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Design and implementation of a glove theater of cardboard materials for the students of the Kindergarten Department: قيس هاشم احمد النعيمي
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The current research aims to develop the skills of the kindergarten students in designing and implementing a theater for gauntlets made of cardboard materials. To study this, the researcher determined to build teaching plans for design and implementation skills according to (Kolb model).
The results of this research showed the effectiveness of teaching plans according to (Kolb's model) in developing skills of design and implementation (theater for gauntlets made of cardboard materials) for the students of the Kindergarten Department - the experimental group. Which had a positive effect to reach the desired results in the design and implementation of the gauntlet theater and dealing with cardboard materials

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrochemical Science
Synthesis and Characterization of AlyCu0.15Zn0.85-yFe2O4 Ferrite Prepared by the Sol-Gel Method
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Artificial Neural Network Models to Predict the Cost and Time of Wastewater Projects
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Infrastructure, especially wastewater projects, plays an important role in the life of residential communities. Due to the increasing population growth, there is also a significant increase in residential and commercial facilities. This research aims to develop two models for predicting the cost and time of wastewater projects according to independent variables affecting them. These variables have been determined through a questionnaire distributed to 20 projects under construction in Al-Kut City/ Wasit Governorate/Iraq. The researcher used artificial neural network technology to develop the models. The results showed that the coefficient of correlation R between actual and predicted values were 99.4% and 99 %, MAPE was

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 19 2018
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Employing cultural forms in the works of Mohammed Ghani Hikmat and Murtada Haddad
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Man always reacts by employing data that he lives inside Artworks and he tries to make them an ideal speech that shows the most important intellectual trends to which he belongs, as it happened in the formal building of the ancient arts . Mesopotamia is one of the civilizations that interacted with the intellectual legibility transforming into visual symbols, so it is difficult for the researcher to interpret these symbols without considering the nature of these civilizations in general .
This current search aims to identify similarities and differences in the recruitment of cultural shapes between the works of the sculptors (Mohammed Ghani Hikmat and Murtada Haddad) .
Researcher adopted an approach of analytical description of the

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Publication Date
Thu May 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
ways to employ planning and architectural methods to rationalize the introduction of electricity
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the rationalization of energy consumption Require awareness in the possibility of bridging the local need severe shortage of electric power for daily requirements. The research aims to show that the engineers of various specializations and architects, including in particular can have an active role in about the importance of the role of energy in human life, and it’s best utilization without extravagance (which our religion forbids it). Here lies the problem of the research to find possible means and alternative methods to reduce (rationalization) electrical energy consumption in hot dry areas in general which need large energy for air conditioning because of the crucial climate of these regions that making access to the area o

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Effect of Micro and Nano Material on Critical Heat Flux (CHF) Enhancement
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The Nano materials play a very important role in the heat transfer enhancement. An experimental investigation has been done to understand the behaviors of nano and micro materials on critical heat flux. Pool boiling experiments have used for several concentrations of nano and micro particles on a 0.4 mm diameter nickel chrome (Ni-Cr) wire heater which is heated electrically at atmospheric pressure. Zinc oxide(ZnO) and silica(SiO2) were used as a nano and micro fluids with concentrations (0.01,0.05,0.1,0.3,0.5,1 g/L), a marked enhancement in CHF have been shown in the results for nano and micro fluids for different concentrations compared to distilled water. The deposition of the nano particles on the heater surface was the rea

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 17 2016
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Optical patterns and aesthetic values in the halls of events: رواء مصطفى خلف
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current research Cares about study patterns of optical and aesthetic values in the halls of occasions (weddings) because of their importance in providing an atmosphere of joy. The problem was through the study of light and its impact on the receiver and found a researcher that interior spaces allocated to the halls inappropriate in terms of functional and aesthetic so necessitated the need to study this phenomenon in order to be addressed through the study of light and its impact on the users of those spaces where research aims to current detection properties patterns optical in the internal spaces of the halls and identify some of the aesthetic values of the lighting for the interior spaces.The search consists of four chapters, the firs

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 26 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Hislopathalogical Changes in the Testes and Epididymis of Mice Fed with Cadmium Chloride
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The  present   research   was  conducted   to  determine   the  effect  of Cadmium   Chlori de  on  the  t  stes  and  epididymis  of  white  mice  fed with  diffl rent  concentration     (75,  1 00 150  ppm)  of this hea  y metal for three,   ix and nine days. The r   ults showed  that cadm i um chloride caused   s  vera!  histopathalogical  change in  testes  and  epidid   mis in  luding deg  neration and cell necrosis  in addition  to the appearanc of  haemorrh

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
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Abstract Planetary nebulae (PN) represents the short phase in the life of stars with masses (0.89-7) M☉. Several physical processes taking place during the red giant phase of low and intermediates-mass stars. These processes include :1) The regular (early ) wind and the envelope ejection, 2) The thermal pulses during Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB ) phase. In this paper it is briefly discussed how such processes affect the mass range of Planetary Nebulae(PN) nuclei(core) and their evolution, and the PN life time, and fading time for the masses which adopted. The Synthetic model is adopted. The envelope mass of star (MeN ) and transition time (ttr) calculated respectively for the parameter (MeR =1.5,2, 3×10-3 M☉). Another time scale is o

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch.
The Morphological and Pollen Grains Study of Ipomoea Carnea Jacq. (convolvulaceae) In Iraq
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The current study included a detail morphological study of all parts of the species Ipomoea carnea Jacq. (Convolvulaceae) cultivated in different gardens, the roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruit were studied in detail, also the pollen grains were studied and there are photographs for all the parts were putted.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Madenat Alelem College
Morphological description and Histological structure of the liver in Passer domesticus (House sparrow)
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This study showed that liver of Passer domesticus bilobed the right lobe is cardiac shape while the left is elliptical and the liver colour is brown. It is occupying most of anterior and middle parts of abdominal cavity. The liver is surrounded by Glison capsule which is represented by a thin layer of connective tissue with septum extend peripherally in liver tissue. The liver tissue is formed from polyhedral hepatocyte arrange as irregular hepatic cord surrounded the central vein. Each cell contains one or two nucleus with one or more nucleolus. The blood sinusoid appeared between the liver cells .The hepatic cord arranged radially around the central vein. The portal area is clear and surrounded by connective tissue. Gallbladder is almost

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