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What Imam Ibn al-Subki disagreed with Imam al-Amadi in Tashnif al-Masma’, the chapter on analogy as a model
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Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer" means: the words that the worshiper says to start his prayers, and refrain from anything invalidates it. the findings revealed that the four school jurists agreed that the prayer is not valid without Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer", and they disagreed on its description, so the majority of jurists said that it is a pillar, and some of them called it an obligatory, but Hanafi made it a condition. Likewise, the four jurists agreed that the one who articulates Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer" with the word: “Allahu Akbar,”; his Takbeer is correct, and they disagreed about the one who adds a word, or replaced it with another, where the majority scholars sees the necessity of articulating Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer" saying "Allahu Akbar", and the Hanafi said that it is valid in every divine words that exalts Allah. The research revealed that the scholars are unanimously agreed that the Prophet, may Allah's prayers and blessings be upon him, used to raise his hands when starting Takbeer. Among the findings of the study also is that the scholars disagreed about the characteristic of raising the hands, as the majority of scholars said that hands should be raised to the shoulders, and the Hanafi said that they should be raised the the ears, but the most correct saying is the first saying; because it is supported by many authentic hadiths.

The most important recommendations are: The necessity of urging imams and preachers to take care of Takbiratul Ehram "The First Takbeer to Start Prayer", according to jurisprudence and practice, and to explain this to the people, as well as urging scholars and teachers to teach their students the correct aspects of prayer through practical application not only the theoretical one driven by the Sunnah of the prophet.



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Publication Date
Wed Aug 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Spectroscopic Studies of a New Mixed Ligand Complex of Fe(III) in Aqueous Medium
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A spectrophotometric study of Fe(III) mixed ligand complex has been

performed  involving  1,4 phenylenediamine  (A) and  anthran i lic acid (B) ligand  at 25°C  and  aconstant  ionic strength  of  µ= 0.05M  NaC I04•  The optimum  pH was  found  to be pH=4.l. The format ion  rat io of the new complex   is   determined   to   be   2:1:4  of   Fe(III):(A):(B).   The   molar absorptivity was determined to be :::::: 0.5 x  I 04•  Stepwise spectrum change of the complex formation  is recorded by continuous flow system. Keywords: Mixed ligand

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Publication Date
Sun May 14 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Complete (k,r)-Cap in PG(3,p) Over Galois Field GF(4)
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   The aim of this paper is to construct the (k,r)-caps in the projective 3-space PG(3,p) over Galois field GF(4). We found that the maximum complete (k,2)-cap which is called an                       ovaloid  , exists in PG(3,4) when k = 13. Moreover the maximum (k,3)-caps, (k,4)-caps and   (k,5)-caps. 

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Ieee International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (iemdc)
An Investigation of Short Translator Linear Machines for Use in a Free Piston Engine
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Tooth Wear in Relation to Selected Salivary Variables among a Group of Older Adults
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Background: Tooth wear is one of the most concerning problems of the current dental practice especially among older subjects. The aim of this study is to determine the severity of tooth wear and its relation with selected salivary variables (salivary pH and vitamin C level) among a group of older adults in Mosul city/Iraq. Materials and methods: All subjects (30 subjects) of both gender tookpart in the current study; sixteen of them were older adults (55-65 years) and compared with fourteen middle-aged adults (30-40 years) at Textile factory in Mosul city/Iraq. Unstimulated salivary samples were collected and salivary pH was immediately measured. Salivary vitamin C level was determined colormetrically. Severity of tooth wear was determined

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A New Two Derivative FSAL Runge-Kutta Method of Order Five in Four Stages
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A new efficient Two Derivative Runge-Kutta method (TDRK) of order five is developed for the numerical solution of the special first order ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The new method is derived using the property of First Same As Last (FSAL). We analyzed the stability of our method. The numerical results are presented to illustrate the efficiency of the new method in comparison with some well-known RK methods.

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
A Comparative Study between Transcutaneous Bilirubinometry and Total Serum Bilirubin Measurement in Jaundiced Newborns
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Background: Drawing blood to measure total serum bilirubin is painful & time consuming. Transcutaneous bilirubinometer working by multiwavelength spectral reflectance from the skin surface on forehead or upper sternum is a quick & painless technique. 

Objectives: to compare the effectiveness of transcutaneous (over the upper sternum and forehead) and serum bilirubin measurement of neonate with jaundice.

Subjects and Methods: This is a cross sectional prospective study. It enrolled 175 jaundiced neonates & excluded those exposed to phototherapy. It was conducted at Child Central Teaching Hospi

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Civil And Environmental Engineering
A Soil-Pile Response under Coupled Static-Dynamic Loadings in Terms of Kinematic Interaction
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Abstract<p>Although the axial aptitude and pile load transfer under static loading have been extensively documented, the dynamic axial reaction, on the other hand, requires further investigation. During a seismic event, the pile load applied may increase, while the soil load carrying capacity may decrease due to the shaking, resulting in additional settlement. The researchers concentrated their efforts on determining the cause of extensive damage to the piles after the seismic event. Such failures were linked to discontinuities in the subsoil due to abrupt differences in soil stiffness, and so actions were called kinematic impact of the earthquake on piles depending on the outcomes of laboratory</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 31 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research
BK polyomavirus and Cytomegalovirus Co-infections in renal transplant recipients: a single center study
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Background: Opportunistic viral infections make an important threat to renal transplantation recipients (RTRs), and with the use of more intense newly-developed immunosuppressive drugs; the risk of renal allograft loss due to reactivation of these viruses has increased considerably. At the top priority of these viruses lie BK polyomavirus (BKV) and human cytomegalovirus (CMV). Reactivation of these viruses in these chronically immunosuppressed RTRs can lead to renal impairment and subsequently allograft loss, unless early detected and properly treated. Objectives: The study aimed to detect and quantify plasma viral load of BKV and CMV in RTRs using quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR), in order to study the prevalence of these two viruses i

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 12 2014
Journal Name
In Vitro Cellular &amp; Developmental Biology - Plant
Overexpression of a tobacco osmotin gene in carrot (Daucus carota L.) enhances drought tolerance
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Osmotin and osmotin-like proteins belong to the PR-5 pathogenesis-related group of proteins and are induced in response to various types of biotic and abiotic stresses in several plant species. Carrot was transformed with a tobacco osmotin gene that encodes a protein lacking the vacuolar-sorting motif that is composed of a 20-amino-acid sequence at the C-terminal end, under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Transgene integration and expression were confirmed by Southern and western blot analyses, and three selected transgenic lines were evaluated for their ability to tolerate drought stress. Under drought stress conditions, all transformants exhibited slower rates of wilti

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