مع التطور الذي اصاب العالم وماجلبته التقنيات الحديثة والصراع الفكري الذي يدور بين مستويات مختلفة من الفهم والوعي فأن هناك من الوعي ما بدأ يضرب بأطناب الكثيرين ويؤسس لمرجعيات فكرية جديدة, ولان العالم الحديث الذي دخل بقوة الى عصر المعلوماتية بات مشغولا بالكم المعلوماتي الكبير الذي افاد الكثيرين وتبين ذلك بوضوح في ما قدمه العاملون في مجال الفن عموما والتصميم خاصة من طروحات فكرية تنساق مع الموجة الجديدة, وبعد ان تسربت المناهج النقدية الحديثة مثل السيمياء والبنيوية الى ميدان الدراسات الفنية جاءت ادبيات العولمة بمافيها من ايجابيات وسلبيات لتدخل بقوة عالم التصميم ولتكون ميدانا خصبا للأخذ والرد واشبعت بالحوار والنقد لاسيما وان العولمة اصطدمت بالاتجاهات الاخلاقية والقيمية المتجذرة في المجتمعات والشعوب والمرتبطة ببيئات خاصة وصولا الى اشكاليات تتعلق بالتاريخ والتراث المحلي بعدما نظرت العولمة حول رفع الحواجز والقيود المجتمعية وفتح الحدود ومايتعلق بالحريات الشخصية ومنها الدينية حيث اشار البعض في معرض حديثه عن وسائل الاعلام و خصوصا الانتاج السينمائي الهوليودي يسعى بجد و قوة لنشر و ترويج قيم المنافسة و تمجيد القوة، و التأكيد على الفردانية، و نشر ثقافة الاستهلاك، و الدعوة إلى تحرير الرغبة الإنسانية من كل القيود، و ابعاد كل ما هو غيبي عن حياة الإنسان. و من ثم تقدم للانسان أهدافا جديدة، تتمحور حول السعي الحثيث لتحقيق الرغبات الشخصية من دون اعتبار لقيم الحق أو العدل كما بشرت بها الأديان. و بما أن هذه المادة الإعلامية بدأت تطرق باب الإنسان و تشاركه خلواته دون رقابة أو تمحيص، فإن آثارها المدمرة قد بدأت تظهر و تنتشر داخل الأوساط الاجتماعية فعلا. فظواهر التفسخ الأخلاقي و التفكك الأسري، و ظهور جرائم لم يكن المجتمع العربي و الإسلامي يعرفها و غيرها من الظواهر الغربية، دليل على أن هذا الاختراق بدأ يؤتي أكله. (1) وبهذا الصدد فان المادة الاعلامية ومنها الملصق السينمائي الذي يعد وسيلة واسعة الانتشار اخذت على عاتقها نشر الكثير من المعطى الادبي والسياسي من خلال تقديم العديد من الافلام التي تروج لفكر العولمة وكانت واحدة من وسائله الاساسية الملصق السينمائي لكون شيوع هذه الوسيلة وتطورها التقني الكبير ونفاذها في المجتمعات والشعوب فضلا عن شهرة ممثليها ويعد ذلك مشكلة بحثية يمكن البحث فيه واستطلاعها .
Objective of this research focused on testing the impact of internal corporate governance instruments in the management of working capital and the reflection of each of them on the Firm performance. For this purpose, four main hypotheses was formulated, the first, pointed out its results to a significant effect for each of corporate major shareholders ownership and Board of Directors size on the net working capital and their association with a positive relation. The second, explained a significant effect of net working capital on the economic value added, and their link inverse relationship, while the third, explored a significant effect for each of the corporate major shareholders ownershi
... Show MoreThe research dealt with the design of the cost accounting system for the transport service and its Role in improving the efficiency of pricing decisions through the application of the cost system based on ABC activities. The main activities were defined and cost guides were to measure the cost of each service and to determine the cost of each service for the purpose of providing management with appropriate information and pricing decisions The problem of research in the lack of adoption by some public companies in the service sector on the cost accounting system to calculate the cost of service as well as the lack of identification of productive activities and service activities and therefore cannot make the appropriate decision t
... Show MoreIn our research, we dealt with one of the most important issues of linguistic studies of the Holy Qur’an, which is the words that are close in meaning, which some believe are synonyms, but in the Arabic language they are not considered synonyms because there are subtle differences between them. Synonyms in the Arabic language are very few, rather rare, and in the Holy Qur’an they are completely non-existent. And how were these words, close in meaning, translated in the translation of the Holy Qur’an by Almir Kuliev into the Russian language.
The study has tackled three important variables on the strategic and organizational level, that are : (Administrative skill, strategic Entrepreneurship and organizational flexibility). Through the statistical analysis is, the research hers have sought to identify the relation among them. The study has been applied on a sample of (44) private banks in Iraq. A questionnaire, which has been designed according to a number of international standards, has been used. It's made of (29) items that cover the three variables to test their hypotheses. A number of statistical tools have been used A number of conclusion have been reached and recommendations have also been suggested.
Comparison is the most common and effective technique for human thinking: the human mind always judges something new based on its comparison with similar things that are already known. Therefore, literary comparisons are always clear and convincing. In our daily lives, we are constantly forced to compare different things in terms of quantity, quality, or other aspects. It is known that comparisons are used in literature in order for speech to be clear and effective, but when these comparisons are used in everyday speech, it is in order to convey the meaning directly and quickly, because many of these expressions used daily are comparisons. In our research, we discussed this comparison as a means of metaphor and expression in Russia
... Show MoreThe audit profession today gets an increasing interest by the financial , economic and legal contemporary societies , because of the importance of the technical & neutral auditor’s opinion to the financial reports beneficiaries in order to enable them making their investment decisions , but some of them whom suffered damage or loss when they made that decisions according to the mentioned financial statements which consolidated with auditor’s report , exposed the function to a responsibility and credibility crisis in addition to missing the trust especially at the latest years. They always ask why or what is the reason that cause the auditor didn’t giving us any warning signs about the economic mater for that companies.
The research aims to shed light on the amount of proceeds annual tax for each of the way the contract total and percentage of completion method - see which is better - as well as the current problems arising from the application method of the contract in full in settling accounts tax - to identify problems - related to postpone settling accounts tax in accordance with the way the contract fully and determine the advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods through practical application , and then use the results as inputs to help in the decision to confirm the continuation of the GCT using a full decade in settling accounts tax for long-term construction contracts or forgo them.
Were the result of research the existence of
... Show MoreThe research seeks to clarify the problems related to the aspects of the financial and accounting process resulting from entering into contractual arrangements with a period of more than 20 years, among which is the research problem represented by the lack of clarity of the foundations and procedures for the recognition of oil costs and additional costs borne by foreign invested companies, which led to a weakening of their credibility and reflection. Negatively "on the measurement and accounting disclosure of financial reports prepared by oil companies, and the research aims to lay down sound procedures for measuring and classifying oil costs and additional costs paid to foreign companies, and recognizing and recording them in th
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