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شعرية مخاطبات الامام علي
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To work for your world as if you lived forever and work for your hereafter as if you were dying tomorrow, great wisdom and a high-level literary text and a philosophical text with clear features and complex structure.

This text attributed to Imam Ali is the answer to a question that humanity has  put in place since its existence and to this day, which is: what is the decent and happy life for a dead person?. Myths and religions with different references and philosophers have answered this question in different ways and vision, including Imam Ali, who answered dualism of reason and faith, through his view of the human being and life and clear features.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 03 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The concept of tira according to Imam Al-Manawi in his book Fayd Al-Qadeer
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Tira is a custom known to the Arabs since the pre-Islamic era. in the occurrence of good or evil. And from the pessimism: that the Arabs in the pre-Islamic era depended on birds, so if one of them went out for a matter, If he sees a bird flying to the right, he will believe in him and go on his journey and his need. The research aims to introduce Imam Al-Manawi and explain his saying in Al-Tira through his book Fayd Al-Qadeer.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Motivated Lamentations of Imam Hussein in modern Iraqi poetry
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The Fountain of poetry Canot be suddenly flow or flood from emptiness. but it is streams and motives drive it to move . Forward tat Calmness and latent in depth of poet ,and try to Chang it in to high wives , go in to details inside the seas of poetry ,to sail threw it on the ships of poetry in creative styel to reach to the point from imaginary meaning , so every poet has direction to competein poetry poetsin Lament of Imam Hussain, There versification of poetry didn’t come from emptiness , but there was clashes motive them threw Calling the personality of Imam Hussain to learn lesson in avery beautiful and greative styel ,to be the expression poem from many sides in the personality of Imam Hussain from that events and facts that happ

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Features of wisdom and methods in the approach of Imam Hassan al-Askari (Peace Be upon Him)
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Wisdom is the separation and distinction between aim in the word and work and the lack thereof in accordance with the knowledge surrounding the arts of science, which reached a thorough understanding of things and put them in the quorum. In this research, I have tried to discern the characteristics of the wisdom of Imam Hassan al-Askari (peace be upon him) and to explain his methods and actions which are indicative of the various facets of wisdom required by the nature of the actions and behavior that he has to deal with. Or future mother.
The second topic was devoted to the style of Imam (p) and his wisdom in the situations that necessitated the diversity of methods of dealing such as the method of concealment and the method of refer

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الفكر الفكر التربوي في طروحات الامام جعفر الصادق (عليه السلام)
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Find spins educational thought in the arguments of Imam Jafar Sadiq ( peace be upon him ), which is a valid approach to every age and generation , a fact the Lord's suitable for all ages, and a natural extension of the message the sky . Here was a project of Imam Sadiq ( peace be upon him ) for the breeding of individuals and the Islamic nation in general, so it was launched search to explain features of this educational thought when Imam Jafar Sadiq ( peace be upon him )

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Imam Yahya bin Saeed Al-Ansari and his jurisprudential views on fasting issues
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In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful


The reason for choosing this topic was:


First: It is my great love for the Prophet Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, his family, his companions, his followers, the followers of their followers, and the scholars after them until the Day of Judgment.


Secondly: Showing a great jurisprudential figure who has contributed by speaking about important jurisprudential issues in the life of this nation, and bringing out this immortal book to put it in the hands of scholars, so I chose a figure from the followers (may God be pleased with them all).


Third: The study of the jurisprudence of the companions

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 28 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الفقهية الفقيهة البغدادية ست الملوك فاطمه بنت علي بن علي (ت710/1310)
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Did not The Baghdadi community in the seventh century thirteenth century AD was the appearance of a great scientists who have an important role in the intellectual movement at Baghdad in that period, despite the political corruption. Sit Al-melook Baghdadi is one of notables seventh century thirteen century AD who lived its events and interacted with these event, In spite of the lack of information in the historical sources wrote about what wrote about her refers to the assumption of a reputability place among scholars of its age.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 22 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الوزير علي بن يقطين
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تعد شخصية الوزير علي بن يقطين من الشخصيات التاريخية البارزة بالرغم من كونه
عمله كوزير ف

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
Cloud platform functionality in visual media: علي صباح سلمان-ثائر علي جبر الله
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The rapid changes in the field of transferring and exchanging information via cloud platforms have revolutionized the field of modern visual media, as cloud computing technology has greatly influenced the media institutions, providing effort, money and high-quality materials. The research included five chapters, the first came under the methodological framework for the research and the second Theoretical framework, the first two included the concept of cloud computing and the second platforms for cloud computing in the visual media and the third chapter Research procedures and the fourth chapter The sample analysis and the fifth chapter The research results were the most prominent
1. The cloud service made the benefit beyond the typic

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 25 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Find the fuzzy maximum flow of Imam Kadhimen visitors using fuzzy dynamic programming University of Baghdad - Faculty of Administration and Economics
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    Baghdad and the other Iraqis provinces have witnessed many   of celebrations which have the significant effect on the souls of Arabic and Islamic people in general , and Iraqi people, especially the birthday and death of two al-kadhimen Imams(peace upon them) and others .From here the researcher begin to study the visiting of imam kadhimen (peace upon him) on 25 Rajab the commemoration of his sacrifice, simply because have implications of religious, ideological and cultural sectors which represents in finding the greatest flow of visitors .the problem of research appeared due to the clear difference in number of visitors during one day, beside the significant increase in number of visitors  throu

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 04 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الامام الجويني و دوره في ازدهار الحياة العلمية في مدينة نيسابور ((ت478هـ/1085م))
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The city of Nishapur is one of the cities that had a prominent position and a clear impact on the flourishing of the scientific movement, and this position that it enjoyed was achieved because of the scholars who were incubating them. Who had a great role in the flourishing of scientific life through his scientific activity, as he worked as a teacher for thirty years in its regular school, in addition to his work in rhetoric, preaching and scientific circles, in addition to his many books in various sciences, as he did not specialize in one science only, but rather collected all the sciences of his time and excelled in them. He enriched the Arab and Islamic library with it.

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