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Realism in the painting of Iraqi Kurdistan artists "A Study in methods of expression"
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The tagged research (realism in the Paintings of Iraqi Kurdistan artists, “a study of expression methods”) dealt with realism in an objective way, as well as the complexity of its concepts through its formations and formations. On realism and its historical dimension in concept and meaning, as for the second chapter, the research was focused on the methods of expression in painting, while the third chapter was concerned with the procedural applications of realistic methods of expression in the drawings of Iraqi Kurdistan, and according to these axes and to achieve the goal of the research, a number of Among the results are:
1- Realism documented the life of the Kurdish society in line with the developments of the era, as the style witnessed the feature of modernization through balancing between form and content and due to the effects of the political situation, as it was subject to philosophical vision, dialectical ideas and concepts.
2- Realism achieved in its critical dimension a discovery of artistic insight and dreamy fantasy about artworks that dealt with symbol, heroism and legend

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Evaluation of the Organic-Pollution Based on the Determination of some Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAHs) in Tigris River Water in 2012 at Baghdad City , Iraq
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This study aims to predict the organic pollution produced from the presence of some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and determination it's concentrations (µg/L , ppb) in Tigris river water by a collection twenty-seven water samples from a selected three stations with nine sampling sites and three depths of water (5 cm , 2 m and 4 m) each site for 4.6 km distance of a geographic studied area which is located between the ( Al-Senak and AL-Sarrafiah bridges ) at Baghdad city – Iraq on May, 2012. The geographic location was determined with a Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) software program. The concentrations of fourteen components (PAHs) were performed using the reverse phase

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Using of Remote Sensing Technique to Monitor The Status of The Plant and Change Detection for Three Different Periods in Western Region in Baghdad/ Iraq
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Data of multispectral satellite image (Landsat- 5 and Landsat-7) was used to monitoring the case of study area in the agricultural (extension and plant density), using ArcGIS program by the method of analysis (Soil adjusted vegetative Index). The data covers the selected area at west of Baghdad Government with a part of the Anbar and Karbala Government. Satellite image taken during the years 1990, 2001 and 2007. The scene of Satellite Image is consists of seven of spectral band for each satellite, Landsat-5(TM) thematic mapper for the year 1990, as well as satellite Landsat-7 (ETM+) Enhancement thematic mapper for the year 2001 and 2007. The results showed that in the period from 1990 to 2001 decreased land area exposed (bare) and increased

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Determination of Some Volatile Organic Compounds in the water produced at Al-Ahdab oilfield in the Governorate of Wasit, Iraq using Headspace SPE-GC-FID
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The study was conducted over the period of Oct 2018 to Apr 2019 and is aimed for the detection and estimation of four hazardous Volatile Organic Compounds VOC (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene) so-called (BTEX) in samples collected from the produced water in the Al-Ahdab oil field in Iraq also to track their availability in the important natural water sources around the field. These compounds pose a risk to human health as well as environment. To avoid the laborious and tiresome conventional extraction methods, water samples were collected and concentrated using solid-phase extraction technique (SPE) which is a robust and cost-effective method of sample extraction with minimal exposure and handling of solvents and then to be analy

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Scopus (2)
Publication Date
Thu Jun 27 2019
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    In this study, the dung beetles Aphodius (Bodilus) ictericus (Laicharting, 1781) and Aphodius (Planolinellus) vittatus Say, 1825 which belongs to the family of Aphodiidae (Order: Coleoptera) are redscribed here as to being found for the first time in Iraq.


    The specimens were collected from different regions in the middle of Iraq; the main diagnostic characters and some morphological features of males were drawn and pictured.

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Big-data Management using Map Reduce on Cloud: Case study, EEG Images' Data
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Database is characterized as an arrangement of data that is sorted out and disseminated in a way that allows the client to get to the data being put away in a simple and more helpful way. However, in the era of big-data the traditional methods of data analytics may not be able to manage and process the large amount of data. In order to develop an efficient way of handling big-data, this work studies the use of Map-Reduce technique to handle big-data distributed on the cloud. This approach was evaluated using Hadoop server and applied on EEG Big-data as a case study. The proposed approach showed clear enhancement for managing and processing the EEG Big-data with average of 50% reduction on response time. The obtained results provide EEG r

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 16 2019
Journal Name
Canadian Journal Of Physics
Influence of the variation in the Hubbard parameter (U) on activation energies of CeO2-catalysed reactions
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Accurate description of thermodynamic, structural, and electronic properties for bulk and surfaces of ceria (CeO2) necessitates the inclusion of the Hubbard parameter (U) in the density functional theory (DFT) calculations to precisely account for the strongly correlated 4f electrons. Such treatment is a daunting task when attempting to draw a potential energy surface for CeO2-catalyzed reaction. This is due to the inconsistent change in thermo-kinetics parameters of the reaction in reference to the variation in the U values. As an illustrative example, we investigate herein the discrepancy in activation and reaction energies for steps underlying the partial and full hydrogenation of acetylene over the CeO2(111) surface. Overall, we find th

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Histopathological Changes caused by The Chronic Effect of Nitrofurantoin Drug in The Testes of Albino Mice
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The present study was conducted to determine histopathological changes caused by chronic effect of Nitrofurantoin(NFT) in The albino mice Testes. The Study included 40 mice were divided on the five groups: the first group taken distilled water and become control group . the remaining group which are exposure with NFT drug in concentration (100-150-200-250) mg / kg, respectively, Doses were given orally for a period (month and two months). The results of histopathological changes included occurrence of congestion in the blood vessel and degeneration of spermatogonia and aggregation of spermatids in the lumen of semineferous tubules and inhibition of spermatogensis process and decrease of sperm inside the lumen

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Satisfy of life and it's relationship; with the bige factors of character in the university student
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This research aim to recognize
satisfy of life in the university's student and balance in satisfy of life
according to two type aveirable sex specific and find type and
relationship's director between satisfy of life and character big factors.
and known hom much that Factors in satisfy of life, the research sample
consist of (401) student male and female and from both specified in
Baghdad's University, researcher bult scale of Costa &McCrae Fore the
fire big Factors to Personality, research result That the university's
student low level of satisfy of life and there are no different statically if
they are scientific or human in their study. And there is positive and there
is positive and indicate relation

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Some Factors Affecting The Stability Of Rutin In Buffered Aqueous Extract Of The Plant Alhagi Graecorum
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The flavonoid rutin is the main content of the a queous extract of
the Iraqi plant Alhagi graecorum (family Leguminosae) which was
given to patients with different dental diseases and gave successful
results In this investigation , the amount of rutin is determined and was
found to be 4mg/100gm of the dried plant and it is equivalent to
4mg/500ml (0.8mg/100ml) of the mouthwash formula which was
prepared in this study This study reported for the first time the expiration date of rutin
in the prepared formula and was found to be 2.1 years. It also reported
for the first time that the ionic strength, buffer type and buffer concentration had no effect on the hydrolysis of rutin. Photochemical decomposition of

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 20 2022
Journal Name
The Impact of Job Satisfaction in Achieving Strategic Agility through the Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing
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The main objective of this research is to identify the role of job satisfaction in influencing strategic agility through knowledge sharing. The researcher used the descriptive as well as the analytical approach in the completion of this research by collecting data by means of the questionnaire as the main tool on a sample of the General Company for Food Industries' employees, whose number reached (76) individuals. Moreover, some statistical methods were employed to process the data; including the arithmetic mean, Standard deviation, simple linear correlation coefficient (Pearson), simple linear regression, and the median variable test. It was represented that there is a significant and essential impact of job satisfaction in influen

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