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Bionic and its reflections in the design of industrial products
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The current research dealt with the development of sciences and arts over the course of human history, and the development of sciences with their natural and human trends are important areas in developing the knowledge and application base for industrial product design and design in its various fields. Bionic science is one of the sciences that works on applying biological methods and systems found in nature to study and design engineering systems and modern technology, and for industrial products to be highly efficient, durable and resistant to natural variables in daily life for use. The transfer of technology between life forms and industrial products is desirable because the processes of development at the level of science in general and the development of human needs in particular impose on the design of industrial products to be compatible with human changes and transformations at various levels, and therefore the process of adopting the scientific base of bionic science It is essential for the development of industrial products In proportion to the requirements of the contemporary user, the research dealt with the mechanisms of applying bionic science in industrial products, as the theoretical framework included three important topics, which we will address successively

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Publication Date
Sat May 16 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Value Engineering and the Possibility of Its use in Architecture
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Value Engineering is an analytical study on projects or services using a specific procedure and a multidisciplinary working group, works for the identification and classification of the project functions; either for a better perfuming of these functions or to lessen the total project cost or the two together. Value Engineering main aim is on finding innovative alternatives, without effecting the basic requirements of the project, its methodology based on the functional balancing between the three elements of production "performance, quality and cost". This methodology based on the "functional analysis", had shown high possibilities in solving any problem facing the production procedure , achieve better investment for available re

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Westernization in the sciences of rhetoric, its beginnings and development
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Research summary


Westernization is a term not familiar to our scholars at the beginning of the emergence of translation from Western literature, sciences and arts in its detailed form now.

Westernization was not an issue that those Greeks, Persians, Romans, Indians and others worked on translating those sciences and cultures. Rather, it was a process of transferring a new philosophy and logic that had not been previously seen by the Arabs, so they were affected by it in a strange way, to the point of fascination by some of them. For this reason, this research came to clarify these issues and address them within the scientific methodology.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The concept of peaceful coexistence and its obstacles in Iraq
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This research deals with the study of the obstacles to peaceful coexistence in Iraq. Therefore, our hypothesis is that these obstacles are not attributed to one reason or to one source. Therefore, peaceful coexistence among the components of Iraqi society remains fragile and vulnerable to collapse and threat at any moment. This society, which is already in need of social relations, needs more than ever to coexist and consolidate it. Through the exercise of democracy in Iraq in a manner that guarantees rights and duties for all, to restore mutual trust between the components of this community in a way that feels they are citizens of the state.


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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
A Study on Cosmetic Products Marketed in Iraq: Microbiological Aspect
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Cosmetic products contain variable amounts of nutrients that support microbial growth. Most contaminants   in   cosmetic   products   include bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas, Klebsiella,   Achromobacter   and   Alcaligenes. Contaminated water  is  a  likely  source  of organisms found in cosmetic products. Products such as shampoo, hand and body lotion, facial cleanser,  and liquid soaps were analyzed. In this study, out of 60 cosmetic products analyzed, 26.4% were found to be contaminated.    Most of the contamination was from bacteria and no fungal contamination was detected.  The highest level o

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Term Delay and its Jurisprudences in the Section of Punishments and Felonies
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Different Arabic and Islamic societies are free of evil instincts. Therefore, certain provisions of legitimacy came to stress the importance of the intentions of sharia to achieve the interests of all people that involve several aspects, including the five fundamental things: religion, oneself, offspring, mind and money. Almighty Allah has specified certain punishments on those who violate these things by imposing punishments on the part of the criminal to preserve souls. He imposes the penalty of theft to preserve property, the Hadd punishment for adultery to preserve the symptoms, the punishment on the drunk to preserve the mind, and the Hadd punishment for the apostate to preserve the religion. By the adherence to these punishments li

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Industrial Sector and Development of Iraqi Economy by Kaldor's Approach For Years (2017-2030)
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The study aims to clarify the impact of growth in the industrial sector on economic growth in the Iraqi economics according to the methodology of Kaldor for (2017-2030) , taking into consideration the effect of the accumulation of capital in the calculation of growth rates in the economy through productivity estimate of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) to growth in the economy, which is why the study assumes a formula to comply with the laws of Kaldor growth models developed requirements. This study is the most important to find out  the development of the laws of Kaldor among Arabic studies, especially the first and third, so that the relationship between the growth of industrial production and economic growth as represented

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
The manifestations of the other in graphic design: سحر علي سرحان
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The issue of the other in the graphic design and specifically the advertising constitutes a cognitive study of the structure of the intellectual expansion in the cognitive and intellectual creative systems because of the implicit and declared embodiment it provides within the mechanisms of reading in the advertising design that appeared according to the other and through the embodiment of the textualism, the difference and the binary opposites is nothing but a reaction to the design thought and what constitutes of the manifestations of the other in advertising design. Based on the above, we review this study (Manifestations of the Other in Graphic Design) to clarify the topic through four chapters. The first chapter included the research

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 27 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Use the target costing in Decrease costing a practical company far AL-Amal Industries
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The Target costing is an important modern techniques strategic managerial accounting.which is been shown active adoption to changes in contemporary business environments Inaddition,they had been adopted by the units as aresult of the growth in the strategic approach in the man agement..the goal of using target costing is to build and strengthen competitive abilities of economic units thvough introducing appropriate ways to decrease cost and improving quality of product The hypothesis reflects interest in achieving the goal of the research,ie.research question,The hypothesis use target costing to assist economic units to decrease cost and in the manner that leads to competitive advantages while surviving and flourishing in current busines

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Genetic Algorithm Based PID Controller Design for a Precise Tracking of Two-Axis Piezoelectric Micropositioning Stage
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 In this paper, an intelligent tracking control system of both single- and double-axis Piezoelectric Micropositioner stage is designed using Genetic Algorithms (GAs) method for the optimal Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller tuning parameters. The (GA)-based PID control design approach is a methodology to tune a (PID) controller in an optimal control sense with respect to specified objective function. By using the (GA)-based PID control approach, the high-performance trajectory tracking responses of the Piezoelectric Micropositioner stage can be obtained. The (GA) code was built and the simulation results were obtained using MATLAB environment. The Piezoelectric Micropositioner simulation model with th

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Loqmania commandments in the Koran And its impact in the refinement of the doctrine and morals emerging
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Luqman's story stated that human instinct, if I was brought up properly, reaches wisdom and inflicts the right to everything. It is to go to worship God and adhere to the satisfaction of morals and high morals that are ordered to meet among human beings in this life, because this worship educates in the soul the most beautiful morals needed by human beings of honesty, honesty and modesty, and the work of good and virtues, and distancing the soul from evil and vices.

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