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The Juristic Rulings Concerning Those in Debts
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This research aimed to shed light on the juristic rulings concerning those in debts. It adopted the inductive approach, the analytical approach and the comparative approach. It tackled the following issues: definition of Zakat, the channels of paying Zakat, definition of those in debts, types of those in debts, those in debts who are not entitled to take Zakat, their cases, spending money by those in debts if taken by those in debts and the poor, and when those in debts become rich before paying their debts, and the ruling on paying the debt of the dead indebted from the Zakat money.

The most important results of the research are as follows:

Muslim jurists divided those in debts into two types: first: the one who is indebted for the benefit of anyone else. Second: those who are indebted for reclaiming oneself. The right opinion is that if those in debts become rich before paying their debts, they must return money to the ruler or to the one from he took. If not, he should pay it in the channels of Zakat. Those who have not enough income should not borrow to establish a factory, a farm, and so on because the Zakat is given to the poor to meet their dire needs rather than increase wealth and become richer. Those who are indebted for the benefit of themselves and who can earn their living should not take from Zakat money if they can pay their debts from what the money they earn or if the debtor grants them time till it is easy for him to repay. Additionally, those who have money either cash or real estate can repay from it. When some of those who are entitled to take Zakat take it in a particular case, but now they are not as such, they should not return the Zakat. However, if a particular group became not entitled to take Zakat, they should return the Zakat.

Keywords: juristic rulings – the channel of those in debts.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Legal adjustment of zakat on property prepared for sale
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Praise be to God, who said: {And establish prayer and pay zakat and lend to God a good loan, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves you will find with God. It is better and greater in reward. Ask forgiveness of God. Indeed, God is Forgiving, Most Merciful. May blessings and peace be upon Muhammad, the servant of God, and His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, who said: “Islam is built on five Testifying that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, establishing prayer, paying zakat, Hajj, and fasting Ramadan” ().
Now that follows: Islamic law aims to make man happy in this world and the afterlife, starting with faith in God Almighty until the end of the legal obligations. This is

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The advancement of science and technology in recent years has led to heavy and diversified production and thus market congestion in various goods and services; which led to an increase of competition among advertisers in order to meet the needs and wishes and to upgrade to the level of consumers. These upgrades have imposed an increase in the usage of the promotions, including advertising in terms of quantity and quality, to influence and persuade customers innovatively and creatively using all available mass media.

The research aims to identify the attitudes of residents of poor areas towards television advertisements for medicines, and the impact of those advertisements on them in terms of making purch

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Extraction and Purification of Lipases Enzyme from Germinating Seeds of Four Crops
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Lipase enzyme has attracted a lot of attention in recent years because of its diverse biotechnological applications. The present study was conducted to screen germinated seeds of four crops, namely sunflower (Helianthus annuus), flaxor linseed (Linum usitatissimum ), peanut (Arachis hypogaea  ) and castor bean (Ricinus communis), for the activity of their lipases. to the study also included the extraction and purification of lipase from the seeds of  the most promising crop using different solvents. The results indicated that the maximum enzymatic activity (0.669 U/ml) was  obtained when 0.1 M Tris-HCl buffer extract was used after 3 days of seed germination of all the tested species, as compared to the other test solvents

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Comparison between Linear and Non-linear ANN Models for Predicting Water Quality Parameters at Tigris River
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In this research, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) technique was applied in an attempt to predict the water levels and some of the water quality parameters at Tigris River in Wasit Government for five different sites. These predictions are useful in the planning, management, evaluation of the water resources in the area. Spatial data along a river system or area at different locations in a catchment area usually have missing measurements, hence an accurate prediction. model to fill these missing values is essential.
The selected sites for water quality data prediction were Sewera, Numania , Kut u/s, Kut d/s, Garaf observation sites. In these five sites models were built for prediction of the water level and water quality parameters.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 12 2013
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computer Applications
Design and Implementation of a Practical FTTH Network
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Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) has long been recognized as a technology that provides future proof bandwidth [1], but has generally been too expensive to implement on a wide scale. However, reductions in the cost of electro-optic components and improvements in the handling of fiber optics now make FTTH a cost effective solution in many situations. The transition to FTTH in the access network is also a benefit for both consumers and service providers because it opens up the near limitless capacity of the core long-haul network to the local user. In this paper individual passive optical components, transceivers, and fibers has been put together to form a complete FTTH network. Then the implementation of the under construction Baghdad/Al

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Charge density distributions for odd-A of 2s-1d shell nuclei
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An analytical expression for the charge density distributions is derived based on the use of occupation numbers of the states and the single particle wave functions of the harmonic oscillator potential with size parameters chosen to reproduce the observed root mean square charge radii for all considered nuclei. The derived expression, which is applicable throughout the whole region of shell nuclei, has been employed in the calculations concerning the charge density distributions for odd- of shell nuclei, such as and nuclei. It is found that introducing an additional parameters, namely and which reflect the difference of the occupation numbers of the states from the prediction of the simple shell model leads to obtain a remarkabl

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Mechanical Properties of Burnished Steel AISI 1008
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Burnishing improves fatigue strength, surface hardness and decrease surface roughness of metal because this process transforms tensile residual stresses into compressive residual stresses. Roller burnishing tool is used in the present work on low carbon steel (AISI 1008) specimens. In this work, different experiments were used to study the influence of feed parameter and speed parameter in burnishing process on fatigue strength, surface roughness and surface hardness of low carbon steel (AISI 1008) specimens. The first parameter used is feed values which were (0.6, 0.8, and 1) mm at constant speed (370) rpm, while the second parameter used is speed at values (540, 800 and 1200) rpm and at constant feed (1) mm. The results of the fatigue

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Prediction of Shear Wave velocity for carbonate rocks
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In many oil fields only the BHC logs (borehole compensated sonic tool) are available to provide interval transit time (Δtp), the reciprocal of compressional wave velocity VP.

   To calculate the rock elastic or inelastic properties, to detect gas-bearing formations, the shear wave velocity VS is needed. Also VS is useful in fluid identification and matrix mineral identification.

   Because of the lack of wells with shear wave velocity data, so many empirical models have been developed to predict the shear wave velocity from compressional wave velocity. Some are mathematical models others used the multiple regression method and neural network technique.

   In this study a number of em

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad University College Of Education Ibn Al-haitham
Numerical Solution of Linear System of Fredholm Integral Equations Using Haar Wavelet Method
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The aim of this paper is to present the numerical method for solving linear system of Fredholm integral equations, based on the Haar wavelet approach. Many test problems, for which the exact solution is known, are considered. Compare the results of suggested method with the results of another method (Trapezoidal method). Algorithm and program is written by Matlab vergion 7.

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Lepidium Sativum Leaves Extract and Pumpkin Seeds on Growth of Pimpinella Anisum
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The field experiment was conducted at botanical garden of Department of Biology, College of Education for Pure Science/ Ibn-Al-Haitham, University of Baghdad to study the effect of Lepidium sativum leaves extract and pumpkin seeds Cucurbita pepo in two concentrations 10% and 20% on physiological characters ofPimpinella anisum. The results showed that in either concentration plant heights, dry weight, biological yield, economic yield, weight of 100 fruits, harvest index, absolute growth rate (AGR) were all increased and percentage of oil in fruits as compared with control plants

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