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Philosophical Visions in the poetry of Abu Fath Basti

of the research is one of the poetic purposes that expresses the philosophy of the intellectual poet who experienced life and learned the tendencies and the gulf of the human soul and the fact that an intellectual attitude towards them, intensified within the poems do not need to be frequently narrated and elaborated, but based on the few words in the rich meanings and expressed the point of view he wanted to convey to the recipient without taking the position of disorientation and retreat to himself expressing his rejection of this reality, but faced this reality different manifestations and reflections and the conditions of human beings in it detailed His opinion is constructive criticism, and accurate observations reveal the culture of its owner based on research, analysis and thinking, presenting it in the form of passages and artistic stories transmitted by the human poet in poems in which his wisdom and opinions in life are presented by looking at the relationships between man, and existence on the one hand and between man and his fellow man on the other, this intense philosophical judgment expressed the voice of man aspiring to change in order to reach the best things with the best sciences, which came in concert with the psychological and reality of man and his reality. All the time and place

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 26 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determination the Optimum Conditions of the Activity and Stability of Lipase Extracted from Sunflower Germinated Seeds

The present study was conducted to determine the optimum conditions required for lipase enzyme activity extracted from germinated sunflower seeds, including temperature, pH, agitation, time of incubation, enzyme concentration, substrate type, and concentrations of mineral salts and EDTA. Optimum pH, temperature and time of incubation required for lipase stability were also determined. The results showede optimum lipase activity (3.251U/ml) wasund at 30 ÌŠC and pH 7 after 20 minutes of incubation when using 1 ml lipase enzyme with 0.02 ml of CaCl2 (10 mM) at 100 rpm of agitation and in the presence of olive oil as the substrate for enzyme reaction. EDTA appeared to have inhibitory effects, while Ca+2 and Mg+2 have stimulatory effec

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Non-newtonian Fluid Mechanics
On the stability of the BEK family of rotating boundary-layer flows for power-law fluids

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Using the Size Strain Plot Method to Specity Lattice Parameters

X-ray diffractometers deliver the best quality diffraction data while being easy to use and adaptable to various applications. When X-ray photons strike electrons in materials, the incident photons scatter in a direction different from the incident beam; if the scattered beams do not change in wavelength, this is known as elastic scattering, which causes amplitude and intensity diffraction, leading to constructive interference. When the incident beam gives some of its energy to the electrons, the scattered beam's wavelength differs from the incident beam's wavelength, causing inelastic scattering, which leads to destructive interference and zero-intensity diffraction. In this study, The modified size-strain plot method was used to examin

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Fabrication Mind And The Effect With American Dision –adopt

Is the subject of the mind took a dimension in philosophy and psychology , and has cared psychologists this topic to a large extent , I started education institutions interest in the capabilities of intelligence since the early twentieth century , and the development of interest in them until he arrived to find Standards and Criteria to identify the degree IQ of any individual , and began to educational institutions interested in mental talent and talented .

The United States is the country chock first of these research projects , but they devoted all their attention on the wish talent mental and Gifted , until I got to the projects, the so-called time ( ( wars of the mind ) ) and projects Schools gifted

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On the Split Mersenne and Mersenne-Lucas Hybrid Quaternions

In this communication, introduce the split Mersenne and Mersenne-Lucas hybrid quaternions, also obtaining generating functions and Binet formulas for these hybrid quaternions and investigating some properties among them.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Bahraini Parliamentary Elections and their Impact on the Popular

الخلاصة Bahraini Parliamentary Elections and their Impact on the Popular Uprising) Bahrain has a distinguished constitutional and parliamentary experience, which distinct it from the other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Its experience in this area is the second after the experience of Kuwait to establish a system of government based on modern constitutional principles. As the government presented the Constitution to the Constituent Assembly elected by people and approved in 09/06/1973. After that, it witnessed the birth of the first parliament elected by the people in 1973, but the experiment did not last long and the parliament dissolved by Prince, and didn’t determine the period of the return of the working with the

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Comparison Between Confined and Unconfined Laser Peening Effect on the Fatigue Life of Composite Materials

Mechanical Engineering Department/ University of Technology- Baghdad.

Confinement layer is considered as the most important parameter during the laser shock peening (LSP) treatment.  In this paper, its effect on the surface treatment effectivity of composite materials was investigated. The composite used in this research was fabricated using hand lay-up as a manufacturing process. The matrix material was built from unsaturated polyester resin and reinforced with 2.5% volume fraction of micro particles of aluminum powder. Fatigue test was conducted at room temperature with constant amplitude stress and a stress ratio of R =-1, before and after LSP treatment. LSP was applied with and without confinement layer at the same level

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Iris Identification Based on the Fusion of Multiple Methods

Iris recognition occupies an important rank among the biometric types of approaches as a result of its accuracy and efficiency. The aim of this paper is to suggest a developed system for iris identification based on the fusion of scale invariant feature transforms (SIFT) along with local binary patterns of features extraction. Several steps have been applied. Firstly, any image type was converted to  grayscale. Secondly, localization of the iris was achieved using circular Hough transform. Thirdly, the normalization to convert the polar value to Cartesian using Daugman’s rubber sheet models, followed by histogram equalization to enhance the iris region. Finally, the features were extracted by utilizing the scale invariant feature

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Project Scheduling By using Goals Programming – An Applied Research In Modern Village Project (Residential Building Aspectin In Wasit Governorate)

One of the most important challenges facing project management at present time is to ensure project accomplishment in spite of the specific restrictions like the specific time the financial resources specialized to do the project ; which require an accurate consideration for time and cost . the modern village project (residential building aspect) is one of the great project that ministry of agriculture is trying to do Wasit  governorate it is chosen as the work in this project is dilatory for that is being studied in term of some modern mathematical and scientific methods like critical path method (CPM)which is one of the project management and scheduling methods to know the time needed to accomplish residential building pro

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Implementation of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) for industrial establishments and their impact on operational strategy: applied research in a sample of industrial companies

The aim of the research is to measure the relationship and effect of the application of total production maintenance TPM in the operational strategy, as it is considered one of the most important strategies for the process of restoring production losses because of inefficient equipment. Competitive edge in the global market by upgrading the operational strategies of OS in the application of TPM in those institutions that apply both H-OS-oriented and P-OS-oriented strategies where the strategy has been identified as a critical success factor. The aim of this study is to attempt to consider the application of comprehensive productive maintenance in industrial establishments

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