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Bionic and its reflections in the design of industrial products
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The current research dealt with the development of sciences and arts over the course of human history, and the development of sciences with their natural and human trends are important areas in developing the knowledge and application base for industrial product design and design in its various fields. Bionic science is one of the sciences that works on applying biological methods and systems found in nature to study and design engineering systems and modern technology, and for industrial products to be highly efficient, durable and resistant to natural variables in daily life for use. The transfer of technology between life forms and industrial products is desirable because the processes of development at the level of science in general and the development of human needs in particular impose on the design of industrial products to be compatible with human changes and transformations at various levels, and therefore the process of adopting the scientific base of bionic science It is essential for the development of industrial products In proportion to the requirements of the contemporary user, the research dealt with the mechanisms of applying bionic science in industrial products, as the theoretical framework included three important topics, which we will address successively

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 15 2020
Journal Name
Aesthetics of the Sufi Image and its Representations in Post-Modern Theater Show: فرحان عمران موسى
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  Sufism has aesthetic signs linked to the human spirit and adopts a set of spiritual, motor and tonal practices, let alone the philosophical aspects that have been tackled in the epics, novels and theatrical texts, the theatrical show can recall the Sufi image and its aesthetics within the operating and image system of the theatrical show.. The research problem resides in how to employ the Sufi image in the theatrical show. The research consists introduction of the research subject, the problem, the importance, and objectives represented by uncovering the aesthetic and intellectual representations of the Sufi image in the theatrical show. the theoretical foundation within two sections: the first highlighted the concept of (Sufism a

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 27 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The strategic vision and its impact on the growth strategy of insurance companies: Applied research in the Iraqi General Insurance Company
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The subject of the strategic vision is of great importance to all companies because they live in an environment of rapid change in various areas of life. Supports the performance of its operations in a better way, towards appropriate strategic growth and achieving success. The research aims to determine the level of interest of the researched company in the research variables (strategic vision and growth strategy), and the importance of the research came in being an attempt to provide the theoretical and scientific foundations for the research variables (strategic vision and growth strategy). As for the research method, it was relied on the descriptive analytical method, relying on the questionnaire as a means of obtaining data from the

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The global financial crisis and the role of war and its characterization as solutions "The objective roots and the legal possibility of the crisis in economic thought"
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في البداية اود الاشارة الى ان فهم حقيقة الازمة هو ذو جانب فني يتعلق بالجينات الوراثية لنظام يملك في احيناته قدرة عالية على تفريخ المشتقات. هذا النظام الذي يزداد عقما وتدميرا يزداد قدرة على خلق النقود الائتمانية/المشتقات، وكلما اقتربنا اكثر من فهم هذا الجانب كلما اسقطت في ايدينا تلك التوصيفات الاكاديمية الجاهزة في نقص الرقابة والاشراف، تركيز المخاطر،....الخ التي تناولتها الكتابات الشائعة في معظم طروحات

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 28 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Recruitment of Children in African Armed Conflicts and its International Dimensions
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       African countries are among the countries in the world that suffer from the phenomenon of child recruitment in wars and conflicts. There are many reasons behind it, including the nature of the human formation of children, the societal violence to which they are exposed, lack of access to education, economic hardships, as well as the role of African wars and conflicts and other reasons that compelled children to join armed groups and participate in military operations. The recruitment of children is divided into two types, compulsory and voluntary, and this leads to many humanitarian and security repercussions that are not limited to a specific period of time but extend to subsequent generations, and due to its seriousness, t

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 12 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Concept of the Text, its Divisions, Connotations, and Methodology
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The text has many connotations in the Arabic language, such as vowel points, designation, completion, etc., and the original meaning of the text is to show. The Western text has its owen independent semantic unit .The biblical texts are a mixture of what was reported by the Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) and what the authors described in terms of texts over many centuries.The meaning of the text is guidance and payment, and it is a natural connotation. The religious text for Muslims is divided into peremptory texts that are national proof. The evidence for the meaning of the text is proven by language, and it is not required that the researcher be a jurist. The approach is a factual questionnaire by the researcher according to a speci

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 23 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The concept of justice and its relationship to the law
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Any person, regardless of his location in the air, whether he was kidnapped or trained, and then he performs a certain work, believes that his work is in vain, and by God, his deeds. I wonder if those who hold him in the first place will be safe in good form. He said that the essence of justice in the story is the story:

These are given the meaning we have fought in the fact that each group of. He went beyond creating a group of blocs, sects, and parties. If justice indicated one meaning, these relationships between people and peace would diminish. In fact, justice has only one concept, but there are several associations with it in the field of divorced one of these synonyms. However, the variation in racist drums in the encounte

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Poetics and its functions In the book of "The Magic and Poetry" by Lisan Al-Din Ibn Al-Khatib (776 AH
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This study deals with a prominent critical term - poetics - in critical studies as an area related to uncovering the laws of creative and aesthetic discourses (Preaching)، and the various functions that accompany it in literary texts. So، the study employs the pioneers' works of this theory specially the eastern theorists in making a parallel comparing study of the text book of " the Magic and Poetry” by Al-Lisan Al-Din bin Al-Khatib (776 AH). It displays the utility of the concept of poetics in the referred book pointing to the illumination of various functions that، in turn، reflected the

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Brain Storming Style and its Singnificance in teaching geography
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                     The current research aims to know the method and strategy of rainstorming for students to open the door towards innovation and creativity in the field of teaching the subject of geography and the importance of brainstorming method and the studies that touched on it. The study also dealt with the steps of teaching the method of brainstorming and the most important (traditional and modern), and the difficulties of using the method of brainstorming in the teaching process, as well as explained the guidance to improve teaching using the method of brainstorming in the teaching p

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Environmental tax and its role in sustainable social development
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  The research aims to diagnose the relationship between the environmental tax and the development of the sustainable social dimension, where the environmental tax is considered a tool in promoting sustainable development according to its economic, social and environmental dimensions through the application of legislation and instructions for environmental protection, and that imposing an environmental tax will have a clear impact in achieving the dimensions of sustainable development and compliance With regard to the social dimension, the research relied on the financial data for the years (2019-2022) in obtaining information. The research reached a set of results, the most prominent of which was

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The causes of the fire and its impact accidents compensation insurance companies: Applied Research in a sample of the general insurance companies
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      The subject of the evolution of fire insurance of the hottest topics accidents, because it falls within the commercial insurance, as its importance is reflected for being a security source and contentment of the insured person and so it is worth pointing out the importance of fire insurance in enterprises and organizations of all kinds, because of the guarantee of its assets from meridian as well as protection from the effects of the fire therefore ensure continuity in the performance of their activities

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