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The omission of letters according to Zakaria al-Ansari in his book (Fath al-Rahman by revealing what is ambiguous in the Qur’an)
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The book (Fatah al-Rahman reveals what is ambiguous in the Qur’an), which is a book of verbal similarities that tries to touch the Qur’an expression, and the subtle differences between its expressions and expressions. It appeared when it appeared in many chapters, from which I chose to delete in monolithic letters such as Ba and Ta, and to heal and delete in non-monosymbols such as (that) and (may) and (no), so the search came to two chapters The first is for deleting the monolithic letters, and the second is for deleting non-monosyllabic letters, preceded by introductory discussions revolving around the linguistic and idiomatic definition of deletion, a brief translation of the author, and a brief summary of his book, then the practical aspect which is following the sayings of Al-Ansari in the deletion, in the verses that include the deletion, commenting on it authenticity From himself, or from those who preceded him in this regard, and what was mentioned in this research are the issues that he addressed by hadith in this book only.

Key words: ellipsis - letters - Fatah al-Rahman - al-Ansari

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2019
Journal Name
Transylvanian Review
Metacongnitive Thinking Skills Implied in Questions and Activities of Computer Textbook for the Fifth Grade Preparatory
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The research aims to know the availability of supra-cognitive thinking skills in the questions and activities of the computer book for the fifth grade preparatory scientific and literary branches in Iraq for the academic year 2018/2019, as the researcher has prepared a list of supra-cognitive thinking skills included two areas and (6) key skills and (27) A sub - skill, where by the questions and activities of the aforementioned authors were analyzed. The researcher followed the descriptive analytical approach "method of content analysis", and adopted the explicit and implicit unit of analysis, as was verified the validity and stability of the analysis, and the results showed unevenness and imbalance in the distribution of supra-cognitive th

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 11 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Natural Sciences Research
Estimation Arginase Activity in the Serum of Uterine Fibroid Females and its Relationship with Other Parameters
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Publication Date
Mon Dec 21 2020
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum
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Contracaecum rudolphii Hartwich, 1964 is a nematode which causes major concerns to human and wildlife animal’s health. However, the population genetics of C. rudolphii has been poorly studied in Iraq. In order to gain a deeper understanding in the outline of the genetic diversity of the nematode C. rudolphii that were isolated from its host cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo (Linnaeus, 1758), in the middle areas of Iraq, twenty specimens of C. rudolphii adults were isolated from nine individuals of P. carbo. The first (ITS-1) internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of C. rudolphii were amplified using conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR); then, the amplicons were subjected to sequencing. Concatenation of ITS

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 02 2022
Journal Name
The Role of Neudesin as a Novel Biomarker – in Iraqi Patients with Parkinson's Disease and Osteoporosis
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Neuron-derived neurotrophic factor [NENF], a human plasma neurotrophic factor, also increases neurotrophic activity in conjunction with Parkinson's disease-related proteins in Neudesin. Although Neudesin (neuron-derived neurotrophic secreted protein) is a member of the membrane-associated progesterone receptor (MAPR) protein subclass, it is not evolutionary related to the other members of the same family. The expression of Neudesin is found in both brain and spinal cord from embryonic stages to adulthood, as w Neudesin levels in Parkinson's patients with osteoporosis disease and Parkinson's patients without osteoporosis disease, as well as the relationship between Neudesin levels, Anthropometric and Clinical Features (Age, Gender, BMI) and

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
Plant Disease
First Report of the Cereal Cyst Nematode <i>Heterodera filipjevi</i> on Winter Wheat in Montana
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Well Performance Following Matrix Acidizing Treatment: Case Study of the Mi4 Unit in Ahdeb Oil Field
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The productivity of oil wells may be improved by determining the value of enhancing well productivity and the likely reasons or sources of formation damage after the well has been recognized as underperforming. Oil well productivity may be improved, but the economics of this gradual improvement may be compromised. It is important to analyze the influence of the skin effect on the recovery of the reserve.    The acid treatment evaluated for the well AD-12, primarily for the zone Mi4;  using a license of Stimpro Stimulation Software to validate the experimental work to the field scale, this software is considered the most comprehensive instrument for planning and monitoring matrix acid treatments and utilizing actual data to provide a far

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 03 2022
Journal Name
Frontiers In Applied Mathematics And Statistics
Prey fear of a specialist predator in a tri-trophic food web can eliminate the superpredator
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We propose an intraguild predation ecological system consisting of a tri-trophic food web with a fear response for the basal prey and a Lotka–Volterra functional response for predation by both a specialist predator (intraguild prey) and a generalist predator (intraguild predator), which we call the superpredator. We prove the positivity, existence, uniqueness, and boundedness of solutions, determine all equilibrium points, prove global stability, determine local bifurcations, and illustrate our results with numerical simulations. An unexpected outcome of the prey's fear of its specialist predator is the potential eradication of the superpredator.

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Classification and the Life Cycle of Snail Monacha cartusiana (O.F. Müller, 1774) in Iraq/ Baghdad
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Most species of Mollusca lives in salts water, on the shores of seas and lakes and some in fresh water, others are found in deserts, forests and forms and there are 45,000 species . They are invertebrate animals with lateral symmetry, slow-moving and a few of them are fast, like Octopus and Squid and some of them are economic importance. The class Gastropoda are considered the largest class belonging to the Phylum-Mollusca, as it contains more than 80%. Its importance follows from its great diversity and spread in all environments. It has an ecological importance because it plays an great role in ecosystems due to the diversity of its food methods between herbivorous and predatory. Studies on snails in Iraq are very few and modest. Hence

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The age-specific fecundity life tables of Planococcus citri Risso and important predators attack in Baghdad
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Reproduction potential and age –specific fecundity of the Mealybug Planococcus citri Risso were studied in the laboratories of Biological control research unit,college of Agriculture –Baghdad university at 25± 2Cº and 60-70% R.H.with 16 light:8 dark photo period.The results showed that the survival ratio began to decline at the 38th day, the average female age was 20 days ,while the average age was 8 days at the first reproduction . Net reproduction rate ( Ro ) was 58.59 female female generation which prove that the population of the mealybug was of the unstable kind , intrinsic rate of increase (rm) was 0.118 femalefemale and the average length period of generation ( T ) was 34.30 days . Many local predators attack the mealybug

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Laboratory study on the effects of nutrient enrichment on a phytoplankton population in Sawa Lake, Iraq
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Nutrient enrichment of Sawa lake water was made using different nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations during autumn and spring at three stations. Different concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and N: P ratios were used to test variations in phytoplankton population dynamics. Nitrogen at a concentration of 25 µmole.l-1 and N: P ratio of 10:1 gave highest phytoplankton cell number at all stations and seasons. A total of 64 algal taxa dominated by Bacillariophyceae followed by Cyanophyceae and Chlorophyceae were identified. The values of Shannon index of diversity were more than one in the studied stations.

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