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التوظيف النحوي للنص القرآني عند عبد القاهر الجرجاني في كتابه دلائل الإعجاز تأسيس للتفسير النحوي
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ملخـــص البحــــث


يسعى هذه البحث إلى بيان العلاقة التكاملية بين النحو والبلاغة؛ والربط الإيجابي بينهما  عن طريق فكر عبد القاهر الجرجاني النيِّر في تفسير الآيات القرآنية تفسيراً نحوياً بتوظيفه لأبواب النحو ومسائله في بيان المعاني القرآنية في كتابه دلائل الإعجاز الذي اتخذه أساساً في عملية التنظير والتحليل والإجراء، لتوظيف المفاهيم النحوية في دلالات نصوص من الذكر الحكيم، لتكون معالجاته تأسيساً في وضع لبنات لتفسير نحوي يمكن أن يطلق عليه التفسير النحوي للقرآن الكريم.

وعلى هذا الأساس أخذنا نصوصاً قرآنية حلَّلها الجرجاني معتمداً على توظيف ظواهر نحوية  لبيان قضايا الإعجاز القرآني ونظمه، القائم على التفسير النحوي.

ويشمل تفسيره النحوي للقرآن الكريم العلاقات الإسنادية في بيان معنى النص ودلالات الحروف والبنى الصرفية والعلاقات السياقية المحكومة بمراد المتكلم أو ما يمكن التعبير عنه بقصد النص. 

الكلمات المفتاحية: التفسير النحوي، التوظيف، الجرجاني، النص القرآني

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Design Technologies in Promoting the Advertisement for National Product: وسام عبد الامير كريم المالكي
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The current research is concerned with studying the variables in the promotion process which influence the advertisement design structure, as the accomplished design and construction process is subject to many variables, whether they were intellectual or technological, internal or external variables. These variables may overlap in order to get a comprehensive system for the artistic configuration, that any design in its content reaches the highest levels of perfection is connected to the extent of its compliance with and approximation to these variables, that is why we find their reflections deeply rooted in the individual's mind, especially the designer artist who is influenced by everything surrounding him forming knowledge systems res

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
tv series with multiple parts from the viewers viewpoint: عبد الكريم حسين عباس السوداني
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TV drama has gone through many developmental stages until it reached and settled in the form of TV series of thirty episodes. Alongside the development of the TV technologies and the widespread of satellite channels, the form of the TV drama has changed and the series has consisted of two parts and then parts multiplied until they amounted to ten parts and more. This form of TV drama has become an artistic phenomenon, that once the series is displayed on one of the channels and achieves a noticeable success, its producers work to produce a second part of that series and so on. This form of TV drama has remained away from being researched.
This has urged the researcher to accomplish this study entitled (TV series of multiple parts fro

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Applications of Interior Space Design According to Shape Generation Systems: عبد الكريم علي حسين
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Treatises concerning analyzing the interior spaces multiplied and their directions varied, that some of them analyzed the interior space on the basis of the intellectual and philosophical affiliation or the historical period and others in the light of the concept and mechanisms of the shape. The researcher has not been able to find a research that dealt with analyzing the space within the systems of shape generation, thus it is possible to determine the research problem with the following question: to what extent is it possible to analyze the interior space based on systems of shape generation? As far as the importance of the research is concerned, it sheds light on five of the systems of the shape generation which are: Syntax, shape gra

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
Journal Name
Design trends of the counterfeit product and the original competition: عبد الخالق سمين فتاح
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The problem of the research represented by knowing the approaches which presented by knowing the design guides and the design styles which the imitation products enter upon it to be able to competitor the other original products .The research aim was to comparison the design approaches of the functional performance and the utilizations for the imitation and the original products , however the research limits contained study products samples of the kitchen electric equipments which available in local markets of Baghdad city for the period (2000 – 2013) .After the view of research back for the subject fundamental basics and investigating research sample to be complete to a group of results and conclusions and the most marked of her were

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
The Dominating Sign of the Space Structure in TV Drama: صادق كاظم عبد علي
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  The space constitutes a cornerstone of the creativity process since the emergence of arts and literature. Gaston Bachelard has a significant role in highlighting the importance of the place in his book entitled (Poetics of Space). Since then, the space, especially in the TV drama, is no longer a mere background indicating the location or the date of the event. Space inside these series has become an inseparable part of the artistic or dramatic fabric, that the visual scene started to formulate alongside the movement of the individuals in their language or accents that are specified inside the space as an incubator for the décor, clothes, makeup, accessories and lights in addition to the sound and musical effects. The lens angles

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
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Expressionism in painting contemporary in Iraq Study features formalism: عبد الرزاق جبار رحيل الكناني
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In the present research is marked (expressive drawing in contemporary Iraq, the study of morphological features) eating expressive as the direction of modern art in the drawing for the period before and after World Wars I and II. And follow the tracks. And in research and investigation about the origins and sources and characteristics of expressionist painting at adult patrons and art gatherings, and the extent of their impact in the drawing for contemporary Iraqi sixties and seventies generation (generation of professors) and down to the younger generation in the eighties of the last century. Over the nearly two decades of history of fine movement in Iraq, a period specified in the search within the limits of temporal boundaries, and by

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Style between alienation and westernization in contemporary painting: سلامة محمود عبد - صاحب جاسم حسن
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The problematic of the current research marked (style between alienation and westernization in contemporary painting) is demonstrated by the fact that the stylistic forms in art are full of the influx of subjective and emotional impressions, as well as administrative and borrowing techniques, as well as their contextual meaning, whether cultural, social and political, which gives them an alien dimension at one time or another. The aim of the research is: Define the style between alienation and alienwesternization in contemporary painting. The research included six axes dealing with the first axis: an introduction to the concept of alienation, and the second axis dealing with the style in romanticism. The third dealt with: the method in i

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
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Calendar art activities in private schools Secondary School in Baghdad: سناء عبد الامير حسين
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The technical activities designed to highlight the creations of students by providing activities appropriate to their abilities and capabilities within and outside the school, which is a way for the development of learning and learner behavior aimed at directing guidance educationally and artistically.As a result of the efforts of modern educational activities, art has become part of the philosophy of the modern school and part of the modern curriculum. Because it is enough to configure the practices and habits of a satisfactory and acceptable, and is characterized by precision, order and beauty.Through the researcher with a survey of previous studies that dealt with art activities and found that all studies have been confined to a calen

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 15 2020
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Visual Variables in Exterior Advertisements Design Structure: أكرم جرجيس نعمة -عبد الله جاسم غريب
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  What makes the commercial advertisement distinct is the design structure which is built according to artistic and creative concepts and terms based on the visual and formal interdependence relationships to express the motives of the advertising idea, which is based in its action mechanism on the effective variables, some of which are related to the marketing aspect, and others related to the advertisement aspect. The major aspect is the functional and aesthetic variables, which are represented by the vocabulary of the advertisement area for the open spaces such as the street ads. Its promotional dimension is the active forces in the circulation of commodities and products. Therefore, there would be significant problems the designe

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Diversity of Temporal Workings in the Narrative of the Feature Film: عباس فاضل عبد
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  Time represented a significant element in building any film story, despite its inability to express itself, but by employing the rest of the elements of the cinematic mediator language to express it. Time factor is present and manifested in all the details of the picture, and the more important is its presence in the event narration process. The narration totally depends on temporal structure in which it appears, which makes time a dominating element in the development of the narrative shapes and patterns. The narrative propositions have come to take new workings that time streams appeared that manipulate the time structure, reversing it, stopping it or making it fluctuate between the three levels of time, or repeating it or make

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