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Phonological, dialectical and semantic explanation of the two phenomena of substitution and compulsion in the book of translation Thirty surahs from the Noble Qur’an by Ibn Khallouh d. 370 AH
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This research aims to find out the phonemic, dialect and semantic ailments that were interrogated by the book of the parsing of thirty surahs of the Noble Qur’an by Ibn Khalawiyeh, by examining some phonemic phenomena of Qur’anic expressions and their explanatory relationships that resulted in their occurrence, such as substitution and compression, as the sounds in a word are affected by one another, especially during performance and composition. This influence and influence is the tendency of the human being to the law of ease, facilitation, and the reduction of muscular effort in speech often, all for the purpose of obtaining phonemic harmony for the compound letters; To facilitate pronunciation; And get rid of the muscular effort that goes through the human during his speech.


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Publication Date
Mon Jan 14 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الوجوه والنظائر في كتاب (غريب القرآن) للسجستاني دراسة دلالية
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الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيد المرسلين أبي القاسم محمد    (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ) وعلى آله الأطهار الميامين ، وصحبه الأبرار المنتجبين إلى يوم الدين 0

وبعد : فإن أجلّ ما بأيدي أبناء هذه الأمة القرآن كتاب ربّها ، الناطق بمصالح دينها ودنياها ، الذي جعله الله تعالى هدىً ورحمةً للعالمين ، وأنزله على خير خلقه من عباده محمّد الصادق الأمين ، وحث المسلمين على أتباعه ، وأمرهم على ل

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Effectiveness of Two Educational Models in Acquiring Historical Concepts and Orientation of Fourth Grade Students in History
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The study focuses on Kamez model and the Claus Meyer model of instructional design, which are models that provide the learner with educational experiences to suit the logical information of the learner and the variety of instructional models. Research Objective: The present research aims to identify Limitations of the study. The current research is determined by ((fourth grade preparatory students, the book of the date of the fourth preparatory course)) Chapter II includes Arabic and foreign studies on the model of Kemp and Claus Mayer in the acquisition of concepts and direction towards the material. Chapter III Experimental Design: The researcher adopted an experimental design with two experimental groups and a control group. The resea

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الاجازات الإجازات في كتاب ((غاية النهاية في طبقات القراء)) لابن الجزري (ت833هـ)/ دراسة منهجية
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يمثل ابن الجزري احد علمائنا الذين كان لهم دور في التطور الثقافي والحضاري الذي شهده العالم الإسلامي آنذاك، ويعد كتابه هذا منهلا غزيرا لطلاب العلم لدراسته من النواحي كافة، وتشكل الإجازات إحدى حلقات الوصل في تراجمه ولها أهميتها من الناحية المنهجية ولها دور كبير في رفد كتابه هذا بكثير من الموارد التي لها أساسها احتوت على مادة كتبت بخط المجيز كان لها أثرها في دعم منهجية الكتاب،والمادة التي تشعبت في ضوء هذا الات

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 30 2020
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
المنامات والكرامات في كتاب (المنتظم في تاريخ الملوك والأمم) لابن الجوزي (ت597هـ) دراسة منهجية
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From this research ,it can be concluded  that Ibn al-Jawzi touch on the subject of dreams , dignities and paranormal part of his curriculum, which he ontinued on his book, as it is an important part of the elements of translation, we find first special attention and promise of things recognized when responding with them in most of the cases in which they received, including proximity He pointed out to an important point through dreams, dignities.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Determine the Biofilm Formed by Using ELISA Technology for Gram-Negative Bacteria Isolated from Wounds and Burns Infections, and the Study of the Production of the Biofilm Molecularly.
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    This study was designed to investigate the capability of gram-negative bacteria that isolated form wound and burn infection to production of Biofilm which included (32) isolates, which have multi – drug resistant to antibiotics. The isolates included (10) Pseudomonas aeruginosa, (9) Klebsiella pneumoniae, (6) Escherichia coli, (5) Proteus mirabilis and (2) Enterobacter cloacae. The method used method links the crystal violet with biofilm and reading by ELISA which was adopted on the values of optical density of violets that linked to the mass of biofilm at the wavelength of (620) nm, the test results showed variation of biofilm composition for all bacterial species depending on the optical density value while th

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Difficulties in the application of modern trends in physics in middle schools of the province of Baghdad, from the perspective of teachers of physics
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     The goal of current research is to identify the difficulties in the application of modern physics in the middle schools of the province of Baghdad schools from the perspective of teachers of physics trends, sample search of (127) teachers, Karkh Third Directorate, and use Researcher questionnaire data collection tool after applying it to teachers who have experience (5) years and more after confirmation of the validity and reliability of the scale (the tool) researcher has used the averages for the purpose of interpreting the results. the results showed that the difficulties have been in the order following: (difficulties related educational environment of modern trends of teaching, curriculum-related dif

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Analysis of the content of the chemistry book for the second intermediate grade according to habits of mind In light of the educational reform project (2061)
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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Rightness in Evalating Basra and Kufa’s Views in The Work Of Al _ Anbary, Al - Insaf Fi Masael Al - Khilaf
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This paper deals with the Kufis and basris agreements in Abo Al _ Barakat Al _ anbary’s
work “ Al- Insaf Fi Masael Al - Khilaf.It attempts to settle the disputes and find out the right
The book presents the issnes that the two schools of Kufa and Basra dispute upon and try to
evaluate them so as to support the correct ones .The present researcher has noticed that the
author of the above work was not always right or accurate in picturing a number of issues as
disputable whereas they implicitly shared the same views .Accordingly ,this papor sheds light
on such cases and drew acadernic researchers, attention to the invalidity of Al –anbary’s
misjudged views.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Study of the nuclear structure of halo nuclei 23O and 24F using the two-body model
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The nuclear structure included the matter, proton and neutron densities of the ground state, the nuclear root-mean-square (rms) radii and elastic form factors of one neutron 23O and 24F halo nuclei have been studied by the two body model of  within the harmonic oscillator (HO) and Woods-Saxon (WS) radial wave functions. The calculated results show that the two body model within the HO and WS radial wave functions succeed in reproducing neutron halo in these exotic nuclei. Moreover, the Glauber model at high energy has been used to calculated the rms radii and reaction cross section of these nuclei.

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Mon Dec 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Issues Among the provisions of the use of the mosque and its dependencies
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God Almighty set out to build mosques, and he commanded to seek their architecture, and the competition for them, and allocate them with types of worship that are not valid in others, and to preserve their sanctity and not to be degraded and taken for mundane purposes and special benefits, because they are considered one of the most prominent features of Islam and the rituals of Islamic society, so this research came to show the rule Sharia in various and contemporary issues that are needed by the imams of the mosques, their rulers, and those responsible for them. Among the issues in which they have examined comparative juristic research and reached the most correct opinion are:
Building mosques over or under buildings and factories i

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