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The philosophy of physical and sensory communication in the dramatic show
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Modern critical theories revealed polemical views about the reality of the existence of communication - as a necessity for building a deliberative discourse - in the theater or not. To the theory of communication with all the conditions it imposes on thinking, interaction, and emancipation of selves in different contexts.
Therefore, the current research included four chapters, the first chapter dealt with the research problem, which was represented in (the philosophy of sensory and physical communication in theatrical performance), and the first chapter included the importance of the research, its goal and its limits, and ended with defining the terminology, and the second chapter included (theoretical framework) the first topic (philosophical communication), The second topic (communicative theory, its elements and theatrical formats), while the third chapter included a sample and research tool, research and analysis method for a play exhibition (No What Happens), and the fourth chapter included the results of the analysis and the most important conclusions, then referrals and a list of sources

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
An Evolutionary Algorithm for Task scheduling Problem in the Cloud-Fog environment
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Abstract<p>The rapid and enormous growth of the Internet of Things, as well as its widespread adoption, has resulted in the production of massive quantities of data that must be processed and sent to the cloud, but the delay in processing the data and the time it takes to send it to the cloud has resulted in the emergence of fog, a new generation of cloud in which the fog serves as an extension of cloud services at the edge of the network, reducing latency and traffic. The distribution of computational resources to minimize makespan and running costs is one of the disadvantages of fog computing. This paper provides a new approach for improving the task scheduling problem in a Cloud-Fog environme</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 13 2014
Journal Name
Environmental Monitoring And Assessment
Estimating the health risks associated with air pollution in Baghdad City, Iraq
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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Gas Flow Formation in the Inertial Filtering (IF) Gas Separators Curvilinear Channels
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This paper deals with an up to date problem for oil and gas industry- separation of the gas -fluid fogs. Here is described the worked out physical model of the gas movement process in the sections of the inertial filtering (IF) gas separators. One can find the mathematical model for research of the fields of velocities and pressures in the inertial curvilinear channel. The main simplifications and assumptions are explained. This mathematical model has been made using mathematical program Maple and it is received the 3-d graphic of the distribution componential speed parts in the channel and also 2-d graphics at the channel sectional view when the flow is flat. The new method for gas - fluid systems separation is suggested.

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
Chaos in the three-species Sokol-Howell food chain system with fear
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Publication Date
Wed Oct 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Medical Microbiology
Bacterial secretions in growth medium stimulate the mouse respiratory innate immune response
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ntroduction. Finding a safe innate immune response stimulator is one of the greatest challenges facing immunologists and vaccine manufacturers. Gap statement. The role of sterile bacterial secretions (SBSs) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in stimulating the innate immune response was not investigated previously. Aim. The comparative effect of SBSs and bacterial cells of P. aeruginosa isolates isolated from freshwater (PAE) and infected wounds (PAC) on the respiratory tract innate immune response. Methodology. Four test mice groups were instilled intranasally (i.n.) with 106 c.f.u of PAC, 106 c.f.u of PAE, SBS of PAC, and SBS of PAE. Two control groups were given i.n. either LB broth or PBS. Time-course changes in IL-1 beta mRNA, TNF-alpha mRNA, I

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2019
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The article considers the language of the mass media as a synthesis of the language means of all other styles of language. It is alleged that the newspaper and journalistic language actively uses foreign words and elements of words, replenishing the vocabulary of the language. It is noted that the lexical-semantic system of language is sensitive to socio-economic, political, cultural and scientific-technical changes. Attention is focused on the fact that one of the reasons that affect the change in the lexical composition of the language are the mass media. Thus, the language of the media is characterized by the use of a variety of neutral vocabulary, which, in conjunction with other words in atypical combinations for it, can acquire additi

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
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A Corpus-Based Approach to the Study of Vocabulary in English Textbooks for Iraqi Intermediate Schools
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Learning the vocabulary of a language has great impact on acquiring that language. Many scholars in the field of language learning emphasize the importance of vocabulary as part of the learner's communicative competence, considering it the heart of language. One of the best methods of learning vocabulary is to focus on those words of high frequency. The present article is a corpus based approach to the study of vocabulary whereby the research data are analyzed quantitatively using the software program "AntWordprofiler". This program analyses new input research data in terms of already stored reliable corpora. The aim of this article is to find out whether the vocabularies used in the English textbook for Intermediate Schools in Iraq are con

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 21 2020
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum
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Contracaecum rudolphii Hartwich, 1964 is a nematode which causes major concerns to human and wildlife animal’s health. However, the population genetics of C. rudolphii has been poorly studied in Iraq. In order to gain a deeper understanding in the outline of the genetic diversity of the nematode C. rudolphii that were isolated from its host cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo (Linnaeus, 1758), in the middle areas of Iraq, twenty specimens of C. rudolphii adults were isolated from nine individuals of P. carbo. The first (ITS-1) internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of C. rudolphii were amplified using conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR); then, the amplicons were subjected to sequencing. Concatenation of ITS

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
Plant Disease
First Report of the Cereal Cyst Nematode <i>Heterodera filipjevi</i> on Winter Wheat in Montana
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Well Performance Following Matrix Acidizing Treatment: Case Study of the Mi4 Unit in Ahdeb Oil Field
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The productivity of oil wells may be improved by determining the value of enhancing well productivity and the likely reasons or sources of formation damage after the well has been recognized as underperforming. Oil well productivity may be improved, but the economics of this gradual improvement may be compromised. It is important to analyze the influence of the skin effect on the recovery of the reserve.    The acid treatment evaluated for the well AD-12, primarily for the zone Mi4;  using a license of Stimpro Stimulation Software to validate the experimental work to the field scale, this software is considered the most comprehensive instrument for planning and monitoring matrix acid treatments and utilizing actual data to provide a far

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