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Title of Thesis The creedal purposes deduced from the Almighty’s saying: {It is easy for me}


    I wanted to address this topic because of creedal purposes importance,and its r le in regulating lives of individuals and society, and to talk about purposes of Almighty's saying:{It is easy for me},to simplify its meanings for general educated person to obtain the believe of the Creator’s power and his oneness.

Therefore,this research came,whichincludes:an introduction and topics, first :concept of creedal objectives and their divisions,second: creedal purposes in Almighty’s saying:{It is easy for me},and conclusion:in where most important results were included:

1.Although context of this verse came in two different stories,the agreement is fulfilled in them by showing the power ofCreator,who bestows His gifts to faithful servants,even if these gifts are interspersed with tribulations.

2.The creedal purposes diversity deduced from this verse,sointent of miraculousness,and faith in God,guidance,subjection,and contentment with destiny o appeared.

Most important recommendations:Do a specialized study on all purposes of faith pillars,according to righteous predecessors,based on their books,and their scholars sayings.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 10 2018
Journal Name
Annals Of Clinical And Analytical Medicine
Lead among children with autism in Iraq. Is it a potential factor?

Abstract Aim: Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder which affects communication and social interaction of children. It is a heterogeneous disease with various clinical presentations. Some genes are involved in its pathogenesis. It has been suggested that environmental exposure to lead can increase the risk of autism. The aim of our study was to compare blood lead levels among autistic and non-autistic children. Material and Method: This retrospective study included 107 children (60 with autism and 47 without autism) referred from the different Iraqi provinces, in the years 2015, 2016 and 2017, to the poisoning consultation center in Baghdad. Data collection including age, gender, residence, referral source, family history and blood lead l

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Etiologies of chronic cough in adult patients: Is it hard to be diagnosed?

Background: Chronic cough is often the key
symptom not only of chronic pulmonary diseases
but for other important extrapulmonary
pathologies, in particular upper airway and
gastrointestinal diseases.
Objective: This study was designed to
determine the etiology of chronic cough and the
usefulness of the available diagnostic tests in
reaching its causes.
Methods: One hundred patients presenting with
chronic cough at Baghdad Teaching Hospital
Outpatient Clinic were enrolled in this study. The
patients underwent a full clinical interview,
physical examination with indicated diagnostic
test(s) (such as chest x ray, bronchoscope, PFT,
GIT study, sinus X ray or CT).
Results: An etiology of chronic

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Developing and Organizing an Easy Work Environment for Users of Computers Using Information Technology

The study aims to implement a serial security technology system to organize a comfortable work environment for users of computers in the General Directorate of Education in Baghdad Karkh3. The most important findings of the study are the application of a serial technology system. It is connected with scientific goals that show the scientific structure of computer learning and its applications.  It considers global learning systems and take into account the ease and scientific flow of the class of elderly employees. In addition, employees of other categories, are the outputs of the sequential technological system. The aim is to create a purposeful technological system and keep pace with global developments, to gain experience, skills and

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 22 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The productive partnership in development communication is an effective strategy for change

This study can be considered as un introduction to the idioms and the strategy about the productive partnership development connection, that helps the researcher and the organization in their work in to activate development and the natural sources,manegment,to improve the two sides active connected to the local society, and to use it as easier and smoother participation of the people who work in development field and the natural sources management research, That connection depends mostly upon the capability of researcher and the development worker to increase the ability of individual and local society to specify and analyzing their problems and to try solutions to make their life better with good income.   

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 06 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Psychological Intentions in Hadiths

The present study aims to shed light on psychological intentions in some prophetic hadiths and present practical models and realistic applications that reveal the aim behind Prophet Mohammed’s actions and speech. This study relied on a descriptive and deductive approach. It included three demands. The first demand provided a glimpse of the theoretical and conceptual framework of psychological intentions and their most important classifications. The second request tackled the history of Makassed thought in the Prophet’s hadiths. The third requirement dealt with the presentation of the physical, mental, and psychological intentions in Sunnah. The results revealed that The Islamic religion seeks to achieve happiness for the human being

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 28 2024
Journal Name
The radio anatomical arrangement of nerve roots at L3 level in cauda equina sac is it affected by diseases?

An observational study to discover the common conditions affecting the lumbosacral region that may affect lumbosacral position and tension. All the patients, underwent MRI exaamination (magnetic resonance imaging) in the supine position, were examined by the same consultant radiologist. The article was revised by the institutional ethical approval committee. The position of the nerve roots was observed, and the number of nerve roots was calculated anterior to a line passing between the mid-transvers process of L3(third lumbar vertebra). The number of nerve roots ahead of this line was calculated by the radiologist at the level of the right intervertebral foramen and at the left one. This procedure was applied to the normal group, an

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Salah Al-Abad In stating the purposes of belief

Worshipersrighteousness in declaration of purposes of belief

Laith Salman Dawood

Iraqi Sunni Affairs/Department of Religious and Charity Institutions


Praise is to God and Prayers and peace is upon the Messenger of Allah and his family and companions and then:

The research here presents to the question of standing on the purpose of belief and its importance, which corresponds to going into the purposes of the Sharia acts and Worship, which are no less important and perhaps the most important. The health of belief is the only way to correct work and worship. The research first dealt with the definition of the doctrine and its pil

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The statistic structure of the title in the poetry of Muhammed Ali Kazim Haider

In this research, we attempt to show the extent of harmony in an aspect of the text according to the stylistics for the Knowing of the stylistic value of the title threshold, and the pathways of titles that suggest and support the meaning when the recipient reads the literary text, in addition to the interpretations that reflect the purposes of the poet who contributed to the drawing of his poetic achievement. The research presented a brief about the poet and his most important works, because they are the text which will be studied according to the stylistics. The research also explained the concept of style and the stylistics in the preface , because of the stylistic is the method adopted by the research to study the title thresholds in

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The strategy of Marketable Public Relations Internationally Analytical study of the websites of “ Apple “ and “Samsung “ on the internet: (A research drawn from a Master Degree thesis)

The international organizations showed their interest in the marketable public relations, with their activities, means and strategies, they play a crucial role in marketing products, services and ideas of the institution. They are considered to be the link between the company and its public, They are responsible for presenting the institution to the public, with honest transmission of the information. This gives a good impression to the institution, in a way the institution and its products become consistent with the needs and interests of the public.  Based on this, the research aims to identify the strategies used by the marketable public relations internationally.  The r

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
بعض وظائف النبي صلى هللا تعالى عليه وآله وصحبه وسلم الواردة في القرآن الكريم

The research included an introduction, and three functions
of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), a
machine and a companion, and a conclusion , the first function,
which is zakaah, and began with it because it is the basis of every
work, no work is accepted by Allaah except what was sincere to
him, as well as sincere intention, because accepting works is
entrusted with the

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