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Reading in the thought of Imam Ali The philosophy of dialogue and the unity of the nation,
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This study is taken from the doctoral thesis that I prepared in the year 2000 at the University of Bordeaux in France under the title “ Ali bin Abi Talib Imam and Calif “. This thesis was prepared as a continuation of what the French orientalism Louis Massignon wrote about Islam and his student Henry Corbin, who introduced Europeans to Shiism. This study represents the philosophy of dialogue and the unity of the Islamic Emma as one of the most important methods used by Imam Ali.

Imam Ali established the most beautiful, creative, and most complete rules of human dialogue that preserve the unity of the nation’s fabric and preserves human dignity. Imam Ali referred to basic principles foundations to reach this goals, including: giving priority to the opinion of the majority and respecting the opinion of the minority towards it, and having a good belief in the other and revealing the truth, and dialogue is a talk of faith, not a talk of atonement and talk of knowledge, not a talk of insulting and contempt.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Implications of Social Solidarity in Islam
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That interdependence in Islam is cooperation, love and fraternity and give and take
and let him look rich to the poor, every Muslim is himself liable hungry and poor no matter
how many races and colors. That interdependence is cruel, spending for God and is the
greatest supporter of charities that deal with housing, food and medicine for the unemployed
and needy, and social solidarity the consolidation of the values of brotherhood and love,
where is the greatest support of corrupt and concerted community and causes prosperity in
societies and has a significant impact on the unity of Muslims and their club and their
collection. The Islamic regime tops major systems in entrusting the achievement claimed the
lives of

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Basic Education College Magazine For Educational And Humanities Sciences
Measure awareness Petknlogia the information and its impact on the attainment of knowledge to solve the problems of scientific research material for the students of the fourth stage at the Faculty of Physical Education for Girls
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يعتقد البعض ان مفهوم العلم يعني الآلات والاجهزة العلمية (تقنيات التعليم) وهي لا تختلف عن مفهوم تكنولوجيا المعلومات , ويعد هذا الاعتقاد خاطئ , لان العلم هو بناء المعرفة العلمية المنظمة والتي يتم التوصل اليها عن طريق البحث العلمي , اما تكنولوجيا المعلومات فهي "التطبيقات العملية للمعرفة العلمية في مختلف المجالات ذات الفائدة المباشرة بحياة الانسان, او هي النواحي التطبيقية للعلم وما يرتبط بها من آلات واجهزة".

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Limit the auditor's personal judgment and its reflection on the quality of the audit report
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The main objective of the audit is The asset is maintained and operated efficiently and is done through to detect fraud and errors in the financial statements and to verify the accuracy and accuracy of the information contained therein and to give a neutral technical opinion on the basis of that, thus the auditor has a professional responsibility in achieving this goal, and that the effects of issuing a wrong opinion works on The loading of the beneficiaries is significant damage, And therefore the presence of any error or bias of the auditor when taking personal judgments in relation to the determination of the relative importance and the selection of audit samples and determine the adequacy and validity of evidence and implemen

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Mental Strain and its Relationship with the Attitude towards the Immigration of the University Students
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the appearance and increasing of the young immigration within 2015, the researcher intuition as a mother and part of the society, and the role of the psychological attitude in enabling the individual to make decision, in the light of all the above come up the need for studying this problem.
The study aims at finding out:
1. The mental strain of the study sample.
2. The differences in mental strain of the study sample according to the gender, specification, the university, the study (private, not private), and if they have immigrated friends or relatives out of the Iraq.
3. The study sample attitudes towards immigration.
4. The study sample levels of attitudes towards immigration.
5. The differences in the sample attitud

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Study the Effect of Ultraviolet on the Compression and Hardness Property for Hybrid Material
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The study was carried out by reinforcing the resin matrix material

which was (Epoxy- Ep828) by useing Kevlar fibers and glass fibers type (E-gl ass) both or them in the form of woven roving and poly propylene tlbcrs  in  the form chopped  strand  mats.  wi th (30%)  volume  fraction. Some mechan i cal  properties of the were prepared composite specimens U ltraviolet   radiation  were  stuied   after   being  subjected  to  different weathering conditi ons i ncluded. Compression and hardness testing were carried out using Briel! method so as to compare between composite behavior i n the environments previously mentioned .


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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Assessing the efficiency of the Economic performance of the general company for Vegetable oil Industry for the period (2003-2007)
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The State company for vegetable oils industry one of the most dynamic

companies in the Iraqi economy and is one of the companies manufacturing(food) that takes astrategic dimension and production within the concept of food security, this as well as to reduce dependence on imports and operation of national manpower.This study aims to describe the performance of the State company for vegetable oils industry for the period (2003-2007) which was characterized by economic and security instability of the country and give an accurate picture of their efficiency and their capacity to produce during this Period.    

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Over the awareness of managers strategic importance of vigilance: "Exploratory study in the National Insurance Company"
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The rapid reality of events in the information era, and the enormous pressure of forces market, competition, permanent movement of the markets and consumers and the large development unprecedented of technology in all areas make a lot of organizations find it difficult to keep up with this rapid developments .Here was the role of strategic vigilance closer organization to their environment ,and play an active role in providing the necessary information to make decisions and insurance companies are not far from those changes .On this basis the researcher offered studied(Over the awareness of managers of insurance companies for strategic vigilance).Choosing sample of 35 managers in the National Insurance Company to test th

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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Measuring the level of communicative competence in news headlines and the level of stylistic and semantic processing in its formulation requires creating a quantitative scale based on the bases on building the scales and their standards. As judging by scientific of journalism studies lies in the possibility of quantifying the journalistic knowledge, i.e. the ability of this knowledge to shift from qualitative language to its equivalent in the language of numbers.

News headlines and editorial processing are one of the journalistic knowledges that should be studied, analyzed stylistically and semantically; their conclusions drawn and expressed in numbers. Press knowledge is divided into two types:<

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Spatial analysis of mortality older population in the city of Baghdad , for the period (1997 - 2013)
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The current study is concerned with the analysis of spatial and temporal to death the elderly population in the city of Baghdad and at the level of administrative units Minor (districts and the areas) depending on the general population census of the province of Baghdad, data for 1997 and data from the Ministry of Health Department of Health and Vital Statistics for 2013.
The study showed differing age and quality of mortality rates at the level of administrative units of the study area, and notes the high mortality rates of elderly people of all age groups in 2013 compared to 1997, and this is due to security conditions after the USA occupation, and the accompanying conditions have affected the increase in mortality rates.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Internal Audit in Assessing the Risks of Management Decisions regarding Strategic Operations )Acquisition)
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The research aims to verify the Role of Internal Auditing in Assessing the Risks of Strategic Operations (Acquisition) and then reflect on management decisions. Since all corporations wish to expand, growth and domination of the market may expose them to multiple risks that lead to failure. The research assumes two main hypotheses. First, there is no role for internal audit in evaluating the strategic operations (acquisition). Second, there is no relationship between internal auditing in assessing the risks of strategic operations (Acquisition) and management decisions. The data was collected by using a questionnaire distributed to a group of private bank employees. The statistical analysis regarding research rejected the two hyp

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