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مصادر المعرفة لدى اصحاب المذهب التجريبي والعلموي مقارنة بالتصور الاسلامي
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Here’s a research about epistemology including answer for the most essential questions those which associate with human knowledge, It’s the sources of knowledge and it's pathways depending on showing and criticizing the empirical doctrine represented by John Locke, David Hume and others, not only the empirical doctrine but also the contemporary scientism doctrine the one that characterized by science abilities glorification which is represented by contemporary scientists such as: Stephen Hawking and some few others .The common points between both of the doctrines (scientism and empirical) will be clarified for the reader and also the uncommon ones, ultimately, we will briefly spotlight on the basics of the Islamic vision about knowledge sources so the reader can realize that epistemological gaps in both of the previous doctrines, not exist in the Islamic philosophy which is characterized by generality and perfection.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
مهارات ما بعد المعرفة لدى طلاب المدارس الثانوية للمتميزين
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Acquisition of metacognition has an effective and important role in educational process, so it can reduce difficulties faced by learners during theirunderstanding of the subjects.

Brown (1980) considers that it is conscious and reflective controlcarried out by the individual in his actions and cognitive responses through the use of self-regulation skills (planning, monitoring and evaluation).

The search problem raises through following question: Havestudents  ofhigh school for distinct metacognition?

Metacognition is very important  , so the effective learninginvolves planning and goalsetting, and monitoring the progress of the individual and adapted as needed, and allthese activities are metacognition i

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
Deconstruction the Theatrical Time in the Expressionist Doctrine
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Time affects all elements of the intellectual scene or the theatrical scene. It came along with the theatrical doctrines according to the conditions of those doctrines and their conceptual ideas or the method of their mechanisms in the application. While it is classically or realistically integrated, we see it in the expressionist doctrine inconsistent and its inconsistency makes it responsive for the deconstruction strategy. Hence the researcher entitled his study (deconstruction the theatrical time in the expressionist doctrine) so that deconstruction would be a field for his study.   The study starts with an introduction presenting the research problem, importance and objective. The theoretical framework consisted of three s

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
knowledge management and managers have a primary school principals from the standpoint of their assistants
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knowledge management and managers have a primary school principals from the standpoint of their assistants M . Dr. Suad Vegetables Abbas Research problem: The administration school require a leader administratively The efficiency and skills of management and knowledge to make it effective in the administration follows the scientific method and knowledge of those who through administrative methods emanating from the trends of modern management in the management of educational , as well as the presence of the leaders of effective management has the knowledge and know-how administrative work and how to deal with others and investment optimized for all of the resources available through the future capable of Orientalism to the extent that ou

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Fairness in explaining the provisions of endowments A study to clarify the provisions of endowments according to the views of the Jaafari school of thought compared to the provisions of Iraqi laws.
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In The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful

It is no secret to everyone that the endowment is an important nucleus for the prosperity of Islamic civilization, especially in the fields of education, health, economy, and defensive military actions that fall within the door of jihad, and so on. Al-Ashraf, Qom Al-Quds, Cairo, and other parts of the Islamic world. What we will see in the research.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المنهج التجريبي والمنهج الرياضي في فلسفة الكندي
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الكندي هو ابو يوسف يعقوب بن اسحاق بن الصباح . كما هو عند ابن جلجل (1) بن عمران بن اسماعيل بن محمد بن الأشعث بن قيس الكندي . كما يضيف ابن النديم(2) كان أبوه اسحق بن الصباح أميرا ً على الكوفة للمهدي والرشيد . على ما يقرره ابن نباته المصري(3) ، كان جده الأشعت بن قيس من أصحاب النبي الكريم وكان قبل ذلك ملكا ً على جميع(كندة)

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
محاولة جادة لتأطير نظرية اصحاب المصالح في دراسات إدارة الاعمال
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تتميز هذه الورقة بتناولها موضوعاً يخشى الكثيرون الخوض فيه للملابسات الدائرة حوله، وهو اصحاب المصالح كموضوع مهم في الفكر الستراتيجي. فخاضت في مفاهيمه العامة وتصنيفاته ومنظوراته، ووجدت في مفهومه بأنهم اولئك الذين يمكن تمثيلهم بالمجاميع او الوحدات المستقلة التي ترتبط بمنظمة الاعمال عبر شبكة علاقات مؤثرة مختلفة الابعاد والاتجاهات، واذا ما حدث أي خلل في توازن هذه العلاقات، قد ت

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 19 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
مصادر مصادر القانون الدولي في الألفية الثانية ق.م (أواخر عصر البرونز)
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 In the second millennium BC, the international community change at the ancient Near East, There has been a significant developments with the appearance of five kingdoms (Babylon, Assyria, Mitanni, Egypt, and Hatti) called themselves the (Great Powers) and their kings named (Great King), and Correspondence among themselves on behalf of (the brothers),  to differentiate themselves from the small kingdoms Minor of them.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Peripheral Perception And its Relation With The Need for Cognition for The University Students
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The most important topic for psychologist generally is factor of education and it's active tools because learning needs active perception for stimulus that recived by the educator and give it avalue and meaning , Need for cognition is
very important in the various daily fields of life , especially in learning and teaching and the academy work , it help with shifting the learning level for people , and icreas the intense and challenge between them
The research endeavored to achieve the following aim :
1- Measuring the level of peripheral perception for the university student .
2- Measuring the level of need for cognition for the university student .
3- Measuring the level of peripheral perception for the university student

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 28 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Role of Ethnographic Programs on Documentary Channels in Enhancing Audience Knowledge
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This research investigates the engagement of the Iraqi audience with ethnographic programs and their impact on knowledge enhancement and intellectual perspectives. A questionnaire consisting of closed-ended questions was designed and administered to a purposive sample of 400 participants who exclusively follow ethnographic programs and documentary channels. The data were transcribed and subjected to statistical analysis using the SPSS software to ensure reliability and test hypotheses. The findings revealed that Al Jazeera Documentary Channel had the highest viewership percentage among respondents for ethnographic programs, while DW (Deutsche Welle) had the lowest viewership percentage. This suggests that Al Jazee

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الحاجة إلى المعرفة وعلاقتها بحل المشكلات لدى طلبة معهد الفنون الجميلة
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the aims of the research have been determined as :                                  

1- Need for cognation according to the students of   the Fine Arts Institute.

 2-  Problem-solving tothe students of the  Fine Arts Institute.

3- The correlation between the needfor cognition and Problem-solving manner. according to the students of   the Fine Arts Institute.

4_- Indication of differences in the manner of problem-solving,and need

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