مفهوم البعد الواحد في الرسم العراقي المعاصر
الدخول للموضوع: الحاجة لمواجهة التعقيد
تتناول هذه الورقة الفكرية فلسفة الادارة الجديدة وتطبيقاتها عبر ما يسمى "الادارة بالقيم" – MBV- (Management by values) التي تستند على الاحتياجات الحالية لبيئة المنظمات. ففي بحث (Dolan & Michley, 2006)، واستناداًَ لخبراتهما وممارساتهما اقترحا نموذج القيم ثلاثي المحاور (Tri- axial values model)، وهي: المادية- الذرائعية
... Show MoreThis research concerned with studying act in contemporary painting , based on the role played by the act in achieving the structure of plastic art work artistically and aesthetically . The study consisted of three chapters: In the first one (the methodological framework) the problem has been displayed and the research aimed to detect : 1. The concept of the act in the structure of contemporary painting . 2. The impact of the act in the formation of the artistic style . as well as putting its boundaries represented in artistic movements : Abstract Expressionism , Pop Art and Conceptual Art within the period between 1945 and until the end of the seventh decade of the twentieth century. The Chapter II (theoretical framework) consisted of th
... Show MoreThe individual average income is considered one of the most used criteria for the distinguishing between the developed and the developing countries, for this reason the efforts of economic development has been construed on increasing the average national income, the investment expenditures is considered one of the basic foundations for economic development operation which lead to the expanding the prodection power of the economy, and increasing the level of national income in an averages greaten than the primary expenditures due to the work and interaction between the multiplier and the accelerator. But the ability of the economic sectors in the generation of national income as a result of the primary expenditures is different fr
... Show MoreThe tagged research is concerned with observation and investigating the concepts of consistency and harmony in contemporary Iraqi painting (selected models) in order to reveal the mechanisms and rules of these two concepts in the artistic field and their mechanisms of operation. How reflected tools Consistency and harmony in contemporary Iraqi painting? What is consistency and what are its mechanisms and principles? Is consistency a unit product quality? Are there similarities between consistency and harmony? What is harmony and its principles and rules? As for the second chapter, it included two topics that dealt with the first topic - consistency and harmony between concept and significance, while the second topic meant - histor
... Show Morethe civil relation between Iraqis and Egyptian was close , it is clear that is the opening relation between two countries esoecally in trade and demand education , but after mongle occupation , For the capital of the Abbasid Caliphate, the situation in Baghdad, had changed in 656 AH/1258 AD, the Iraqi migration started security and safety, including scholars and writers, in addition to the presence of entire Iraqi families who immigrated to Egypt and resided there, including the family of Al-Hafiz Al-Iraqi The Ibn al-Kwaik family, the subject of the study, had an important impact on the scientific movement in Egypt.
ملخـــص البحــــث
كان الشيخ محمد عبده مصلحاً دينياً ومصلحاً اجتماعياً وكان له الاثر كبير في الاصلاح لانه لم يكن يدعو الى الاصلاح نظرياً عن طريق التأليف او الخطب والمقالات فقط كما يفعل بعض المصلحين، بل كان يحاول دائماً ان يحول اصلاحه الى عمل ، ينغمس في الحياة الواقعية ليتمكن من تنفيذ برامجه الاصلاحية .
كما انه لم يترك شيئاً من جوانب
... Show MoreThe research tagged: the new aesthetic in contemporary world painting. The research contained five chapters. The first chapter dealt with the research problem and its importance. It dealt with the concept of the new aesthetic as a concept concerned with the topics of the mind, i.e. the most comprehensive and diverse topics. The New Aesthetic is an aesthetic and stylistic structure whose taste, aesthetic, artistic and emotional contribute to its structure with awareness of the context. The aim of the research is to identify the new aesthetic in contemporary world painting. As for the objective limits of the research, the researcher was interested in studying the new aesthetic, especially in abstract expressionism, pop art, opera, and conc
... Show Moreالمقدمة
تمثل حركة الاصلاح في تاريخ النهضة العربية معلما بارزا من معالم الوعي الذي تصدره مجموعة من المفكرين والمصلحين العرب والمسلمين وكان ظهور العلماء الشيخ محمد عبده وجمال الدين الافغاني والعلامة عبد الرحمن الكواكبي عاملا مساعدا من العوامل التي ساعدت على دعم تطلعات العرب لمواجهة الاحتلال العثماني والبريطاني وكل اشكال الاستبداد والاضطهاد والتي عاشتها الشعوب العربية ..وياتي هذا البحث ا
... Show Moreتكوين النص الكانطي لإتجاه المثالية النقدية
في الفكر العربي المعاصر
أ.م.د- عمار عبد الكاظم رومي
جامعة بغداد
– كلية ا
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