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Bionic and its reflections in the design of industrial products

The current research dealt with the development of sciences and arts over the course of human history, and the development of sciences with their natural and human trends are important areas in developing the knowledge and application base for industrial product design and design in its various fields. Bionic science is one of the sciences that works on applying biological methods and systems found in nature to study and design engineering systems and modern technology, and for industrial products to be highly efficient, durable and resistant to natural variables in daily life for use. The transfer of technology between life forms and industrial products is desirable because the processes of development at the level of science in general and the development of human needs in particular impose on the design of industrial products to be compatible with human changes and transformations at various levels, and therefore the process of adopting the scientific base of bionic science It is essential for the development of industrial products In proportion to the requirements of the contemporary user, the research dealt with the mechanisms of applying bionic science in industrial products, as the theoretical framework included three important topics, which we will address successively

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
Journal Name
Conditions The chromatography in the design the positions waiting passenger transport buses: مصعب حسن عبد

running the requirement color important place in object of life activity both public and private, Fallon makes represents energy expressive and aesthetic in designing furniture street, especially (positions waiting buses passenger transport)which took looms large in attention receiver designer also, through civilized development and urban and change the city. Requirement, The positions of waiting progress jobs service and that would interact to produces Photos aesthetic Furniture for space street and understand receiver, affect the operation his life and the development of his environment and his psyche and culture of because they entity variable and sophisticated, impose on us to find foundations a design and conditions of chromatic esp

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 13 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role Of The Industrial Bank Of Iraq In Developing The Industrial Sector

The Industrial Banks in most countries in the world plays an essential and vital role in developing the industrial sector due to its effective importance in the economic and social development. The research aims to study the ability of the Industrial Bank of Iraq to the growth and development of the mixed industrial sector companies through loans granted to them. In addition, the research seeks to study credit policies pursued by the Industrial Bank of Iraq to finance the mixed industrial sector companies. The data of the research has been collected from the financial statements of the Industrial Banks of Iraq  for the period 2007-2011, and by means of questionnaire distributed to a sample of the mixed industrial sector companies in

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Suggested Model for accounting disclosure proactive and reflect on the decisions of investors: Applied research in a sample of industrial companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange

Often requires the investor to know the result of the company's activity contribute to the investor or by wanting to invest in them because profit or loss of the company affect positively or negatively in the price of shares of the company and with the end of the fiscal year delayed companies often to issue its financial statements after it is approved and audited by an observer External Auditor, From here came the idea of ​​research that appears to stakeholders of financial statements proactive appear, including actual figures for earlier stages have been prepared lists about lists and planned by the administration reflect the results of its phase remainder of the year as if they are (half a year or season or month) to offer At the

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Some Reflections on the Semantic Changes of Neos Creativity

Various semantic innovations and expansions have been tackled as factors and sources of neos.  A variety of internal (linguistic) and external (extra-linguistic) motives and motifs leads to the appearance of new terms causing such changes in the political language.  Some statesmen are productive in introducing new terms and creative in manipulating expressions and meanings.

      New words are nonces that get metaphorical expansion for quadrilateral motivations resting on extra meaning innovation, new terms at the semantic expansions to be honed as neos.  In tracing the phases of the semantic processes of neos and hulks, lexical and semantic changes might be of widening or narrowing of refe

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Digital modeling and its technical variables in contemporary interior design

The current research sheds light on an important aspect of the great and rapid development in the field of science and technology and modern manufacturing methods as a result of the scientific revolution resulting from the accelerated cognitive development, which prompted designers in general and interior design in particular to exploit and invest in digital technology and the development of digital control in the process of designing the industrial product for the purpose of creativity and innovation through these digital programs Digital models achieve the requirements and desires of the interior designer according to the creative skill using modern software with high efficiency And extreme accuracy that is consistent with the requirem

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Improving of Design Parameters of an Industrial Continuous Catalytic Reforming Reactors

Catalytic reforming of naphtha occupies an important issue in refineries for obtaining high octane gasoline and aromatic compounds, which are the basic materials of petrochemical industries. In this study, a novel of design parameters for industrial continuous catalytic reforming reactors of naphtha is proposed to increase the aromatics and hydrogen productions. Improving a rigorous mathematical model for industrial catalytic reactors of naphtha is studied here based on industrial data applying a new kinetic and deactivation model. The optimal design variables are obtained utilizing the optimization process in order to build the model with high accuracy and such design parameters are then applied to get the best configuration of this pro

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Digital Media and its Role in Marketing Artistic Products " A Field Study": احمد عبد الستار حسين

This research addresses a problem manifested in a main question: what is the role of the digital media in marketing the artistic products? in order to determine the role played by the digital media in  the disclosure and promotion of  the artistic product, its price and places of distribution, as the basic elements of the marketing mixture. 

                This is a descriptive research in which the researcher used the survey method to check the opinions of a sample chosen according to the (proportion) method from the research community represented by instructors and students of the college of Fine Arts- University of Dayala. 

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 07 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Design High Efficient Reflectivity of Distributed Bragg Reflectors

Bragg Reflectors consist of periodic dielectric layers having an optical path length of quarter wavelength for each layer giving them important properties and makes them suitable for optoelectronics applications. The reflectivity can be increased by increasing the number of layers of the mirror to get the required value. For example for an 8 layers Bragg mirror (two layers for each dielectric pair), the contrast of the refractive index has to be equal to 0.275 for reaching reflectivity > 99%. Doubling the number of layers results in a reflectivity of 99.99%. The high reflectivity is purely caused by multiple-interference effects. It can be analyzed by using different matrix methods such as the transfer matrix method (TMM) which is the

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Publication Date
Mon May 27 2019
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Employing Celebrities in Commercial Advertising Design: براء مهدي محسن

Employing the social personalities (celebrities) in all fields (artistic, sports, media, etc.) is an important media and visual communication means of identification for the companies and institutions in order to convey the advertising idea in accordance with the creative, aesthetic and functional principles aimed at promoting products and gaining the symbolic value for the company. This study investigates the employment of social personalities in the commercial advertising design in order to pinpoint the importance of employing celebrities and their representation in the advertisement to convey the meaning that signifies the advertisement goal. Thus the question of the study is: "What are the mechanisms of employing celebrities in the d

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design and Implementation of a Pharmaceutical Inventory Database Management System

The main aim of this paper are the design and implementation of a pharmaceutical inventory database management system. The system was implemented by creating a database containing information about the stored medicines in the inventory, customers making transactions with the pharmaceutical trading company (which owns the inventory), medical suppliers, employees, payments, etc. The database was connected to the main application using C sharp. The proposed system should help in manag inginventory operations which include adding/updating employees’ information, preparing sale and purchase invoices, generating reports, adding/updating customers and suppliers, tracking customer payments and checking expired medicines in order to be disposed

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