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Contradiction oppositon al ruwia and al fatwa and his impact in different jurists in personal status and transactions and adomment
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 الحمد لله رب العالمين، وأفضل السلام وأتم التسليم على سيدنا محمد، وعلى آله وصحبه، أجمعين، وعلى من تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين، أما بعد.

 فإن مسألة التعارض بين الرواية، والفتوى، من المسائل المشهورة عند الأصوليين والفقهاء،وهي من مباحث السنة عند الأصوليين، والتي تبنى عليها مسائل متعددة، وهي من أسباب اختلاف الفقهاء، فإذا ما روى أحد الرواة حديثاً معيناً، ثم عمل بخلاف ما روى، فللعلماء في ذلك خلاف، مبني على أن العبرة بروايته، إذ هو أدى ما روى، أو نقل ما حفظ، ثم بعد ذلك قد يعلم أن هذا الحديث الذي رواه، قد نسخ، أو ليس عليه العمل،أو ربما قد ينسى ما رواه،فيفتي باجتهاده،على خلاف ما رواه،أو أن فتياه ربما كانت قبل روايته،وهذه الأمور كلها مثار خلاف بين الأصوليين،لذلك، نشأ الخلاف المعروف،وهو:أن العبرة بما روى،أو بما عمل،ويبدو لي:أن المسائل التي يذكرها أهل الأصول تمثيلاً لهذه المسألة، قد تكون قليلة، ولكن،المتتبع لآراء الفقهاء،وكلامهم، وشراح الحديث وما أبدوه من توجيهات لهذه المسألة،يجد أكثر من ذلك،وقد استطعت بفضل الله تعالى أن أجمع اثنتي عشرة مسألة،تطبيقية،لهذه القاعدة الأصولية،الجليلة،ثم قمت ببحث المسائل الفقهية، بحثاً، مقارناً،غير مطول،لأن الغاية،هي إبراز مدى الترابط بين القاعدة الأصولية،وتطبيقاتها الفقهية.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Using Lean Accounting in Simplifying and Modifying Financial Reports (Focus on Value Stream): A practical Study in AL- Hayat Soft Drinks and Mineral Water Company
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With the advent of the globalization, the rapid development in technology and the intensity of competition companies attemptto maintain competition advantages and retain customers. The traditional methods in managerial accounting become irrelevance to achieve the objectives of these companies especially with the rapid changes in modern manufacturing environment .Thus there is a need to new tools in accounting such as lean accounting, which is considered as a costing method that support creating value for the customer by costing the entire value stream, eliminating waste in the accounting process, reduced lead time, improved quality, lowered time delivery and increased available capacity. Using value stream focuses not only on the waste&n

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Stress and Its Impact on Mental and Physical Health
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Stress is an inevitable part of life. Stress occurs when stressful events of self, environmental, or social origin affect the individual's resilience and threaten to collapse his psychological and physical systems. The stress represents difficulties and obstacles that may exceed the individual's ability to bear them and deal with them, which causes him stress and causes negative effects on his psychological and physical health. Therefore, the current research aimed to identify the negative effects of psychological stress on the psychological and physical health of the individual through the literature that dealt with this topic. It was among the results of the research that one of the negative effects of stresses on mental health is the

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 15 2022
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Textual thresholds and its Aesthetic in history: "Mamo Zain" by its author, the famous Kurdish poet Sheikh Ahmad Al-Khani, deceased (1118 AH / 707 AD), translated by Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Saeed Ramadan al-Bouti. Research on the connotation and manifestations of interconnection
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Literary works include, for the most part, text thresholds, which are the first entry into reading them and understanding their connotations, and (literary works) vary according to text thresholds, some of which are limited to the title and on the cover page only, and others, in addition to these two thresholds, are based on the dedication threshold too, and others ...

This study takes the story of "Mamo Zain" of the poet Ahmed Al-Khani and his translator Sheikh Muhammad Ramadan Al-Bouti as the field of study, as it is a unique literary work, which included a number of textual thresholds which supported each other and cooperated with the content of the work.

