preserve the unity of the nation’s fabric and preserves human dignity. Imam Ali referred to basic principles foundations to reach this goals, including: giving priority to the opinion of the majority and respecting the opinion of the minority towards it, and having a good belief in the other and revealing the truth, and dialogue is a talk of faith, not a talk of atonement and talk of knowledge, not a talk of insulting and contempt.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Nurses' Knowledge and Role in the Management of Thalassemic Patients in Sulaimania Thalassemia Center
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The aim of this study is to assess nurse's knowledge and role in the management of thalassemic patients in the Sulaimania Thalassemia Centre. Methodology: This study utilized a qualitative approach to explore nurses’ knowledge about thalassemia through semi structured group interviews. Questionnaire was synthesized through a comprehensive review of literature. Results: The results show that nurses in Kurdistan region of Iraq have a limited role in terms of decision making and there is lack of nursing documentation other than that of recording abnormal events, and a lack of knowledge about and engageme

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 13 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Numerical Simulation of the Collector Angle Effect on the Performance of the Solar Chimney Power Plant
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Sloped solar chimney system is a solar chimney power plant with a sloped collector. Practically, the sloped collector can function as a chimney, then the chimney height can be reduced and the construction cost would be reduced.The continuity, Naver-stockes, energy and radiation transfer equations have been solved and carried out by Fluent software. The governing equations are solved for incompressible, 3-D, steady, turbulent standard model with Boussiuesq approximation  to develop for the sloped solar chimney system in this study and evaluate the performance of solar chimney power plant  in Baghdad city of Iraq numerically by Fluent (14) software with orking conditions such as solar radiation intensity (30

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Levels of Credibility of the Press within the Structural Model of Credibility
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There is confusion between the concept of honesty and credibility arguing that their meaning is the same. ‘Credibility; is derived from the truth which means evidence of honesty, while ‘honesty’ means not lying and matching reality. The study of credibility begins globally at the end of the fifties of the second millennium to see the decline and refrain from reading newspapers, while it was studied in the Arab world in 1987. Global studies find several meanings of the concept of ‘credibility’ such as accuracy, completeness, transfer facts, impartiality, balance, justice, objectivity, trust, honesty, respect the freedom of individuals and community, and taking into account the traditions and norms.
Credibility has two dimens

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Redesign of Jobs in the Division of Blood Transfusion Services of the Baghdad Health Directorate Rusafa Case Study
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     The purpose of the theme of redesign of jobs one of the topics the task that offers the possibility for individuals to perform several tasks in the organization of health at the same time gain experience and diverse skills and achieve compatibility between the requirements of the most appropriate function and organization  of the hand ,hence, the idea of studying the redesign of jobs of the division of blood transfusion services in the department of health Baghdad Rusafa to change the conventional methods used in the performance of functions ,which are no longer able to meet the needs of patients where blood transfusion is a key  ingredient in health care and equal access to safe blood is needed

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the leader in empowering workers Application study in a sample of Iraqi telecom companies - Asia-Cell model
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Leadership has now become a process for applying methods and techniques that make the Organization at the top of its competitive pyramid a greater market share. Leadership has become a focus for all leaders and managers، and leaders and managers are increasingly seeking to develop their skills and leadership skills. The research started with a clear problem of specific questions to ensure that the general objective of the research is to describe the characteristics of the leader and to clarify the dimensions of empowering the workers and to highlight the role of the leader in empowering the workers. The study examines the relation between the role of the leader in

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
The Journal Of Law Research
Ensuring the right to private property within the framework of the imposition of the arraat tax
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AHA Al-Hilali, AAH Hamid, The Journal of Law Research, 2022

Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Use of Principal Components Analysis in the Formation of a Sustainable Human Development Index for Arab Countries
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This study aims to derive a sustainable human development index for the Arab countries by using the principal components analysis, which can help in reducing the number of data in the case of multiple variables.  This can be relied upon in the interpretation and tracking sustainable human development in the Arab countries in the view of the multiplicity of sustainable human development indicators and its huge data, beside the heterogeneity of countries in a range of characteristics associated with indicators of sustainable human development such as area, population, and economic activity. The study attempted to use the available data to the selected Arab countries for the recent years. This study concluded that a single inde

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of relations and forces of production in extraction And pearl industry in the Arabian Gulf 1900-1950 *
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بسبب محدودية الموارد الطبيعية، فأن سكان الخليج ومنذ القدم وجهوا جلّ نشاطاتهم توجهاً بحرياً: صيد الاسماك وصناعة اللؤلؤ العنصر الرئيس في حجم التشغيل، وتكوين الفائض الاقتصادي في المنطقة آنذاك.

لقد تزايدت أهمية هذا النشاط بخاصة بعد النصف الثاني من القرن التاسع عشر، لرواج تجارة اللؤلؤ عالمياً، وأنفتاح الخليج على الدول الاوروبية التي شهدت نهضة صناعية متسارعة، وحيث وصلت الخليج العديد من بضائع

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 16 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
The contents of the publications of the campaign (Together to defeat Corona) for the United Nations Development Program in Iraq to prevent infection with the Covid 19 virus
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The study deals with an analysis of the contents of the publications of the campaign (Together to defeat Corona), which was established by the United Nations Development Program in Iraq in the face of the Covid 19 virus.The research problem raises a main question:What are the implications of the campaign (Together to defeat Corona) of the United Nations Development Program (Iraq office) in addressing the Covid-19 virus in Iraq?From this main question, several sub-questions emerged, which were answered by this study in its chapters and investigations, including regarding the contents of advertisements, photos and videos for the publications of the (Together to Defeat Corona) campaign for the United Nations Iraq Office on their Facebook pageA

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Identifying the Level of Effective Leadership Practices : An Analytical Research in "The Office of Iraqi Interior Ministry "
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The current research aims to identify the level of effective leadership practices dimensions (clear vision and specific goals, good planning and effective influence, and monitoring well as evaluation) among the senior leaders in the Office of the Iraqi Interior Ministry., The researchers adopted the descriptive analytical approach to collect data through the questionnaire as a main tool, developed by relying on international standards after making adjustments to its items consisting of (25) items that included the research variable, the questionnaire was distributed to all the research community (comprehensive inventory) by 120 forms from emplo

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