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What Imam Ibn al-Subki disagreed with Imam al-Amadi in Tashnif al-Masma’, the chapter on analogy as a model
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Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer" means: the words that the worshiper says to start his prayers, and refrain from anything invalidates it. the findings revealed that the four school jurists agreed that the prayer is not valid without Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer", and they disagreed on its description, so the majority of jurists said that it is a pillar, and some of them called it an obligatory, but Hanafi made it a condition. Likewise, the four jurists agreed that the one who articulates Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer" with the word: “Allahu Akbar,”; his Takbeer is correct, and they disagreed about the one who adds a word, or replaced it with another, where the majority scholars sees the necessity of articulating Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer" saying "Allahu Akbar", and the Hanafi said that it is valid in every divine words that exalts Allah. The research revealed that the scholars are unanimously agreed that the Prophet, may Allah's prayers and blessings be upon him, used to raise his hands when starting Takbeer. Among the findings of the study also is that the scholars disagreed about the characteristic of raising the hands, as the majority of scholars said that hands should be raised to the shoulders, and the Hanafi said that they should be raised the the ears, but the most correct saying is the first saying; because it is supported by many authentic hadiths.

The most important recommendations are: The necessity of urging imams and preachers to take care of Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer", according to jurisprudence and practice, and to explain this to the people, as well as urging scholars and teachers to teach their students the correct aspects of prayer through practical application not only the theoretical one driven by the Sunnah of the prophet.



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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Influence of doping concentration on the main parameters of CdSe:Cu photoconductor detector
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The photonconductor detectors CdSe:Cu was fabricated as a thin film of (1 μm) in thickness using vacuum evaporation technique. doping with copper was made using vacuum annealing at 350oC under argon atmosphere . The spectral responsivity and spectral detectivity of the detector were determined as a function of incident wavelength on the sample. A remarkable improvement in performance was absorbed for the specimen, which doping with (1-5 wt%) Cu.
The spectral response increases with increasing of wavelength for incident radiation to maximum value, after that , it reduced sharply . There is a shifting for peak responsivity indirect of higher wavelength. The detectivity was increased with doping but its decreased as the concentration in

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Effect of Upper Removable Orthodontic Appliances on Oral Candidal Mucosal Carriage
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Background: Treatment of malocclusions using removable orthodontic appliances may prepare new stagnant areas susceptible for colonization and retention of Candida species, therefore; the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of upper removable orthodontic appliances on the mucosal Candidal count in group of apparently healthy orthodontic patients. Materials and Methods: Patients enrolled in this study were children aged 8-12 years having upper removable orthodontic appliances. Candidal counts at six mucosal sites were estimated using Imprint Culture method before, 14 and 28 days during orthodontic therapy. Results: Whole mouth and individual mucosal sites for Candidal counts increase significantly during treatment with upper remov

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Factors Influence on the yield of Bacterial Cellulose of Kombucha (Khubdat Humza)
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Kombucha(Khubdat Humza) is composed of yeast and acetic acid bacteria especially, Acetobacter xylinum which forms a cellulose pellicle on tea broth. Kombucha(Khubdat Humza) produces bacterial cellulose pellicles, with unique purity and fine structure. It can be used in many forms, such as an emulsifier, stabilizer, dispersing agent, thickener and gelling agent but these are generally subsidiary to its most important use of holding on to water. Recently, bacterial cellulose is used in many special applications such as a scaffold for tissue engineering of cartilages and blood vessels, also for artificial skin for temporary covering of wounds, as well as its used in the clothing industry. The yield of cellulose produced were investiga

