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Philosophical Visions in the poetry of Abu Fath Basti
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of the research is one of the poetic purposes that expresses the philosophy of the intellectual poet who experienced life and learned the tendencies and the gulf of the human soul and the fact that an intellectual attitude towards them, intensified within the poems do not need to be frequently narrated and elaborated, but based on the few words in the rich meanings and expressed the point of view he wanted to convey to the recipient without taking the position of disorientation and retreat to himself expressing his rejection of this reality, but faced this reality different manifestations and reflections and the conditions of human beings in it detailed His opinion is constructive criticism, and accurate observations reveal the culture of its owner based on research, analysis and thinking, presenting it in the form of passages and artistic stories transmitted by the human poet in poems in which his wisdom and opinions in life are presented by looking at the relationships between man, and existence on the one hand and between man and his fellow man on the other, this intense philosophical judgment expressed the voice of man aspiring to change in order to reach the best things with the best sciences, which came in concert with the psychological and reality of man and his reality. All the time and place

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Tagmemic Analysis of English and Arabic Praise Poetry: A Contrastive Study
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 This research provides a new method to study praise poetry that can be used as a course to teach English and Arabic to students in the College of Education. This research answers two questions:

  1. Is it possible to examine praise poetry as a tagmeme?
  2. Is this analysis of great help in teaching English and Arabic to students in the College of Education?

           The data that will be chosen for the purpose of analysis are two of Shakespeare's sonnets and two of AL Mulik's poems. The sonnets selected for this purpose are 17 and 18. AL Mulik's poems selected for the same purpose are 8 and 9.


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Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Estimation of Petrophysical Properties for Zubair Reservoir in Abu-Amood Oil Field
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The petrophysical analysis is significant to determine the parameters controlling the production wells and the reservoir quality. In this study, Using Interactive petrophysics software to analyze the petrophysical parameters of five wells penetrated the Zubair reservoir in the Abu-Amood field to evaluate a reservoir and search for hydrocarbon zones. The available logs data such as density, sonic, gamma ray, SP, neutron, and resistivity logs for wells AAm-1, AAm-2, AAm-3, AAm-4, and AAm-5 were used to determine the reservoir properties in Zubair reservoir. The density-neutron and neutron-sonic cross plots, which appear as lines with porosity scale ticks, are used to distinguish between the three main lithologies of sandstone, limesto

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The effectiveness of intense pulsed light (home use) device in facial hair reduction
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Background: Intense pulsed light (IPL) devices produce polychromatic incoherent high-intensity pulsed light with a specified wavelength spectrum, fluence, and pulse duration through the use of flashlamps and bandpass filters. Similar to lasers, IPL devices operate on the selective photothermolysis principle, with melanin acting as the chromophore. Despite this similarity, they are constructed differently and produce different amounts of light Aim of the study: To investigate the efficacy of IPL home-use device in hair reduction technique for women with unwanted facial hair. Subjects and methods: The study was conducted in Baghdad on forty-five female subjects with Fitzpatrick skin phototype (II to IV) and black, brown hair in a period of ei

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Translating Poetry: Possibility or Impossibility?
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Translating poetry is considered one of the most complicated types of translations. It
encounters many difficulties, the most important of which is the question of possibility or
impossibility of translating poetry. So, it is better to start by asking the following question: is
the translation of poetry possible? Or is it impossible? It is definitely a rhetorical question
because translation is as old as the presence of translated texts, which fills the shelves of
libraries. One can ask despite these difficulties, who would discourage people of the world
from translating poetry merely because it is fundamentally impossible? (Mann, 1970: 211)
The present paper will elaborate, in more detail, upon the necessary traits

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Unpublished Cuneiform texts from Tell Abu Inteek
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Produced ancient Iraqi civilization among the ingredients of civilization as a result of
human interaction with the environment in which they live , and began this ingredient in a
simple and took vary and evolve with the evolution of human life itself.
And passing epoch long time occupied by this civilization in the land of Mesopotamia,
which reflected the legibility Althelol archaeological scattered in most parts of this land
emerged features of this civilization has been able shovels prospectors that secreted into the
essence of knowledge to the archaeological researcher and specialist process of analysis and
extrapolation of all information contained and provided by the missions excavation which
began in archae

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The relationship between the economic structure and the development of the spatial structure Abu Ghraib District
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The phenomenon of spatial variation in the economic, social and urban development levels is considered prevalent in most of the economic and social systems,this relates to the concentration of most of those activities in certain regions and because of their rarity in other regions , that led to the emergence of the problem of the sharp contrast between the most developed areas and least developed areas within the same region or within the regions of the same country,
Reduction of this variables , in addition to the development of areas through following up and relying on an effective regional development enabling to reduce unemployment as well as to stop the migration of the unplanned for population,
And the ideal use of available

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
3D Geological Modelling for Asmari Reservoir In Abu Ghirab Oil Field
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    Building a geological model is an essential and primary step for studying the reservoir’s hydrocarbon content and future performance. A three-dimensional geological model of the Asmari reservoir in Abu- Ghirab oil field including structure, stratigraphy, and reservoir petrophysical properties, has been constructed in the present work. As to underlying Formations, striking slip faults developed at the flank and interlayer normal. Abu Ghirab oilfields are located on the eastern anticlinal band, which has steadily plunged southward. 3D seismic interpretation results are utilized to build the fault model for 43 faults of the Asmari Formation in Abu Ghirab Oilfield. A geographic facies model with six different rock facies types

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Feb 28 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
3D Geological Model for Zubair Reservoir in Abu-Amood Oil Field
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The Zubair reservoir in the Abu-Amood field is considered a shaly sand reservoir in the south of Iraq. The geological model is created for identifying the facies, distributing the petrophysical properties and estimating the volume of hydrocarbon in place. When the data processing by Interactive Petrophysics (IP) software is completed and estimated the permeability reservoir by using the hydraulic unit method then, three main steps are applied to build the geological model, begins with creating a structural, facies and property models. five zones the reservoirs were divided (three reservoir units and two cap rocks) depending on the variation of petrophysical properties (porosity and permeability) that results from IP software interpr

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Scopus (4)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jan 17 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المبادرة في عهد الامام علي بن ابي طالب (عليه السلام )
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    Thank Allah and prayers on the Prophet Mohammed the man of truth and honest (PBUH).

The initiations in the role of Imam Ali (PBUH) is considered among the important initiations in Islamic thinking .It is considered the way to invest the conditions that the individual in the light of it can reach to make gains and achievements

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 12 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الجوانب الادارية والقضائية في كتاب المسند للإمام ابي يعلى الموصلي
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The Studying of  historian aspects in Al-Hadieth books  , such as " Al-Musnad  Book    " subjected to  Al-Imam Abi Yalaa Al-mousily" ,has great importance in the field of Islamic history , in which Al- Al-Imam Abi Yalaa Al-mousily  has presented valued information that  have significant impact on the understanding of history, Have a significant impact on the understanding of Islamic history

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