The threshold of dedication in the story of "Mamo Zain" was a spee

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 26 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Geographical Analysis of Health's Field for Families in Al-Adhamiyah and Rusafa Districts in 2016: سمر حسين عكله, و صلاح محسن جاسم
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This research aims to analyze the indicators of spatial variation in the guide of health field in both Al-Adhamiyah and Rusafa districts according to the environmental and administrative units in 2016. The analysis was done by groups of health guide indicators. The objectives of the study were to identify the spatial variation of health services and assess the health situation for families following the environmental and administrative units of the studied area. Such objectives can be done by specifying the extent of the families’ consent to the type of services, measuring the cases of deprivation, and identifying the most deprived areas. The study has finally concluded that there is a clear spatial variation between the indicators and

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 15 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Impact of different types of storage media on enamel surface roughness and granularity distribution of avulsed teeth (In vitro study)
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Background: To investigate the effect of different types of storage media on enamel surface microstructure of avulsed teeth by using atomic force microscope.Materials and methods : Twelve teeth blocks from freshly extracted premolars for orthodontic treatment were selected . The study samples were divided into three groups according to type of storage media :A-egg white , B- probiotic yogurt , and C-bovine milk . All the samples were examined for changes in surface roughness and surface granularity distribution  using atomic force microscope, at two periods: baseline, and after 8 hours of immersing in the three types of storage media. Results: Milk group had showed a significant increase in the mean of the  roughness values at

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of an Educational Program on Nursing Staffs' Knowledge about Uses of Steroids and Their Side Effects in Al-Diwaniya Teaching hospital
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Objective: To determine the effectiveness of the educational program on nursing staffs' knowledge about uses of steroids and their side effects.
Methodology: A pre-experimental study design (one group design: pre-test and post-test) was used. This study was conducted in Al-Diwaniya Teaching Hospital for the period from ( 28th May to 10 th June, 2020) on a non-probability (purposive) sample consisting of (30 nurses) working in Oncology unit. A questionnaire was built as a data collection tool and consisted of two parts:
First part: The demographic characteristics of the nursing staff (gender, age, level of education, years of experience in hospital, participation in training courses related to nursing care for a patients undergoing

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Impact of Mother-Infant Bonding on Periodontal Health Status in the Postpartum Period
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Background: Mother-infant bonding is an important psychological step postpartum and disturbed relationship may carry dramatic consequences as a psychological disorder which may affect the periodontal health of the mother. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of the postpartum Mother-infant bonding on their periodontal condition. Materials and Methods: Mothers in the postpartum period with age range 20-35 years were subjected to postpartum Bonding Questionnaire (PBQ). Periodontal health status was assessed by measuring probing pocket depth and clinical attachment level. Results: The mean values of both probing pocket depth (PPD) and clinical attachment loss (CAL) were higher among disordered mothers than mothers with normal

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
An Estimated Answer of a Condition between the Interpretive Structure and Surface Structure: Al-Qurtubi’s Tafseer as a Model: عمر عقلة خليف الدعجة
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This present work is concerned with one of the syntactic issues that has been researched by many linguists, grammarians, and specialists in Islamic studies, the estimated answer to a condition. However, this topic is researched this time by examining Imam Al-Qurtbi’s opinions in interpreting related ayas from the holly Quraan in his book (Collector of Quranic Rules) or its transliteration (Al-Jami’ Li Ahkam Al-Quran). Such a step involves commenting on, tracking what Al-Qurtbi said in this regard, discussing it from the points of view of other grammarians, and judging  it accordingly, taking into account the apparent surface structures of the examples collected. To achieve this objective, the inductive analytical approach has be

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 28 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Biostratigraphy of Euphrates, Dhiban, and Jeribe formations in Ajil oil field, Salah Al-Deen Governorate, central Iraq
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The studied succession (Lower Miocene-Early Middle Miocene) In central Iraq is distinguished by a wide range of fossils, mostly benthic foraminifera, and other fossils including bivalves, gastropods, echinoids fragments, red algae and coral are also presented. Index fossils of benthic foraminifera have been used for the purpose of determining the age of the Euphrates and Jeribe formations, because of their young age, wide geographical distribution and abundance in the selected wells.

The present study involves four selected wells of Ajil oil field and in terms of the biostratigraphy of the Euphrates, Dhiban, and Jeribe formations depending on benthic foraminifera and other associated fossils. Some of these fossils have a short ve

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Eastern-european Journal Of Enterprise Technologies
Experimental investigation and modelling of residual stresses in face milling of Al-6061-T3 using neural network
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Milling process is a common machining operation that is used in the manufacturing of complex surfaces. Machining-induced residual stresses (RS) have a great impact on the performance of machined components and the surface quality in face milling operations with parameter cutting. The properties of engineering material as well as structural components, specifically fatigue life, deformation, impact resistance, corrosion resistance, and brittle fracture, can all be significantly influenced by residual stresses. Accordingly, controlling the distribution of residual stresses is indeed important to protect the piece and avoid failure. Most of the previous works inspected the material properties, tool parameters, or cutting parameters, bu

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