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Dr. Ahmed Matloob's terminological study
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This research paper aims to unveil a fertile and vivid aspect, which is one of the many aspects of the multiple linguistic concern of the deceased professor Ahmed Matloob, mercy be upon him; that is the terminological study aspect. For in spite of the abundance of literature written about various directions of  his rhetorical, literary, critical, and linguistic activities, and in spite of the illumination, variation, and abundance of his terminological study, I could not find a research study that includes or investigates all his theoretical and applied efforts in this field. Therefore, I decided to achieve this task, first for the sake of knowledge, and second to return back to the deceased some of our indebtedness to him.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
New Trends in Teaching and Learning Theory Dr. Jasim Muhammad Abdul- Slamy
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New trends in teaching and learning theory are considered a theoretical axis
from which came the background that depends on any source, or practice sample or
teaching plane, accuracy and simplicity prevent the development of the teaching
process. Many attempts have come to scene to illuminate the teaching background,
but they have not exceed those remarkable patterns and methods. Thus, the
appearance of the teaching theory have been hindered.
This led to the need for research and development in the field of teaching to
find out a specific teaching theory according to the modern trends and concepts.
Teaching is regarded a humanitarian process which aims at helping those who
want to acquire knowledge, since teach

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Pioneer of Modern Arab renaissance (His life and his effect) Ahmed Faris Al Shidyaq
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AI-Shidyaq is considering one of the scholars' of Arab modern Renaissance. He
enjoyed a dusting nished status among the men of letters of his age. He added many things in
language and literature that made him, during the Arab modern Renaissance, a pioneer
researcher in the 1900s. He had established a state for literature that turnal him in to one of
the critics of his age, to the extent that he was called the Eagle of Lebanon (similar to the
Eagle of Quraish).
He was also called the Jahiz of his age, Voltaire of his generation and Khleel of the
1900s. He was also called Victor Hugo.
He was characterized by a character of smoothness in style, Clarity in meaning and
purpose, an ability to analyze, Describe and wr

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The role of Rabi’a tribe in the history of Iraq in the rightly guided caliph’s period Prof. Dr.: The role of Rabi’a tribe in the history of Iraq in the rightly guided caliph’s period Prof. Dr.
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Rabi’a tribe lived on the land of Euphrates since the first century of the
Christ. Then that land becomes her homeland. The Persians tried many times
to drive her away from that land, but with out result.
In the course of time Rabi’a become more knowledgeable of Persia.
This tribe proved her love and sanctification to the land of Euphrates, in the
battle of Dhyqar.
Rabi’a converted to Islam quickly and helped the Muslims to conquer
Iraq with a big number of fighters in many battles like al- Qadisyyah. That
influenced the anger of Mudriat Arab tribes who were their old enemies.
Mudriat tribes did their efforts to reduce the importance of Rabi’a because of
some its branches were among of t

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Imam Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Yazid                Bin Harun Abu Bakr Alkhalal             And his jurisprudence in transactions
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The message of our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the most complete of the messages, and the conclusion of the messages and completed by the mercy of this nation. Al-Khalal al-Baghdadi al-Hanbali (may Allaah have mercy on him) was a scholar who updated his writings. And The Nha Brhnha and became an independent and arranged doctrine Such a world of Galilee Hambali must show his character and his knowledge and its impact on the Islamic arena.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
The effect of the Iraqi marshes environment on the works of artist Mahoud Ahmed: محمود حسين عبد الرحمن حسين
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Scientific research on the environment of the Iraqi marshes, its beauty and its characteristics is considered one of the most important functions of Iraqi universities and scientific institutions, because of its great historical impact related to the identity of Iraq and the Iraqis and the basis of science and science, through which the first letter and the first human civilizations were established and in the same importance technical research is among the most important functions of departments Institutes and colleges of the arts, research centers and museums inside and outside Iraq. Also, research centers specialized in the natural environment of Iraq, including the marshes. Therefore, it is hoped that this research will develop the a

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Türk Halk Edebiyatında Manzum Atasözleri ve Irak Türkmenleri Arasında Atasözü İçerikli Hoyrat Örnekleri Yrd. Doç. Dr. Necdet Yaşar BAYATLI
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Sözlü Türk halk edebiyatı ürünleri içinde önemli yere sahip olan türlerden biri de atasözleridir. Atasözleri, nesilden nesile halk ağzında dolaşan, kimin söylediği bilinmeyen, birtakım gerçekleri kısa ve öz bir şekilde ifade eden sözlerdir. Türk atasözleri Orhun Abideleri’nde ilk kez karşımıza çıkmakla birlikte, Uygur dönemi yazıtlarında ve özellikle Dîvânü Lûgati’t Türk’te geniş yer bulmuştur. Dilin anlatım ve kullanım imkânlarını geliştiren atasözlerine, dünyanın bütün dillerinde rastlanabilir. Bunun için, söyleyişte güzel, anlatımda güçlü, kavramda önemli unsurlar içeren kalıplaşmış sözler halinde bulunurlar. Bu çalı

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 04 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Adolf Hitler, existence and his political victim until junuary, 1933 Dr.Suaad Rood Sheer Mohammed (PhD) Dr. Qassim Abdul Amir Waseem
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This study aims to track and analysis Hitler's personality by explaining the impact of the social environment in shaping his behavior and addressing the defeat of Germany in the World War 1 and its impact on building his political personality and included his political activism and his policy to get rid of the terms of the Versailles Military Treaty in the light of his plans in his book ( Kifahi) The nature of the study had to be divided into an introduction and two topics followed by the conclusion of the most important results, in addition to a list of references and a summary in English and from God the Good luck.

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Inform the people of the Enlightenment including what was said in detail In photography For Mohammed Hashim bin Ahmed footy famous Balva Hashim (Tel: 1349 e)
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Inform the people of the Enlightenment including what was said in detail
In photography
For Mohammed Hashim bin Ahmed footy famous Balva Hashim (Tel: 1349 e)

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The grammatical approach to explain Bant Souad's poem (Explanation of Ibn Hisham as a model) a . M . Dr. Abdul Hamid Hamad shehatha Mustansiriya University Faculty of Basic Education the department of Arabic language
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This study is concerned with shedding light on the grammatical method of Ibn Hisham Al-Ansari (761 AH), in his explanation of Bant Souad’s poem by the poet Kaab bin Zuhair, and I included a brief description of Ibn Hisham’s life with a number of explanations of this poem, then clarified the most important features of this method The grammar represented by his reliance on hearing and presenting it to analogy with mention of types of analogy, as well as his attribution of opinions to their owners with weighting, selection and balancing, and his attention to reasoning and a number of grammatical ailments, and his approach is also distinguished by following the method of fractal.

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 17 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Sharia Controls To work in fashion design, manufacture and trafficking In the light of the Sunnah Prepare Dr. Abdulaziz Shaker Hamdan Al-Kubaisi Professor, Department of Sharia and Islamic Studies, United Arab Emirates University
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Research Summary

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