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
The impact of UAV flight planning parameters on topographic mapping quality control
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Abstract<p>There is a growing need for up-to-date data for rapid decision making in the modern digital age. Recently, the need for high-resolution topographic maps is highly demanding by most mapping clients. With the maturing automatic structure from mobile and multi-view stereoscopy software, small organizations and individuals now have the ability to make their own surveys based on mobile mapping devices. This study looks at how feasible using low-cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) as a mobile mapping device for photogrammetric topographical surveys. It is showing the impact of different UAV flight settings and parameters on the accuracy of mapping products. An automatic scenario for photogra</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Jun 16 2023
Journal Name
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum
An analysis of Baghdad’s masterplans based on the development of green areas
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Motives: Baghdad is the capital city and an important political, administrative, social, cultural and economic centre of Iraq. Baghdad’s growth and development has been significantly influenced by efforts to accommodate various needs of its steadily growing population. Uncontrolled population and urban growth have exerted negative effects in numerous dimensions, including environmental sustainability because urban expansion occurred in green spaces within the city and the surrounding areas.Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the planning solutions in Baghdad’s green areas in the past and at present, and to identify the key changes in the city’s green areas, including changes in the ratio of green urban spaces to the tota

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Information Technology Management
The impact of social commerce determinants on social capital for energy sectors
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This study investigates the constructs and related theories that drive social capital in energy sector from the intention perspectives. This research uses theories of 'social support' and 'planned behaviour' alongside satisfaction and perceived value to propose a research model that drives social capital for energy sectors in Malaysia. The model reveals that the Theories of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and Social Support Theory (SST) alongside satisfaction and perceived value factors promote social capital development in energy sectors. Using PLS-SEM to analyse data gathered from energy sector employees in Malaysia, this research demonstrates that social capital is present when there is trust and loyalty among the users and positively effects en

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 30 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The Effect of Ageing on Physical and Chemical Properties of Asphalt Cement
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Two grades of paving asphalt with penetration of 46 and 65 are studied for determining changes in their physical and chemical properties caused by ageing.
The ageing process has been conducted on two petroleum paving asphalt cement using thin film oven test at 150, 163 and 175 C, and ageing time 5, 10,15, 20, 25 and 30 hours. The effect of ageing time and temperature on penetration, kinematic viscosity, softening point, solubility in trichloroethylene, heat loss and changes in chemical composition are investigated. The results of thin film oven test process indicte that the asphaltenes concentration of all aged asphalt increases with increasing ageing time, while the opposite was observed for polar-aromatic and naphthene-aromatic. The

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Use of the costs of environmental quality and its impact on income
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        Accompanied Activity Economic Unity some negative effects in the environment of air, water and soil pollution of difficult to measure each other for being the external costs and to be avoided such expenditures should be measured or estimated value to be disclosed environmental costs at the heart of the financial statements of economic unity to inform managers and users of the financial statements on the implications costs environmental .and impact in reducing environmental costs and increase future income and economic unit, was based on research into the inductive approach through books, letters, journals and the internet to cover the theoretical framework of the research. And to the analyt

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Modeling of the Effect of MgO and ZrO2 on Sintering of Alumina
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  This research  studyies the effect of MgO and ZrO2 as additives in sintering Al2O3 . The experimental results are modeled using ( L2 _ regression) technique , sintered density and grain size rate measurments were  accounted by utilizing experimental results of undoped , MgO doped and ZrO2  doped alumina impregrated with spherical large pores in final stage of sintering . The effect of each additive is inhibitian of the grain growth and increasing the densification rate which enhances the kinietics of densification and the removal of large and small pores.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Computational Condensed Matter
Computational modeling study on the physical properties of Pd doped BaTiO3 perovskite
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This contribution investigates structural, electronic, and optical properties of cubic barium titanate (BaTiO3) perovskites using first-principles calculations of density functional theory (DFT). Generalized gradient approximations (GGA) alongside with PW91 functional have been implemented for the exchange–correlation potential. The obtained results display that BaTiO3 exhibits a band gap of 3.21 eV which agrees well with the previously experimental and theoretical literature. Interestingly, our results explore that when replacing Pd atom with Ba and Ti atoms at 0.125 content a clear decrease in the electronic band gap of 1.052 and 1.090 eV located within the visible range of electromagnetic wavelengths (EMW). Optical parameters such as a

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