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Contradiction oppositon al ruwia and al fatwa and his impact in different jurists in personal status and transactions and adomment
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 الحمد لله رب العالمين، وأفضل السلام وأتم التسليم على سيدنا محمد، وعلى آله وصحبه، أجمعين، وعلى من تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين، أما بعد.

 فإن مسألة التعارض بين الرواية، والفتوى، من المسائل المشهورة عند الأصوليين والفقهاء،وهي من مباحث السنة عند الأصوليين، والتي تبنى عليها مسائل متعددة، وهي من أسباب اختلاف الفقهاء، فإذا ما روى أحد الرواة حديثاً معيناً، ثم عمل بخلاف ما روى، فللعلماء في ذلك خلاف، مبني على أن العبرة بروايته، إذ هو أدى ما روى، أو نقل ما حفظ، ثم بعد ذلك قد يعلم أن هذا الحديث الذي رواه، قد نسخ، أو ليس عليه العمل،أو ربما قد ينسى ما رواه،فيفتي باجتهاده،على خلاف ما رواه،أو أن فتياه ربما كانت قبل روايته،وهذه الأمور كلها مثار خلاف بين الأصوليين،لذلك، نشأ الخلاف المعروف،وهو:أن العبرة بما روى،أو بما عمل،ويبدو لي:أن المسائل التي يذكرها أهل الأصول تمثيلاً لهذه المسألة، قد تكون قليلة، ولكن،المتتبع لآراء الفقهاء،وكلامهم، وشراح الحديث وما أبدوه من توجيهات لهذه المسألة،يجد أكثر من ذلك،وقد استطعت بفضل الله تعالى أن أجمع اثنتي عشرة مسألة،تطبيقية،لهذه القاعدة الأصولية،الجليلة،ثم قمت ببحث المسائل الفقهية، بحثاً، مقارناً،غير مطول،لأن الغاية،هي إبراز مدى الترابط بين القاعدة الأصولية،وتطبيقاتها الفقهية.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Graphical significance To (if) and (if) the two cops in Surat al-Maidah
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Many writers and scientists hardly differentiate between the two instruments of use
(If) and (if) to convergence in the meaning, as they perform the meaning of the penalty and condition, as the answer relates to his condition, but when linguistic meditation we find a great difference in use in terms of meaning, so this research came to reveal these meanings and was extrapolated applied in Surat al-Maidah By counting the verses in which (if) and (if) the cops were given and looking at their contexts, the connotation of the cops in most places was within the context of probability, which is the origin of its use, given in twenty places of Surat al-Ma'idah, and it had multiple connotations according to the contexts of the verses received

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Jamal Basha: His Administrative and Political Effort in Baghdad
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Jamal Basha: His Administrative and Political Effort in Baghdad

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
From the responses of Imam Abi Zakaria al-Nawawi 676 AH on the grammarians in his commentary on Sahel Muslim
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From the responses of Imam Abi Zakaria al-Nawawi 676 AH on the grammarians in his commentary on Sahel Muslim

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Disclosure of insurance services and its impact: On the performance of companies
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The objective of the research is to identify the nature of voluntary disclosure of insurance services and its impact on the financial performance of Iraqi insurance companies by knowing the relationship between increasing disclosure of financial services and financial performance indicators of insurance companies.In order to achieve this objective, the research was applied to a sample of the Iraqi insurance companies listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange (Al Amin Insurance Company, Al Ahlia Insurance, Dar Al Salam Insurance, Gulf Insurance, Al Hamra Insurance) and based on their published financial statements (2014-2015) ) And by analyzing the sample lists were connected to the research objectives.The main conclusion of the study is that in

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
From Personal Issues to National Concerns: A Study in E.M Forster’s Where Angels Fear to Tread & Howards End
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            E.M. Forster (1879-1970) is one of the important novelists who dealt with the personal and social lives of the people in England during the early beginning of the twentieth century. During his literary career, he developed gradually his views about man and his position in society.

 In his first novel, Where Angels Fear to Tread (1902), the focus is laid on local and personal issues in the lives of the characters. It is limited to the relations between neighbours in small communities. Though the setting is shifted to Italy, Forster does not make full use of this shift to present cultural or racial conflicts; rather he limits his plot to the private tr

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 02 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Mathematical Modeling for the Clarifier Units and Turbidity Parameters in AL-KARAMA Treatment Plant
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The high cost of chemical analysis of water has necessitated various researches into finding alternative method of determining portable water quality. This paper is aimed at modelling the turbidity value as a water quality parameter. Mathematical models for turbidity removal were developed based on the relationships between water turbidity and other water criteria. Results showed that the turbidity of water is the cumulative effect of the individual parameters/factors affecting the system. A model equation for the evaluation and prediction of a clarifier’s performance was developed:

Model: T = T0(-1.36729 + 0.037101∙10λpH + 0.048928t + 0.00741387∙alk)

The developed model will aid the predictiv

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Intermediate Role Of information Technology In The Relationship To The Entrepreneurial Orientation and Success Factors Of The Project (Analytical exploratory research in Al – Zawraa General Company)
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The purpose of the current research is to identify the reality and applicability of the entrepreneurial approach in its dimensions (creative, proactive, independent, risk tolerant, offensive) and its impact on the success factors of the project (organizational commitment, communication, project team, project monitoring) Access to information, treatment, storage), which is a significant and important link in the success and development of industrial projects with the possibility of studying and analyzing the provision of the appropriate environment for this.

 the research started from a problem expressed by a number of intellectual and practical questions aimed at answering them as well as To answer a

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Prayer sessions are the truth and the opinions of scholars
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The ritual is a Sunnah between the two prostrations, not as some of the worshipers do, where he made it in the last tashahhud when the tasleematin, and it may be in the last tashahhud.
The assumption is Sunnah and most of the scholars say that in the middle tashahhud session as we have shown through research.
The Turks are Sunnah as well, and it is at the end of the prayer, whether it is double, triple or quadruple, whether it is naval or NAFTA, whether it is urban or travel, which is the view of most scholars from the three imams and others.
If we say weighting, say the audience of the three imams (Malik, Shafi'i, and Ahmad) is the most correct, and it is also the son of values, and if we say the choice is as Ibn Rushd said: by

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Integrative analysis of the value & supply chains and its impact in supporting customer value An application study in Southern Cement Company - Kufa Cement Plant
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The value chain analysis is main tools to achieve effective and efficient cost management; it requires a depth and comprehensive understanding for all internal and external activities associated with creating value.  Supply chain as apart of value chain, that means managing it in active and efficient can achieve great results when adopting a comprehensive and integrated performance for these two chains activities. The research aims to identify possible ways to integrate the performance of value and supply chains of the sample" Kufa-cement plant" and determine the effect of this integration in enhancing customer value. The research arrival that logical and integrated analysis of value and supply chains helps

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Internal audit of spending units and its impact on the efficiency of the federal budget
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The role of internal control is based on the effectiveness of the budget through an analysis of the reality of the budget in the research sample as it was studied in the preparation and preparation stages and the implementation stage. The sample showed that the sample did not comply with what is stated in the Ministry of Finance publication of instructions and ceilings. In the process of preparing and resulting from the occurrence of deviations in large proportions both in the discussion of the Ministry of Finance or when implementation as a low rate of implementation and the absence of allocations for some items, although there is a need for them as well as the transfer of large proportions of transfers both up or down and the purpose o

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